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6.8.09 I will Blog |
It has been a long time since my last post. We frantically moved the first week in July. Then for the next two weeks it was long days from up at 5am to going to bed after 10pm. When that marathon was over Paul (my hubbly) went out of town. Work had him running until Aug 9th he came home for two days and was gone for another month. He came home for one day and I left for a week. I came home for one week and he left the next weekend. So here I am alone. Ha Life has been interesting as the house we are in has a very large pool. Most of my free afternoons were spent lounging by the pool enjoying the nice Oregon weather. Since moving here I really appreciate the fact that it can get pretty hot during the day but once the sun goes down, the temp cools down 20 to 30 degrees. We don't use the A/C but I did for a few days as our bedroom catches the afternoon sun. Today I came across a woman's port with the folder titled Athiest. Curious, I read the posts starting with the first one she wrote. I was not surprised at the anamosity against Christianity. I am also not surprised at her ignorance. She has chosen to renounce whatever belief she may have had at one time to take on the montra of athiesm. I read a few more of her postings. What I saw in her writing is a very confused young woman with a mental rejection of God while still acknowleging he exists in her rants. I find this to be true of most athiests while only a few truely have renounced all visage of God. In my conversations or readings by proclaimed God haters, they constantly refer to the Bible and the accepted traditions of the Christian world. Once a person no longer believes or accepts those tradtions as truth, how do they deal with the day to day references to God or Jesus? The swearing. I heard an athiest say God's name. I have never heard some one use mohammed or budda as a swear word. When asked why he used that name. He was stumped, it was a habit. When one does not believe they exist why call their name. I mentioned the other two. He had no answer. I responded to her double negative about not believing in God yet refering to him vehemently. I gave her the analogy that if I were to tell her the world was flat she would not believe me. No matter what scientific folderal I came up with there would be no way to convince her the world was flat. I told her the same is with people who claim the world will end at a certain time. I don't care what they pull out or calculate. I KNOW they have no idea the day or the time God will reveal himself in the rapture as we Christians call it. Yet this woman said she would rather die in hell then sit on a cloud with perverts. Where did she think perverts go? Her ignorance of basic Christian doctrine was very evident in her posts. Another thing that clued me was that she was told of a conversation by a friend about how this person did not condone pre-marital sex and lived a life of denial to become "noble." I told her that she was very confused at what that person was saying. The fact she condones free sex, while taking a chance at the consequnces. I am sure of the answer I would get to that. I questioned her what she believed was right a wrong. If free sex was ok and not morally wrong, then lieing, stealing, cheating having no reguard for your fellow man was just a step away. Where does one draw the line? She mentioned in that same paragraph that it made her upset that this person would say, in my own words, there is such thing as morality." The constant sway from one thing and then denoucing it made me realize that somewhere in her subconscience she had a seed of doubt. Maybe just maybe there might be a God and he might require me to a consequence for my actions. When people live as if there is no tomorrow and no consequence for their actions, they deny that there are rules set into place by someone with a superior plan for a person's life. Why are there laws? Where did they come from? If all the original laws were abolished and what was right and wrong was changed. What would this world be like? If there were no responsibilty for our actions, why have laws at all? There is a plan in place. accept it or not it is there. Like believing the world is flat, no matter what you say you believe, the world is round. You can stand on a soap box, speak all kinds of theory, but one day you and everyone else will see that there is a God and the world IS round!! The two concepts are just as foolish. |