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Rated: 13+ · Book · Fanfiction · #1891322
When Max learns of a Warforged in danger, what will he do to free her, then keep her safe?
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#760613 added September 13, 2012 at 8:38pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter Six: The Heroes
Author's Note: This is the chapter that details when I ran the adventure that first introduced the PCs (mine being Mikaya) to the Reforged after I read of the prestige class in the Races of Eberron .

Chapter Six: The Heroes

         A month had passed. The Reforged lived contentedly in their hiding place, undisturbed while making brief forays into Stormreach for supplies to repair themselves – accidents did happen, besides wild animals, and Cindy loved shaping scrap metal into decorative shapes – and to check upon any pursuit.  As an added bonus, they found they could occasionally help out around the city, doing manual labor such as helping with some roof repairs after a bad storm, earning them a friendly reputation with the citizens, even if their identity was never truly known. The 'Forged always went in pairs and Max, at the others' insistence, was never one of those pairs. He was needed at the Temple, to defend Cindy should anyone come for her, and Max privately thought they didn't want to lose him like they lost Hunter. Though he worried about them with every trip, he could understand their feelings, and obeyed their wishes.

         As for himself, Max spent his days primarily teaching Cindy about freedom and choice, letting the girl grow mostly on her own. Bright, curious, she absorbed everything he said, was never far from his side asking questions and wanting stories. He discovered he delighted in her eager willingness to learn, and her unconditional trust.

         I wonder, he'd sometimes think such as while he watched Cindy play in the sunshine of the uppermost, open-air floor of the temple, if this is how Hunter felt watching us learn and grow. Whimsically he almost thought he felt Hunter's presence there with him, and it made him smile, even more so when Cindy gave a delighted sound and hurried back to Max, giving him a pretty banded stone she'd found, knowing his favorite hobby.

         That very night, it nearly all fell apart.

         Max was awoken from his rest by Shock laying a hand on his shoulder. Instantly he was fully alert.

         “Someone's here,” was all the spellcaster said. Max instantly looked to his side where Cindy had  been. She was gone, likely having wanted a little fresh air and still holding to the idea that Max needed sleep, slipping out quietly so as to not disturb him, something that he’d learned she could do quite well.

         “Find Cindy,” he ordered, standing. “I'll deal with out guests. And if I signal....” It didn't need to be said. If Max gave the Brelish battle cry, “For Breland!” it meant for them to take Cindy and run, leaving Max to his fate. It was something they'd agreed upon their second night there, though honestly Max had to wonder how well they'd abide by it, if it came to that. Shock just nodded and departed swiftly, heading towards the stairs up. Max did the same, heading to the doorway to the main room. He saw a light coming from there, likely from these 'guests,' but much to his surprise he heard voices, and above them a soft, familiar whimper: Cindy!

         She must've wandered down there, perhaps wanting to get her box of scrap metal, Max thought to himself, feeling a tightness in his chest as he heard a female voice speaking.

         “What are you doing here, little one?” Coming to the shadow of the doorway, he ventured a look.

         Hmm... two males and a female... One male's tall, as least as tall as me, black hair, in armor... Scrap! he cursed, noting the badge visible on that one depicting a line of black towers on a blue field, and recognizing it. A Brelish Marshal! Not good. And the woman... some kind of caster-warrior? Cyre had several units of those during the war, though her style of dress suggests Breland too. Blond-black hair, that's Brelish too, for the most part. Likely a fire specialist, if her red dress means anything. He frowned as he watched the Marshal help Cindy to her feet, listening to them ask her where her family was, seeming surprised to see a 'child' there. And the last one... He 'raised' his eyebrow, hearing the brown-haired, shorter man speak and picking up on the accent. Wow... I really do look like an Aundarian, he couldn't help but think of the purple attire and wide-brimmed hat, more than a bit mirroring his own style. So far the trio were calm, not acting hostile to Cindy, or that they even realized who – or rather what – she was. It seems Cannith didn't tell them everything, if they were indeed sent by the crafters. Wait! I think they were the three we saw chasing the wagon! This could end very badly. After taking a breath, Max stepped out onto the landing.

         “I thank you for the light,” he greeted abruptly, hoping to gain the advantage of surprise. “I was resting and hadn't realized she'd wandered.” To Cindy he added affectionately, “My apologies.” He descended the stairs, never taking his eyes off them. He knew he had the shadows working for him for the moment. They'd clutched weapons when he'd spoken, and were eying him warily as they couldn't clearly see him. The woman, who'd been on a knee speaking to Cindy, stood and took a step closer as if to protect the girl, and the Marshal took a front position, in Max's mind marking him as the leader of the group, and therefore quite possibly the biggest threat.

         As Max reached the bottom, he turned to face them fully. He brought to mind the word Shock had set to activate the glow orbs, and as he whispered it the room was bathed in light. Deciding to try the 'disarmingly polite' approach, he bowed at the waist, sweeping off his hat as he did so. “Although it wasn't always so, my name is Maximillian.” He straightened, putting his hat back on and 'casually' draping his hand on his sword's hilt.

         “I am Marshal Skye Oathblood,” the armored one replied, “and these are my companions, Mikaya Ebonrose and Kayne Spellblade, We are looking for a Warforged named Cinder, taken from the House Cannith enclave in Sharn, as well as the person or persons responsible.” Max took another deep breath.

         Choice, for good or for bad.

         “Cindy,” he answered, emphasizing the last syllable, “is not just a Warforged.” He held out his hand to her, and Cindy quickly came to his side, pressing close as he wrapped an arm around her protectively.

         “Cindy?” echoed Kayne. He gestured at the girl. ”She's the one we were sent to find.”

         “It seems Lady Eladrin left a few things out of her request,” Mikaya muttered, frowning at this new turn.

         “And she was not 'taken,'” Max added rather boldly, taking encouragement from their expressions. “I simply asked if she, as a free Warforged, wanted to come with me, and she did.” Skye crouched slightly to look at Cindy on her level.

         “Is that true?” She timidly nodded, pressing closer to Max's side and burying her face against him.

         “Merrix d'Cannith did not tell her about the Treaty,” Max spoke, pleading his case, “and enslaved her. I could not let that continue.” He affectionately stroked her hair.” She is so much more than a normal Warforged. She can cry, she sleeps, she breathes. She is more alive than even I am.”

         “What kind of Warforged are you anyways?” Kayne asked. “You're... different, not so cold.” Max straightened proudly.

         “I am a Reforged, a student of the Reforged Way, taught to us by Hunter, the First Reforged.” Trying to keep them off-balance, he smiled and pushed the brim of his hat back a bit. “Just think of us as the opposites to the Juggernauts, embracing life and emotion over our construct sides.” He was pleased, in a way, to see their expressions reflected concern and indecision.

         “This is a more tangled mess than we first thought,” Skye muttered thoughtfully. “On the one hand, this is still a kidnapping, with breaking and entering, and assault. On the other, Merrix did break the Treaty, and is also, if this is all true, guilty of unlawful imprisonment.” He sighed, seemingly truly distressed. Then Kayne smiled.

         “I think the best recourse if to bring Lady Eladrin here, so we can get all sides at once.” Max tensed a bit.

         “I am not sure I can allow that,” he said. “How do I know you will not leave, only to return with soldiers? I will not let House Cannith take Cindy back. I will fight if it comes to that.”

         “I vow, we will only return with Lady Eladrin,” Skye replied steadily. “You have my oath as a Brelish Marshal, and moreover as a follower of the Silver Flame.” That eased Max's mind considerably. Worshipers of the Flame considered it highly sinful to break an oath.

         “I will hold you to that, Marshal Skye Oathblood. And I will not run in your absence. You have my word.” Skye gave Max a look over, clearly weighting his words, and nodded. A quick spell from Mikaya, and they vanished, teleported away.

         “Max?” Cindy timidly asked, trembling all over as the other emerged from the side doors and upper level. Max thought for a moment, then replied,

         “Cindy, my dear, we're going to need your talents.”
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