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Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1923260
A collection of writings for House of Sensual Prose Romantica class.
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#777167 added March 10, 2013 at 9:47am
Restrictions: None
S9A1: A Friendship Blooms
Part One

James Archer and Maralynne Stephens (Lynne for short) have known one another and one another’s families since they were teenagers. They met in middle school when James moved to the neighborhood they currently share. James has been friends with Lynne’s brother since they first met and he considers Lynne a friend too. Over the years their friendship has grown into a secret attraction that neither has revealed to the other because of the closeness of their families.

“My name is James Archer. I am a 45 year old entrepreneur. I am a strong, confident leader who is not afraid to make tough decisions. I’m usually bold and not afraid to speak my mind but I still try to be considerate of other people’s feelings. I am very active, health conscious and love sports. I’m masculine in every way but I definitely have a soft spot for women and children. I would love to have a family one day but have never found that special someone who I have been attracted to for very long.”

“My name is Maralynne Stephens. My family calls me Lynne. I am a 42 year old, ultra feminine Administrative Assistant. I tend to be quiet and laid back but I still know what I want for my life. I have confidence in myself but for simplicity and to keep the peace I will allow others to take the lead. I don’t like to draw too much attention to myself and prefer to work in the background. I am patient and have never been in a rush to jump into a relationship just for the sake of being in one. Family is very important to me and if God one day blesses me with a beautiful man and children (adoptive or birth) I will be truly grateful.”

Part Two

Romance is about building relationships. For me, it starts with genuine friendship and blossoms into mutual attraction and love. When I read a romance novel I expect there to be a happy ever after even if there are some problems along the way. My expectations for Erotica are not as high. Although most erotica I read is primarily about the sex, I prefer to write about relationships that have the potential to be more than a one night stand. They don’t necessarily lead to a happy ever after but they could. This is where romance and erotica come together for me. I want to read and write erotica that has a romantic future. Relationships that start as a physical attraction but grow into a mature, loving relationship.

Part Three

James walked into the coffee shop to get his morning jolt of black coffee. As he meandered through the usual crowd, he spotted Lynne standing in line. For some reason lately he has been thinking about her a lot. Her shoulder length, dark brown hair and smooth cream colored complexion. Those smoky, brown eyes that seemed to smolder beneath the surface. Plus she's plump, especially in all the right places, just the way he likes. He looked forward to seeing her every morning and knew he needed to see her more than he needed the coffee.

“Hi Lynne. How’s it going?”

“Oh, hi James. I’m doing good. How are you?”

“I’ll be better once I get some coffee in me. Are you getting your usual fix too?”

“A caramel latte like always. Can’t start my day without it.”

James had known Lynne and her family since middle school and was close friends with her brother Maurice. He had always considered her a good friend too but hadn’t thought of her as more until within the last ten years or so. He had watched over the years as she blossomed from a shy, quiet young girl into a beautiful, confident woman. He thought about her often and wondered what it would be like to hold her close and drink in her sweet, floral scent that always seemed to follow her wherever she went. Not a shy man, he usually had no problem approaching women he was attracted to. He didn’t think Lynne would reject his advances. At least the sweet smile she always wore when he walked into the room told him so, but he couldn’t be sure and he didn’t want to risk creating any bad feelings between them and their families which have been friends for years.

“Listen Lynne, I’d like to talk to you for a minute.”

“Sure,” Lynne chirped paying for her coffee and stepping aside.

“I know our families are getting together for dinner Easter Sunday as usual. Will you be there?”

“Oh yes. I would never miss one of our dinners. I love when we get together.”

Of course James knew that Lynne would be there. He just wanted an excuse to gaze into her eyes a little longer. The soft scent of her floral perfume drifted upwards creating a burning sensation in his groin. Her sensuous smile ignited a fire within his body as the sexual tension between them increased. He wondered if she felt the same heat and wanted to draw her closer to feel her softness. He was completely lost in her eyes when the voices of the other customers in the coffee shop brought him back to the present.

“Will you be helping your mother cook Easter Sunday,” James asked fumbling to fill the temporary silence?

“Yes. We’ll do most of the cooking Saturday so we can go to church early Sunday morning.”

“Dare I ask what we’re having?”

“Most of everyone’s favorites. You’ll love it.”

“I’ll look forward to a spectacular meal then. I can’t wait.”

“Ok. I’m sure we’ll see each other before then. Will you be in church this Sunday?”

“Sure will. I’ll see you then.”

“Ok. Bye James. Have a good day at work.”

“Thanks. You do the same.”

James watched as those long, shapely legs walked away and admired the additional assets attached to them.

One day, he thought to himself.

One day she’ll be mine. I just have to be patient.

© Copyright 2013 ErinLynn (UN: erinlynn1969 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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