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You never know what you'll find - humor, ramblings, rants, randomness- it's all me! |
BULLYING I've waited to post these thoughts until I could choose my words carefully, but apparently that time is never going to come so I'll just vomit them out. Step back, so the spray doesn't hit ya. do I think bullying occurs? Yes, I'm not completely stupid. Do I really think we are helping the issue (even though the word issue bothers me) - No i really don't. It seems to me we are teaching kids and adults for that matter to call anything they don't like or makes them feel uncomfortable bullying. We aren't teaching them how to deal with bullies. Bullies exist - in school, families, workplace, Walmart (you knew I had to mention walmart), church, everywhere. But Walmart isn't going to plan an intervention for the lady that snapped at you for having more than 10 items in the quick check out. And do you know why? Because that's not bullying. It's just being an impatient bitch. It's not bullying when I get told my hair looks bad, my ass is fat, or any number of comments. And kids today think it is. Because we've publicized that it is. Where is Zig Ziglar when we need him. "No one can make you feel inferior without your permission." That quote made me get through junior high and the rest of life. Are there true bullying situations, - ABSOLUTELY. And I'm not trying to diminish the importance of it. But on the other hand, it can become the boy who cried wolf story. If every perceived injustice is bullying, are we going to listen when the real bullying occurs. And when I say we need to teach them how to deal with it, I'm not saying go all Mike Tyson on them and eat an ear. But give them the tools to deal with it so when they become an adult and it is still happening, because it will, they are able to handle it. It just seems like anything that happens bad now is because the person was bullied as a child. Don't people sometimes just do bad and stupid stuff? (Like writing a blog on bullying). I was bullied as a child by today's definition anyway - and I 'm sure some would say I bullied them (they'd be lying - they are just jealous - lol - sorry my mom always said that). I guess my point is to dramatize and publish something so much in the media without defining it in a way that children understand creates more drama and misunderstandings. Okay, I feel purged. Thanks for reading whether you agree or not. audra |