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an idea i am trying to refit as a world of darkness story
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#759679 added August 30, 2012 at 12:58pm
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Chapter Two

Chapter 2
Isabella MaCord
And so our ancestors came to warn us of the days to come

I stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom, i closed the door. I pulled on a lock of black hair and sighed. " I’m nothing like you" i said to myself. Being a Macord as i am I’m the great great granddaughter of one of the most ruthless women pirates of her time. The first Isabella Macord, i swear i think my family saw it as a sick joke to name me after her knowing damn well id never be like her. My grandmother claimed that i was blessed by Isabellas spirit, that i held some of her great power. You see, my great great great grandmother could look into your soul and tell everything about you, or so my family proudly tells the tale. I say there full of shit for all i know they were just trying to make me feel special since they knew i hated my name. " Babe are you ok", i could hear drake on the other side of the door. " im fine love, ill be out in a sec" i replied, i heard his footsteps go down the hall. I placed my hand on the doorhandel and turned to open it. I checked my phone, something didnt feel right. My mom hadn't called in awhile and i hadnt heard anything out of my brothers.I new of the accidents,i hope to god there not involved.I walked into the living room were Drake was sitting, i kissed him on the cheek as i sat down on the couch. " no ones called me, im starting to worry", " well why dont you try calling them babe". He was right,so i picked up my phone and as i started to call my mother my step dad called me. " hello?" " hey dad, are you ok?" the silence that came i knew something was wrong." Isabella im sorry, your mother, she died lastnight driving home.Her car was dieing on her and as she was slowing down a drunk driver hit her and her car flipped nine times into a feild. " I couldnt speak, we had our problems but i couldnt bare to think my mother was dead. " i see" was all i could say. " thats not all Izzy, your brother Wade was with her and Kendal i found earlier, is dead too " That was it, my family to, fatalitys, i couldnt belive my mother and my brothers all dead. " and the kids them too?" i asked not wanting to know the answer if it was bad. " i dont know, Kendal and Hannah i found when i went to check on them. The kids were no where to be found. I dont know Izzy something weird is going on i swear" i could tell in his voice he was scared. The man i grew to learn alot from and love as if he was my real dad was scared for the first time." I know i feel it to, but dad im going to get off here take care and be careful, i love you dad" " you to Iz" i heard the click. I placed my phone down on the table, my long hair covered my face. A tear fell onto my lap, memories of my family rushed threw my head. There all gone, i have no one left but Drake now. I turned my head to look at him " there dead, all of them. The kids there missing" Drake looked at me and moved over to where i was sitting. " babe im sorry" he pulled me closer, as i layed my head on his chest i cried harder then iv ever cried before.I cried myself to sleep and awoke to find myself in bed and Drakes arm over me. He was cute when he slepted so i didnt move. " so you find out your familys dead, now what do you do" a voice to framiler. " shut up i swear i dont need your crap right now" i closed my eyes tight. " you know that wont help you ", " worth the shot, why are you here anyways" I moved drakes arm alittle so i could sit up in bed to look into the eyes of the infamus Isabella Macord, my grandmother." iv come to warn you child, things are about to change, things your not ready for" i shook my head, my grandmothers meetings never made since nor were they anyless annoying and painfull at the same time. Is it even possible to be envius of a dead person, she looks the same as she always does. Young and beautiful and still so fucking bitter.
" do u still have to remind me. Yes i know my familys dead, leave me alone so i can deal with it" i screamed at her, i could feel my anger burning inside. " tisk tisk child, so hateful. I do something nice for once and still you reaturn it with anger. Fine deal with it on your own, i wont be back for awhile" and with that she disapeared, i layed back down and placed Drakes arm back over me. Time went back to normal as it always did after a spirit visits me. Yes more then just my grandma visits me, shes just the one that makes her appearence known more then she should. My meadium history runs in the blood,a gift i could of dealt without from my family. The spirits come to me hoping to find peace to the other side, i was young when i discovered i had the gift.With this curse, i mean gift i so happen to be a tracking devise to all supernatural. I can tell when something strange is around, i get that kick in the gut feeling with what ever the emotion of the spirit is feeling. So i closed my eyes again and drifted off to sleep. I opened my eyes to see Drake looking at me, " your finally awake, how are you feeling?" I looked over at the clock then back to him. " better i guess under the circomstances. Did i really sleep that long, damn". " yeah, came in to check on you, had to make sure you were still alive" he smiled, i rose out of bed and shook off what sleepyness i had left. We walked into the living room, Drake turned on the radio only to find they were still talking about the accidents. They said they found more fatalities, it was sad really no one knew why this was happening let alone what all this ment. How could something like this happen in a town no one really gave a shit about and yet were finding out that this is going on all over this country. People starting to ask if were heading into the apocolapse. " funcking mayans and there fucking calander has ever one scared to death. So stupid" i grinded my teeth, " hey something had to happen to the mayans i mean they just got taken off the earth with no sign left of them" " yeah its called god got tired of watching them kill themselfs so he got tired of there shit and 'poof' bye bye mayans" we both laughed. Seems laughter and humar was one of the things that helps make all this easier for me no matter how much this all hurt. I put my arms around Drake and held tight, i felt his hands on my back. " im starting to think god is sitting this one out" i said with sadness in my voice. I let go, i looked into his eyes knowing he knew something was wrong as well. " i just dont get it babe how could eatch one of us lose people and then so much death and distruction going on everywhere" i just shook my head i couldnt answer that, i didnt even know the answer myself. " my grandmother visited me again" i sat down on the couch and watched as Drake did the same. " Really what she want this time? to drive you crazy with her puzzels or did she actully say something important this time". i sighed, " she came to warn me, said ' things are about to change, things your not ready for'", " you think what going is, is what she ment?". " no actully think she was meaning the death of my family, shes that cruel" He laughed, " what i want to do tho is go out to Kendals place in the country, i want to know what happened", " do you honestly think its safe right now on the roads with everything". I pushed a part of my hair behind my ear, " babe i have to, i need to know what happen. I need to see if i can get any readings out there. I swear ill be careful ill call you if i have any problems i swear" He pulled his keys out of his pocket and placed them in my hand. " i know. Call me on your way home, i love you" I kissed him then jumped up " i love you too". I ran out to the camero and opened the driver side door. I got in and closed the door, i started the car then i headed twards noble. The farther i got the more dread and sadness i felt. I wasnt sure if i could handel seein the place put i knew i had to. I drove on, trees passing intill finally i turned onto midway. My stomach felt funny and i felt even more sad, i hated this, ever damn part of it. I turned onto Higgenswitch and the feeling in my stomach grew stronger, more painfull. Even though i knew this wasnt from the supernatural, it was my nerves. I seen my brothers house, i pulled into the driveway and parrked the car. Remnence of the abulence was still there, i could see the tire marks in the mud. I walked up to the house, i wrapped the rag laying on the porch around my hand and busted out the glass to the door. I reached my hand in and unlocked the door, i stepped in expected so much more then what i saw. Everything was so normal like, just like nothing was ever touched by anything other then my brothers family. I walked further, looking around the living room i walked into the kitchen. Food still on the stove and plates on the table. No one said how Kendal and Hannah died, but it looked as if nothing happened at all. I walked back into the living room and turned into the hallway where Blake and Laurens rooms were. I opened the door to Blakes room and looked, a mess like normal. I turned around and walked up the stairs to laurens room, i wanted to cry as i walked further. I made it to the top stair and pushed back the curtain. I hade to wipe away the tears as i examiened her room. I picked up the picture of me and her at the mill we went to one summer. I smiled as i placed it down, i walked over to her window and placed my hand on the cold glass. I shook my head, they didnt diserve this, they were just kids. I started to walk over to the stairs when i felt a cold draft, i stoped. i looked over to the window again and looked back at the stairs. I walked on down the stairs and passed the rooms, i walked outside to the car. I got in and started the car, i backed out of the drive way i slammed on the breaks when i noticed something big and grey dart out from the tall grass into the feild. I looked into the mirror, it was still in the feild looking at me. I drove off as fast as i could and searched for my cell phone. I found Drakes number and pushed call. " hello", " some fucking hudge animal just poped out of nowhere at my brothers house" " your kidding" " do you think id kid about this it nearly took out the ass end of your car". " are you ok?", " scared shitless but yeah, im ok" " what it look like" " it looked like a fucking wolf, a big fucking wolf" " your on your way home right" " yeah belive me i didnt want to stick around. The weird thing was it was stairing right at me" " just come on home alright, love you" " love you to". I hung up the phone and tried to drive. I drove back into olney, i thought about my real dad and how he wasnt around much. I wondered if he was even still alive threw all this. I took a turn and descided id find out for myself. My dads house wasnt small but it wasnt big either, it was descent for olney. I drove up and parked infront of my dads shed. I got out and walked around front, i ringed the door bell. " come on dad" i ringed the door bell again and still nothing. Curius i tried the door handel, unlocked, " ok now im kinda worried" i walked in the house, " dad! your wonderful daughter is here" every word had sarcasim.My dads lab came around the corner, " hey girl" i petted her. She nuzzeled my hand and acted like she wanted me to follow her. " alright, alright im coming" I followed her down into the basement, i turned on the light and found my dad face down on the floor. " dad!" i turned him over and listioned to his chest, he was still breathing thank god. He started caughing, " Izzy?" he whispered, " yeah its me, what happened?" " dont know, was coming down stairs when my chest got tight and i guess i passed out" He stood up and hugged me " thanks to you im still alive" I sighed, he still dramatic, god i dont miss it. " dont thank me, thank your dog, she brought me down here" I shook my head, " i have to go dad i was supposed to go home but something told me to come here" I could see in his face he didnt want me to go. Me and my dad hadnt been on good terms for awhile yet i knew he wanted to try to make things up to me. " dont be a stranger come by more often" he hugged me then i walked out the basement door. I got in the car and finally drove home, i pulled in our driveway and seen Drake putting Sorin our dog on the lesh. I got out of the car and walked up to the porch " your so lucky dog i dont..." i laughed," what he do now" " lets see while you were gone he proceded in chewing your phone charger tore up a roll of toliet paper and used one of our cds as a chew toy. Hes possesed by a fucking demon i swear" No matter how pissed i was at the dog i knew there was no point, the fucking dog would find something else to wreck terror on. And i knew the dog was probly evil. " oh well least he didnt burn the house down" Drake shrugged and i laughed as we walked into the trailer.

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