Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/778405-Day-9-Prompt-1---The-Dragons-Mate
by Jordi
Rated: E · Book · Other · #1924437
Short stories from images
#778405 added March 23, 2013 at 7:50pm
Restrictions: None
Day 9 Prompt 1 - The Dragon's Mate
         Lightning arced across the roiling clouds providing a flickering illumination to the tableau playing out far below. By the side of the raging river, she knelt upon the flat grey rock unable to escape what fate had planned for her.
         Despite the stormy weather and the bitter wind that whipped through the valley she wore a long, silk dress of virginal white. Her shoulders bare as her rich, flame red hair flowed around her. The silver necklace, with its luminescent stone at its heart, glowed against her pale skin. The magic of the stone holding her immobile, an offering in the hope of peace.
         The waters churned even louder behind her and she closed her eyes so that she could not look at what was coming. It was not that she was afraid for that emotion had long since disappeared from her body once she had accepted her fate. No, it was looking at it and knowing what she had lost. Knowing that freedom, love, family, a future were no longer available to her. That was what she could not face.
         Warm, foul smelling breath flowed over her from behind. Her stomach rolled at the stagnant aroma and she bit her lip to prevent herself from gagging. She would not show fear, disgust or any reaction to him. If she was to be a sacrifice then she would do it with calmness and dignity even if her insides were churning as wildly as the river.
         Something cold and wet slid along her skin, twining itself around her arm, holding her. She tensed, forcing herself not to flinch or cry out. Gods, this was so hard, she thought to herself. Trapped within her body, waiting to be claimed when all she really wanted to do was drive her sword right between his eyes straight through to his brain.
         The tip of the tongue flicked against the tender skin of her neck, tasting, savouring. She held herself still, waiting. In her mind’s eye she could see him rising out of the water, a long necked dragon covered in pearlescent scales that glowed from the palest pink to the deepest purple. Short, tentacles of thickened flesh framed a wide mouth filled with razor sharp teeth that could rip the flesh from bones with the greatest of ease.
         Large, bulbous eyes of the darkest night looked over her with lascivious intent as he moved ever closer. A crown of poisonous spikes sat above his eyes, guarding the most vulnerable part of his body from attack. He was an impressive specimen yet she knew his heart was pure greed, driving him on to take all he could without a second thought for those he harmed.
         “Nikita.” The voice, low and cold, grated across her nerve endings as it filled her mind. She steeled herself against responding as he repeated her name over and over.
         “Not speaking, Nikita? I thought you would have plenty to say to me. You always have before.” The tongue stroked teasingly against her cheek, a parody of a lover’s caress that her skin recoiled from rather than accepting.
         She felt him move closer to her, almost touching her but not quite. She could feel the cold dampness of his scales crossing the short gap between them. The chill seeping down into her bones, flowing through her body.
         “Never mind, I think I like this quiet you. No shouting and screaming death threats at me. Yes, much more preferable.” His breath was warm on her neck, the slightly sulphurous fumes wafting around her. “Do you like the necklace I got you? You seem … spellbound by it?” He laughed at his own joke as his eyes roved over her frozen form.
         Her lack of response started to dissipate his humour. The dark, glassy eyes turning into hard crystals as the closed in upon her stoic features. He stared long and hard at her, trying to force her into opening her eyes and look at him but she refused to buckle under the pressure.
         “You will not defeat me, dearest Nikita. To resist me will mean the death of those you hold dear and you favour their lives over your own, don’t you?” The tongue withdrew from her arm as he hauled himself from the river. The short, stumpy forelimbs with their powerful claws scrabbling for purchase on the wet stone. “I will have you, Nikita. I will possess you, body and soul and you will not fight me. You will accept me as your king and your master.”
         With his face up close to hers, Nikita finally opened her eyes and stared at him. “You may possess my body but you will never have my soul and I will never accept you as either my king or my master.” Her voice dripped ice as she met his gaze, her eyes resembling cold, hard emeralds as she saw her reflection in the glowing black orbs.
         “Brave words from a woman with no choice in the matter. The deal was agreed, remember? You agreed to it, gave your word. I know you would not break your word, no matter how desperate you are to do so.”
         “I won’t break my word – but I will make your life hell. You have my word on that!” she spat at him. “You are nothing to me, Lemos. Nothing!”
         “So be it.” The pearlescent scales started to shimmer as though he was preparing to shift into his human form. Nikita held herself rigid knowing that the time for her destiny was fast approaching and there was nothing she could do to prevent it.
         A shrill roar rent the heavens above causing the luminous glow to disappear almost as swiftly as it appeared. Lemos’s head snapped upwards, his eyes searching the rolling clouds for the source of the cry. For a second there was nothing, only the sound of thunder rolling around the heavens against a flashing background of electricity. Then it appeared, a great black shape of pure anger soaring on the driving wind.
         The black dragon roared his challenge, his great leathery wings stretched out, riding the wind. His long tail providing balance and steering with almost no discernible effort whilst the great head sought of Lemos and Nikita below. Upon spotting the other dragon, he let out a roar of pure anger followed by a blast of flame so bright it lit up the night sky.
         Kyr! Lemos let out his own angry burst, Nikita temporarily forgotten as he turned and slid back into the water. His own wings stretched out and flexed before pushing down to propel him upwards into the stormy sky. Spray flew out all around him, showering Nikita with the icy droplets as he surged upwards.
         “You are too late, Kyr. She is mine. She has given herself to me!”
         Kyr circled around above him, murder glowing in his eyes as he focused on Lemos’s rapidly approaching form. His claws flexed in anticipation of sinking them deep into Lemos’s heart and ripping it from his body.
         “No she hasn’t. You forget that a woman cannot commit herself if she is already bonded to her mate unless her mate is dead. Nikita and I bonded that last eve. You will never have her.”
         Lemos roared his frustration out loud. How had he missed the signs of their bonding? She, a puny human, had thwarted him, the ruler of the Leska dragons, the greatest clan in this territory. He would not let her get away with this. He would kill her mate and then take great pleasure in claiming her body right next to that of her fallen lover. With a fresh burst of anger, he flew onwards towards Kyr.
         Nikita watched as the two dragons engaged against the backdrop of the stormy sky. Light and dark battling amongst the fury of the elements. Her eyes followed the black dragon, his front limbs gripping the other dragon whilst his jaws snapped and tore at flesh. Somehow, he managed to avoid the poisonous barbs on top of Lemos’s head as the two bit and tore at each other.
         Her heart stuttered as she saw Lemos get a firm grip on Kyr’s shoulder. Through her bond she could feel his pain as the jaws clamped tight around him. For a moment he seemed to falter, plunging from the sky but then he regrouped, his own teeth biting deep on Lemos’s neck. The pink dragon screamed in pain and frustration, losing his grip on the stronger, black dragon. As he fell backwards, his chest was exposed giving Kyr the chance to bury his claws in deep, the sharp talons enclosing the heart and wrenching it from the vulnerable chest.
         A strangled cry slipped out of Lemos’s mouth as he stared in disbelief as Kyr removed his heart and incinerated it was a burst of fire. As the life faded from his eyes, he lost his grip upon Kyr and he tumbled from the sky, rolling over and over before landing with a sickening thud on the jagged rocks. His black eyes staring sightlessly at the prize he had so greatly coveted but never possessed.
         As he landed before her, Kyr shifted back into his human form. A tall, muscular man he strode towards her, creating clothing to cover his body as he grew near. He could feel her eyes upon him as she looked at every scratch, gash and bite that Lemos had inflicted upon him and knew that she was blaming herself for his injuries. He didn’t blame her, though. That was something he would never do.
         Hands that had so savagely ripped Lemos’s heart from his chest moments before now carefully removed the silver necklace from her neck, setting her free from its enchantment. As he flung the necklace into the churning waters she flung herself into his arms, holding him close whilst the tears that had threatened to flow fell down her cheeks unchecked.
         “You came for me,” she whispered against his neck.
         “Did I not say that I would always come for you unless I was no longer able to do so? You are my mate, Nikita, and that means I will always be here for you.”
         She looked into his dark eyes and saw the truth of his words reflected there. She smiled through her tears, her hand tenderly cupping his cheek. “As I will always be here for you,” she vowed before his lips effectively ended any further conversation and began the journey of the rest of their lives.
© Copyright 2013 Jordi (UN: jordib at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/778405-Day-9-Prompt-1---The-Dragons-Mate