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O'siyo Oginalii Tsilugi - Hello friends - Welcome - to My first blog. A place to share. |
This going to an interesting prompt to write on - I made myself grow up to fast and there have been many times that I wish I didn't. But in those days, times were moving and changing fast and there was a horrible war going on that influenced a lot of decisions made by society. When was the first time you really felt like a grown-up? (if ever) I was a 17 year old snot nose kid and my husband was an even bigger snot nose kid by 2 years when we got married on December 30, 1967. He was in the navy and was due to be shipped out the middle of January. Well, I thought I was pretty grown up - hey I was now a married woman! ![]() I took the bus from Barstow, CA to Sacramento, CA. There I caught the train and traveled to Salt Lake City, Utah, (my folks were vacationing there for the summer) from there I flew back to San Francisco. From there I flew to Hawaii, then to Wake and finally landed on Guam. Hey pretty grown up huh? Well now, I have to put all the trouble I got into while I was there into a nutshell other wise I'll be keeping you here all night. Let's see: Spreading Limburger cheese on the Lt. JG car engine, cause we didn't like him, go motor cycling all over the island at night (what's wrong with that you ask?) We had a 10pm curfew by the navy and we broke it every night. No prob. getting into the public bars, getting drunk and our group getting thrown out- at that time if you could put your money on the counter and order - you were old enough. I got into several fist fights protesting the war, and in the end? Yep you guessed it - 1 yr. 6mo later the Captain called my husband in and suggested that it was time for me to return stateside. Well, since I couldn't protest that--I had to go. When I got home, I had to grow up. I got a job and several months later when hubby got home - our family was started. I still have moments, throw a tantrum now and again - and for goodness sake, don't EVER TELL me I can't do something cause I'll show you just how fast I can. But that is just me and one of my little quirks ![]() Grown up? Hmmmmmmmmm! |