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Rated: 13+ · Book · Fanfiction · #1910044
Jamie Kent meets a group of Ninja warriors who decide to become his protectors in school.
#769385 added December 24, 2012 at 11:46am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 9: Isamu’s Point of View
Chapter 9: Isamu’s Point of View

Oyé, I should let one of the direct witnesses tell you the story for a while.


Wow, who could’ve imagined that meeting Jamie was going to be such a cool experience? Not only because he is a very nice kid to have as a friend, but because he helped us in such an unusual way!

Usually, before and after our training sessions, my brothers and I like to toss around a medicine ball to each other, just as a way to loosen up the arms, the legs and the muscles in our bodies. Jamie would occasionally participate, as well as Kevin, although neither one really had the strength at first to be able to throw the heavy ball around for long or even very far.

In fact, that afternoon Jamie sat on the mats, cross-legged, just watching us rolling and tossing the ball, not with our arms but with our legs, while lying on our backs. Our friend was clearly having fun, watching our performance… but we weren’t having fun doing it! It had been a cool trick to learn when we were little kids, but now we had gotten so strong and experienced, that even that kind of practice, that would be extremely difficult and tiring to anyone else, was starting to seem boring to us.

After some minutes, we took a break and Arashi and Kenji mentioned that we needed something heavier to toss to one another, maybe even something bigger. It could not be something made of wood or metal, since that would just be too bulky to throw around and too dangerous if anyone were to drop it on the mat.

“We need something big and round and heavy… Kinda like… JAMIE!” Kenji laughed.

“What?” Jamie laughed. “You can’t toss me like you do with that ball! I’m too heavy!”

“Wanna bet?” Kenji chuckled, then walked up to Jamie and picked him up using one hand behind his back and the other behind his legs. He lifted Jamie off the ground and stood there, holding Jamie in his arms.

“Wait, Kenji, I don’t think this would be so funny for Jamie!” I said hesitantly.

“What are you saying?” my brother said. “Don’t you see he is already having fun?” Saying that, he raised our friend high above his own head, holding him with a triumphant smile like if he was showing us a trophy, and Jamie actually looked amused, since he was giggling, flailing his arms.

“Arashi!” Kenji said excitedly. “If I toss Jamie to you, then you got to catch him just like the way I’m holding him now! Can you do that?”

“Yeah! Toss him to me!” our brother said, holding out both arms, ready for the catch.

“Wow!” Jamie exclaimed, but I was a bit worried, and asked him: “Jamie, are you sure about this? You could fall… or at least, get dizzy…”

“Don’t worry! In any case, the floor is covered by mats… besides; I trust all of you to not let anything bad happen to me!”

I shrugged and nodded. After all, I was curious to find out if that new game was really cool.

Arashi took a few steps back, ready to run forward or sideways, depending on where or how far his brother would toss Jamie’s body.

“Okay! Here he comes!”

Kenji then hurled Jamie high into the air, with his back facing the ground! To be honest, Jamie seemed a little scared at first, but he felt calmer when he felt two big, strong arms breaking his fall.

“Hi Jamie!” Arashi smiled, looking down at the boy in his arms.

“Good catch!” Jamie grinned.

“Yeah… That wasn’t so hard! I mean… You’re heavy, but… I can catch you! You’re not THAT heavy!”

“Let’s do it again!” Kenji outstretched his arms.

“Okay! Take him!”

Arashi then threw Jamie high into the air! Kenji took a step forward, holding his arms extended before him, so that he could catch Jamie with his arms like a football.

“Got him!”

“Hey! This is fun!” Jamie giggled. “I’m getting used to this!”

“I’m gonna call this Jamie-ball!” Kenji announced, while looking down at the boy who he was holding in his arms.

At that point, I smiled. “Okay boys, since all of you find this so enjoyable, I’m in too!”

“Good!” Kenji laughed. “Now it’s your turn!” A second later, I caught Jamie’s flying body in my arms while he cried in excitement.

“And now it's my turn!” Arashi said, opening his arms, and I was about to launch Jamie to him, when our little friend said: “Hey, it’s this all? Weren’t you planning to roll me like that ball?”

“Yeah, that was the plan!” Kenji exclaimed.

“But aren’t you going to get dizzy?” I asked.

Jamie smiled. “I am tougher than you think.”

He seemed confident, for once, so I decided to humor him and nodded.

Then Kenji laid flat with his back on the floor and raised his legs. “Since I had the idea first, I start with the little guy, fine?”
“Fine.” Arashi and I said.
“But be careful..." I warned.
He nodded, and then turned to Jamie. “Come over here! You’ll feel like you’re flying!”
“Flying?” Jamie chuckled, walking to my brother. “Wow, I can’t wait for that...”
Kenji instructed: “Come and sit on the soles of my feet.” Jamie complied, and then my brother said: “I’m going to hurl you straight up in the air, and your body will be spinning in a circle! But, don’t worry! I’ll keep my feet pointing straight up in the air and I’ll allow your body to roll over my soles!”
I added: “Jamie, you should put yourself in a crouching position, embracing your legs behind the knees and placing your head on them. That way, you’ll have more or less the shape of a ball, which should make things easier.” Jamie nodded and did as he was told; in any case, I and Arashi were ready to catch him if he was dropped.
“Are you ready?” Kenji asked him, while looking up.

“Go, little Jamie!” Kenji laughed, bending his legs. “Take flight!” and extending his legs, he hurled the shorter boy straight up, into the air, but tumbling forward!
“Whoaoa!!” Jamie cried, more in excitement than in fear.
As soon as Jamie’s body came back down again, with his back toward the floor, Kenji placed a kick on our friend’s butt, not enough to hurt him, yet enough to propel him back up. Kenji then started moving his legs around as if he was pedalling a bicycle, but upside down!
Jamie bounced up and down, his small body making a circle in the air each time, before landing back on Kenji's feet. The boy was spinning wrapped up like a ball, with his eyes closed and his arms folded against his knees. Kenji allowed Jamie to roll over his huge feet, making him spin faster forward, launching him straight in the air with every kick, higher and higher, first in slow speed, then going a little faster.
“Whoooeeeeaaaa!!” Jamie shouted as he spun in the air.
“Jamie, are you fine?” I asked.
“Y-y-y- e-e-e-e-s-s-s-s-s!!!!”
All of us laughed.
In the meantime, Arashi had gotten down on his back, and raised up his sturdy legs.

“Hey, Kenji!” he told his brother. “Don’t keep Jamie all for yourself! Pass him over here!”

“Alright! He’s all yours!” Kenji replied.
“Whaaaa!!” Jamie shouted, the moment Kenji hurled him toward Arashi, who immediately started pedalling, continuing the spinning motion with our pal’s rotund body.
Arashi cheered, as he began to pedal a little faster. “Wow, pal... You’re heavy, but I can handle heavier guys than you!”
“Don’t keep him too long!” Kenji protested. “I want another turn at spinning him!”
“Hey, you two!” I said smirking. “You forgot about your bro!” Lying down as well, I put my legs into position. “A few more spins, Arashi, then pass Jamie to me.”
“Okay.” Arashi replied. “Three, two, one… Go, Jamie!”
A powerful push from Arashi’s legs was enough to send Jamie flying, and then the soles of my feet welcomed him.
“Alright!” I said. “Now I get to have fun with the little guy... but in some different way!”
“What do you mean?” Jamie asked. He seemed curious yet not worried, and I felt happy to find out he trusted us so much.
“My Tae Kwon Do and Aerobic training taught me to be graceful and stylish.” I explained. “So, why shouldn’t I make the game more complex?” Saying so, my slender but strong legs sent Jamie very high, and while he was spinning in the air, with a quick move I placed myself in a hand-stand, and when my friend landed back on my feet, I could look up at him by glancing back. Then, like if I was performing a Breakdance, I began spinning my body vertically, swinging my legs and bouncing Jamie up and down from one foot to another.
“Coooollll!” Jamie cried, and my brothers cheered, making me feel very proud.
“You’re good, bro!” Kenji told me, dropping into position again. “But now you must give Jamie back to me, I can’t wait to play more with my funny friend!”
“A few more spins…” I replied. “Then I’ll toss him back to you. Are you ready to receive him?”
“Toss him back!” Kenji ordered. “I’m tired of waiting!”
"Here he comes!"
I launched Jamie to my younger brother, who caught him on his large soles.
"Up and down, little guy!" Kenji laughed, while bouncing Jamie with soft but fast kicks. "Up and down, up and down, up and down!"
After one minute, Arashi called out: "Kenji, my turn again!"
"Oh, just one more minute..." Kenji protested.
"Come on!" insisted Arashi, his legs already lifted. "I'll show you another way to do it, too!"
"Oh, fine..." Kenji sighed, and Jamie once more found himself flying through the room to safely land on his back on Arashi's feet.
"Jamie" Arashi instructed the kid. "Unwrap yourself and lie flat... spread your arms and leg."
Jamie followed the instructions and unwrapped himself.
Arashi, when Jamie was in the right position, moved his feet so that the kid spun around horizontally, his head and feet switching positions.
"Do you like this?" Arashi asked.
"Oh yes!" Jamie smiled. "It's good too."
Arashi giggled, and moved Jamie more; placing him in the position he was in before.
"Faster?" Arashi asked.
"Yeahh!" Jamie cried.
Kenji and I laughed, while Jamie spun around horizontally on Arashi's feet, faster and faster.
"Cool!" Kenji exclaimed. "Please, give Jamie back to me, I want to try that!"
“Hey, you’re forgetting it’s my turn!” I laughed.

Arashi stopped his spinning for some moments, but still keeping Jamie sitting on his soles, and asked grinning: “And what trick do you have in mind this time?”

“Well, I could –“


The four of us gasped in shock; Jamie jumped down and we stared nervously to a very, very angry Miguel, who had just walked down the stairs, followed by the other guys who looked all pretty shocked, while our eldest bro glared at us furiously, with his fists clenched.

I, Arashi and Kenji surely had the same thought: *BIG TROUBLE!*

I love to write about science fiction and fantasy.
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