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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1762035
A little bit of everything, colored my own way.
#776868 added March 7, 2013 at 5:12pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about news, if it hasn't happened yet.
30DBC PROMPT: "Write about your opinions regarding something currently in the news. Please provide a link to the story or a brief summary of the article before stating your opinions on it."

Good afternoon, folks! Bear with me for a minute as I try to sort my thoughts. I'm attempting something I haven't fully tried before. I'm gonna toss a few prompts, links and videos into a blender just to see what happens. It's probably going to end up like an amputee or another person who's lost the use of a sense but another sense does some kind of overcompensating or becomes stronger. In my case, my sense of organization is starting to go haywire.

Maybe this doesn't qualify as news, but it appeared in a newsletter, and it's news to me. Now, in addition to the Blogging Bliss newsletter that I mentioned yesterday, I subscribe to three other newsletters on WDC: poetry, authors, and romance/love. And yes, as soon as I log in on Wednesdays, those last three newsletters get promptly deleted from my inbox, unless I know for a fact I've been featured in one beforehand. And besides Blogging Bliss, I can probably use two hands to count how many years it's been since that last happened.

So it's been brought to my attention today from Ida_Matilda_Wright Help Author Icon that this slice of overexciteable internet lusciousness that you're currently reading was mentioned in this week's comedy newsletter. Isn't that cool? I didn't even know there was a comedy newsletter! I'm so mystified by this information that I don't even know how to share that all with you without linking the entire newsletter and attached review to it, so you're gonna hafta take my word for it, ya hear? Unless you actually saw the newsletter itself.

And I appreciate the kind words, Ida_Matilda_Wright Help Author Icon, for likening these words that I write to a party in my lobby. Add that to my resume, Wordsmitty ✍️ Author Icon! *Laugh**Wink* Now onto the next part of today's entry...

CIRCLE OF FRIENDS PROMPT: "Are there any circumstances when you can be justified in losing your temper?"

Luckily, I did manage to peruse some headlines on MSN and Yahoo this afternoon before I sat down. I'm usually not quite as prepared for one prompt, let alone two. *Smirk*

Now, I prefer to keep my cool, but sometimes I feel pushed enough that I end up reacting unfavorably. I think this is, at times, a normal human reaction, but don't confuse me with knowing any better. I suppose that's probably why I'm not entrusted with many major decisions, like what to do in this situation:


Three letters: WTF?? How are people not panicking like it's the end of the world?? Geez, in Buffalo and I'm sure tons of other fine cities, when there's the threat of more than eight inches of snow, everybody over 35 is crashing their cars into buildings trying to buy up all the milk and toilet paper and canned goods. Yet North Korea wants to turn the United States into the world's deepest parking lot, and the only emails I've gotten today have been from dating sites, people wanting to follow @Fivesixer on Twitter, and companies that want to increase my penis size. Uhhh, how's about there's not gonna be a Twitter if North Korea dials the magic number, know what I'm sayin'? We've got bigger fish to fry right now, people! Shouldn't someone be organizing another Hands Across America (Google it...I'm tired of doing all the work for you today) or something? Maybe building underground bunkers made of canned goods? Is the threat real?? I don't know! Why don't I know this? Why isn't there an uproar of panic in the streets like a giant dinosaur is crushing the city?

Why? Because...repeat after me: It's not gonna happen. I think the media's just trying to scare us. Look at it this way...the government hasn't figured out a way to properly televise that kind of destruction, or make a profit off it. And Korea won't have a country to sell Nike sneakers in at a 110% mark-up. It's all bluster. Nobody's going home and beating their wife or getting shitfaced over Korea wanting to drop bombs. So keep calm and chill. Go watch hockey or somethin'...where real North Americans can teach you how to properly lose one's temper effectively. *Bullet**Check*



Like I said, sometimes the best stories come in my email. Sure, this doesn't qualify as news, but it made me grin in a way I wish real news would. The world is a better place when Morrissey's pissed off.


*Camera* lktropuckr has confirmed that I am nearly technologically unreachable by phone, text and nearly every email account I own. Within the course of a few minutes after yesterday's entry went live, I received a few offers from her to borrow her flash drive. I even managed to respond to one of them, declining an offer through one email account, only to notice another text a few minutes later offering again. I'm tellin' ya, no one is a master of crossin' wires more than your boy here. *Smirk* And I did remember my flash drive today, but thanks...only I don't have the patience to deal with picture editing today.

And on that note, I've got some t's to cross and lower-case I's to dot, so I better be gettin' a move on. Peace to Asia, the motherland, the States, and Penora Street. GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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