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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/772786-This-ones-about-cinematic-animation
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1762035
A little bit of everything, colored my own way.
#772786 added January 27, 2013 at 12:32am
Restrictions: None
This one's about cinematic animation.
THE PROMPT: "Write a review of an animated film that you've seen."

Hey everybody...I'm back for a little bit. Haven't had any internet access at home and when I've been out it's been limited. I missed a bunch of great prompts...and it would figure that the one time I've actually got some internet access, I've got no connection to the prompt.

My first thought when I saw this prompt was "Recently??" I'm not any kind of film critiquer. I'm not any kind of film anything actually. Until recently I made a habit of avoiding movies in general, as they would tend to throw off significantly my sleep patterns. These days however, I really don't have a sleep pattern and I've got all the time in the world to kill in my little room, so I've been adding to my repertoire of cinematic exhibitions. I still don't enjoy watching movies though.

But I do like me some cartoons. Although I must say, and call me blasphemous or sacreli I can't spell it but you know where I'm goin', but Disney movies suck ass unless you're six years old or less. Going to Disney for animation is like going to McDonalds for a hamburger. The animation and the plotlines are both pretty across-the-board predictable. And don't get all Pixar on me either. It's still Disney with a bigger hard drive and a faster processor.

Of course, this commentary also comes from someone who has the crude, pottymouth sense of humor shared by those who are a combination of half his age and half his IQ. Bless their souls.

I can't honestly remember the last cartoon flick I saw. I'm gonna go with The South Park Movie because I know I've seen it a few times from start to finish and thoroughly enjoyed it. My reasoning is simple: it is potentially offensive to everyone. It mocks race, ethnicity, religion, war, what have you. The level of animation itself is sophisticatedly low-brow. There is nothing classy nor pretentious about it, which is beautiful. And yet the story is damn near relatable (though I don't totally remember it...it's been quite a few years since I've seen it). It's the perfect cartoon movie for people who like cartoons but hate movies. Uncle Fucker and the "Blame Canada" dance routine are movie memories that deserve to have award statuettes named in their honor.

Your move, Hollywood. *Wink*


I do appreciate animated (or semi-animated) music videos though.


*Tv* I've taken up a new tv show interest since I've seen the Cortland library's entire catalog of Friends (seasons 1-4) on dvd: The Odd Couple. Yes, I'm watching the trials and tribulations of Oscar and Felix, just like I did when I watched the reruns as a kid. Funny stuff.

*Quill* I know I'm late to the party with this one, but The Quill Awards nominees were recently announced, and your boy over here outside of The 'Cuse has been nominated for "Best Blog" for the second year in a row. I'm really thankful and humbled by this...it's a wonderful honor just to have my name mentioned. Congrats to all the nominees...peep the info here: "The Quills

*Cart* Had to turn down a job interview at some place I'd never heard of 'til I came to Cortland. It's a management position in a discount retailer kinda place. It's not that I wasn't interested; but they're not on the bus route and in fact are in-between two routes, which is too far for me to crutch along in inclement weather. Sure, I'd walk, but I think they might want me to heal up a little faster than the body allows. Hopefully I can reschedule though.

*Bullet**Check* Hockey! It's back! And I haven't been able to catch a game yet. But the Sabres are off to a decent start. Thomas Vanek's playing incredibly. But I don't know how I feel about a shortened season. I'd almost rather not win a Stanley Cup in a 48-game season. It almost would feel cheap in a way. But what do I know? Maybe I'm just too much of a purist.

*Drbag* And hopefully, everything goes well this coming Wednesday and the cast finally comes off my left leg. The pain has pretty much (but not entirely) been replaced by general malaise and aggrivation at this cotton/fiberglass masterwork of bipedal obstaclination covering my lower appendage, and it needs to fucking go. But that's not the major source of my misfit rage. Seems as though this past week I've had a setback of another kind. A nice big fat flare-up of depression and anxiety. No need for details; it just sucks hard. Didn't want to leave the room, go anywhere, live, etc. Pulled myself out a little bit, because these things are like that. Baby steps sometimes, and a change in meds.

And that's all I've got for today. Maybe I'll unlock and finish off some of the entries I've started but didn't finish (which is a shame, but it seems unlikely because the wi-fi's been out again...go figure). Regardless, in accordance with local and municipal laws, be good to one another. Peace, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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