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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/766409-This-ones-about-the-light
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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1762035
A little bit of everything, colored my own way.
#766409 added November 20, 2012 at 11:35am
Restrictions: None
This one's about the light.
Good morning fine people...let's see what I can accomplish today in the scope of less than an hour. It seems as if there's a problem that has followed me from Buffalo to Cortland.

No, it's not serious. But it has ruined one night already, and made for a difficult afternoon. I'm proud to admit that I've at least alleviated it.

Where I last stayed in The 'Lo, at least once a week a light bulb would burn out or have some kind of problem. A kitchen bulb, a garage bulb, the fridge, the microwave...and on Halloween the porch bulb was on a motion sensor that wouldn't activate...and when it was fixed it'd come on for ten seconds and then shut off. But the worst bulb had to be the damn microwave bulb over the stove. It was used as a nightlight of sorts, so it wasn't really important, but more of an inconvenience.

The real pain in the ass however occured when I went to change it. It was at a slightly awkward angle, given my lack of height. So I unscrewed the old bulb and attempted blindly to find the socket without really being able to see it. And I managed to find the damn socket...with my finger. *Shock*

Moving on to Sunday. I slept late and managed to take another nap right around dinnertime, which meant it was dark in my room by the time I woke up. I flipped on the switch, the bulb popped, and there I was again, surrounded by darkness. On a Sunday. No maintenence in sight. And no sight in sight. And given that all I have right now in my room is a bed, a dresser and a fridge along with my belongings, and reading being my primary source of entertainment to the time being, well, there was none of that either.

Monday morning I tracked down the guy who does the cleaning and asked him for a light bulb, which he provided. He was an odd character; a smoke hanging by his chin while pushing his mop bucket, I felt like he was gonna ask me for some spare change or where he could find a good crack dealer. He spoke like he skipped a few grades of school, and not by his choosing. But he gave me a light bulb, and that's all that matters in this story.

I pulled my chair over and much to my surprise, the light fixture was barely out of reach. I even tried to stand on one of the plastic tubs of clothes I had strategically placed on the chair; to say it was unstable and unsafe would be a gross misjudgement. Rather than waste anymore time, I did what I usually do when I can't figure something out...I walk away and hope another answer comes to me by the time I'm ready to tackle the problem again. Which it did.

Remembering the janitor's early-morning missive about rearranging the furniture, I slid the dresser out to underneath the fixture and used the chair to climb atop the dresser. I turned my room into a wooden jungle gym in the name of having light...problem solved. Even if it's one of those energy-efficient bulbs that isn't nearly as bright as the old school power-sucking bulbs. Now if I could only make bulbs stop burning out wherever I go, I'd really have somethin' goin' on.


How about a little inspiration for your day?


*Pizza* I'll admit, I was warned. The pizza here isn't great. Especially at 10pm, when you get the last piece of cheese and pepperoni that's probably been sitting there for over an hour. Or maybe it's me, and I'm not crazy about thin-crust pizza. However you slice it, at $3 I expected a little more. But that's what I get I suppose.

*Female* I get it; the least of my priorities should be worrying about the female population here, and messing around in relationships and stuff. But hey, people get lonely and bored from time to time. But every woman I've met so far has kids and/or a significant other. Yikes! I'd prefer not to be dipping my toes in the significant other pool. My friend here does have one friend who's "looking" (I used quotes because that's my friend's word, not her friend's word or mine), but because of past history between me and my friend, she will not set me up with this girl and have been informed that nothing would happen anyway. And like most guys, when they hear that all they see is the green light to pursue...I don't need someone else telling me I'm not good enough! I can make women not want me all by myself, please and thank you! *Smirk*

So that's it for today...time to take it to the streets to make somethin' outta this life for a change. Peace, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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