Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/769383-Chapter-7-Wesley
Rated: 13+ · Book · Fanfiction · #1910044
Jamie Kent meets a group of Ninja warriors who decide to become his protectors in school.
#769383 added December 24, 2012 at 11:45am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 7: Wesley
Chapter 7: Wesley

As I was walking back home with Hiroki, with Maska, Rasul and Raja behind me, I spotted Jamie talking to another boy near the school gate. This was the big gate which divided the middle school from the high school, which was located just next to our school. Jamie was talking to a thin, tall boy who was black and who was wearing a sweatshirt with jeans and basketball shoes. I was too far away to make out what they were talking about, but it seemed like they were in the middle of an intense discussion.

I didn’t like what I was seeing, and I tapped on Hiroki’s shoulder, signaling him to stop. We stood there and observed the conversation from a distance, which appeared to get into a heated argument between Jamie and the tall, black boy, where the other boy frequently pointed his finger at Jamie and even poked it at Jamie’s chest. It almost appeared like he was intimidating him!

Even though this happened outside of school grounds, I felt like it was my duty to protect Jamie. It was very clear to me, seeing this from a distance, that Jamie was being bullied by the tall black boy! We needed to help him out!

I glanced to Hiroki and our friends… immediately realizing that they all shared my thoughts, because they silently nodded without any exchange of words.

Then Hiroki said in a low voice: “Dunno what the big guy wants, but let’s act quickly, before something really bad happens.” I could always count on him. We agreed at everything.

“Let’s surround them and I will do the talking…” I instructed the rest.

We silently walked around the two boys from a distance, each at an equal distance apart from one another, while I approached them quietly.

I walked up to the tall, black boy and I pushed him away from Jamie!

*With some luck* I thought *That guy will run away without creating any troubles, so no violence will be needed.* That was likely to happen, since no person with some sense would have the guts to face a group of five big martial artists alone… *I just hope that guys has some sense!*

“HEY!” I said to him. “What’s your problem, dude?”

The boy backed off and looked at me in shock at first, and so did Jamie!

“What? Who are you?” he asked.

“Name’s Miguel!” I said, and then I turned to my friend, beckoning him. “Jamie, come and hide beside me while I take care -“

I stopped in mid-sentence, startled, when the black kid did something I wasn’t expecting: he dropped into an advanced martial arts stance, with his legs bent and his arms and hands positioned before him, so that no opening would be left for an attack from me; I noticed that he had placed himself between me and Jamie.

*Oyé!* I mentally cursed. *Just what I needed, a bully who’s good at martial arts! This could be more troublesome than I anticipated…*

“HIIIYAAAAAHHH!!!” My brother and friends made their presence known by shouting and raising their fists before their chests in unison!

Amazingly, the tall teen didn’t seem intimidated at all. “What’s your business with Jamie?” he asked.

*Well, it was supposed to happen sooner or later, not all bullies are dumb and cowardly brutes…* I was resigned to have a tough fight.

Quickly dropping in a fighting stance myself, I threatened: “Listen, dude, you have only ten seconds before I-“

“MiguelWeswaitwaitwaitwait!” Jamie stuttered. “Miguel! This… This is my brother, Wesley! Don’t fight!”

I looked at Jamie in complete disbelief. “What?! He doesn’t look like you at all!”

“You don’t look like Hiroki, either!” Jamie replied. “Wes is my adopted brother!”

“Alright…” I said calmly.

Everyone relaxed and lowered their fists. We all walked closer to them.

“I’m sorry, Wesley! My name is Miguel… This is Hiroki, Raja, Maska and Rasul… We had invited Jamie to come to my house this afternoon so he could see our Dojo…” I explained to him.

“That’s what I was just discussing with my little brother!” Wesley said in a serious tone of voice. “I’m kinda worried about this whole martial arts thing of yours! My brother doesn’t know martial arts! I do! I always had to protect him! So, I really don’t like the idea of him going somewhere and getting hurt!”

“Oh we will make sure he won’t get hurt!” I assured Wesley. I got the feeling that Wesley was very protective of his little brother. Well, that was understandable; he probably had to keep Jamie safe from bullies very often.

“You better make sure… Or else you’ll have to deal with me!” Wesley said in an angry voice.

Then Wesley and Jamie whispered something to each other before Wes walked away, shooting a warning glare to me, and then Jamie followed along with us to our house. I got the idea that Wesley was just jealous of the fact that we were protecting Jamie now and he was no longer protecting his little brother.

“I’m sorry about my brother, Miguel…” Jamie said in a somber voice. “It won’t happen again…”

“Hey! I totally understand! We didn’t know he was your brother! It’s cool! Come! We’re going to our house to hang out and have fun!” I said to Jamie.

Kevin was also with us, since he was walking behind us, talking to Rasul. I couldn’t wait to show them our Dojo!

I love to write about science fiction and fantasy.
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