Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/759611
Rated: 18+ · Book · Young Adult · #1887781
A story about how you can never escape your past. Told in two point of views.
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#759611 added August 29, 2012 at 2:50pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 2: September
September 2

Dear Diary
It has been a full thirteen days since I had traded one hell for another. I swear to you diary living with the Landon’s is like living in a prison. Everything is on a time schedule and if you are late, even a few minutes you get yelled and scolded at before being sent to your room as if you were a child. The Landon’s home is my prison and Mrs. Landon is my warden, lucky for me I at least have a cell mate, Drake. He’s not a very fun person to be around but least he‘s different from his parents in some ways and I can live with that. Though I’m actually waiting for Drake to one day walk into the door and look how I first pictured him and just call out, “Mother I’ve been saved!” haha. Oh that would be a scary site that I don’t even want to picture it. Least right now I have him to take some of the yelling and someone to pick on. If he conforms I’m on my own and will be ganged up on by the Jesus Nazi bergrade. The thought makes me want to cry no joke.
Oh and here’s something super odd for you, Drake doesn’t have a name. I mean his name is Drake of course but Mrs. Landon calls him and I quote, ‘The Boy’ whereas Mr. Landon doesn’t say a word to him. How that’s for being weird. And here I thought I had it bad at home; guess that saying it true; the grass is always greener on the other side. But I LOVE Drake’s accent! It’s different from his mom’s a little, which is weird and I’ve never hear Mr. Landon talk so who knows, maybe that’s who he sounds like. But ahh…it’s so awesome! When he says things like don’t it’s like don and must is muss…it’s like he can’t say T’s. And he drags out his no. Like Noooh…it’s so cute! I just want to record his voice and keep it. Yeah…that didn’t sound creepy at all. Now that I think about it, he sounds a lot like their priest. Huh.
But on the plus side, I get to see daylight other than to go to church! Oh Diary I can’t not remember the last time I was so excited about going to school! Today is my first day and though I am a little groggy I am full out excited! Thing is, I don’t know how I am going to get there. Both Drake and I go to school in London and I asked Mrs. Landon if we were going to drive and she just laughed and gave me a look that asked me if I was crazy or just stupid. I know I don’t live here but London is miles from Loughton. I suppose I’ll just have to wait and see I guess, though as you know…I hate that. Ah well nothing left to do but wait. But I have to go Drake is heading down which means it must be time to go. Wish me luck!

Sliding my pen between the pages my eyes flickered up towards Drake as he walked into the kitchen fumbling with a blue and white tie. “Good morning!” I said rather cheerfully as I beamed at him. He mumbled back the same greeting as he brushed his shaggy black hair from his face, his clear blue eyes heavy with sleep. “Are you-are you in a uniform?”
He yawned back a reply, something I was unable to make out but from the way he was dressed I knew he was in one and it left me wondering if I to would have to wear a uniform, the idea making me cringe.
“Aren’t you excited to be going to school?”
“No an’ why are you,” he grumbled as he shifted around in the fridge.
Flipping my brown hair over my shoulder my eyes rolled, he was such a mood killer at times. “It’s the first day of school,” I replied snidely.
Pulling milk from the fridge Drake looked over at me, “Oh no! How could I have forgotten?” His accented words were laced with sarcasm as he shook his head. “School is nothing special Riley.”
“Is too,” My words were defensive. Slowly I leaned in towards him, my hands resting gently on the table. My eyes widened as I motioned for him to lean in as well, it appearing that I was about to divulge a secret to him or the meaning of life. “We get to be…” I said in a whisper, pausing for dramatic usage. “Out of this hell for a few glorious hours, how can you not be excited?”
Chuckling Drake grabbed a cup before he sat at the table, “You think that’s-” His words came to a stop before his head shook again. “O’course you’re excited about it; you’re attending University.”
My eyebrows furrowed together at his words, “We’re both going to London so why make it sound like it’s just me going.”
His eyes widened as he blinked with shock, “There’s more than one bloody University in London Riley!”
My face burned red at his words knowing he thought of me as a ditz now and quickly I mumbled back that I knew that.
“I’m right sure you did,” his sarcasm returning. “An’ no, you’ll be at University where as I’ll be at St. Bosco’s. I’m at a private Catholic university, so no, I don’ get much of an escape expect for when I’m on the tube.” My eyes widened in response to the word ‘tube’ and my face burned more since I was about to blurt out and ask him if he was talking about T.V. but I knew better. By my odd expression Drake sighed and explained. “The underground, it’s the train we’re taking to school.”
I let out a sharp gasp before shaking my head violently as Drake took a long drink. “I’m not getting on a underground train, that’s dangerous!”
There was a loud gurgled cough from Drake as he covered his mouth to keep his milk back, his shoulders quivering from laughter. “Go ‘head then, walk. I’m sure you’ll be a lot safer that way,” he managed to say between coughs and laughter. “I’m sure you’ll meet a friendly rapist or murder ’long the way that’ll jus’ have loads a fun with you.”
“Shut up. Not like I’ll be any safer with a Jesus loving freak,” I snarled as I got to my feet and glared down at him. He leaned back in his chair grinning at me like an ape. “In fact I’d rather take the murdering rapist over you, least he won’t try and convert me,” I added before quickly turning on my heel and walked out of the room, Drake mumbling something about how there were Jesus loving rapist. “And to think I’d rather be around him than his parents,” I hissed to myself; the thought depressing me.
Falling back into the cushioned seat of the couch I crossed my legs as I stared blankly at the wall frowning deeply. For the first time in thirteen days I had been in a good mood and Drake just went and shot it all to hell, I feeling just how Drake always looked; miserable.
Pouting I looked over my shoulder as Mrs. Landon walked down the stairs. “Morning” I mumbled as she walked past me, she not even acknowledging me. Rolling my eyes I leaned my head back as the last of my excitement drained out of me and tiredness overtook. The time difference was still wreaking havoc on my system and it seemed that my sleep would ever fall back into sync. Closing my eyes for a brief second they snapped open as something was dropped into my lap.
“You may want to watch where you leave that,” Drake spoke softly into my ear as I looked at him then down to what he dropped in my lap.
My diary. My eyes widened as he walked away. A sickening feeling coursed through me, what if he had read it, ‘Oh god.’ I thought, ‘He’d know everything.’ Scurrying to my feet I followed after Drake. “Hey,” I said grabbing the hood to his jacket and pulling it back making him stumble. “Did you read this?”
Turning around Drake’s blue eyes locked with mine, his full of what almost appeared to be humor. “O’course not, that would be rude of a Jesus Nazi.”
My face fell into a heavy blush as panic and anger filled me to my core. He read it, that son of a bitch read my diary. A snarl appeared on my face as I sized him up, he only being a few inches taller than me. “Were you never taught not to touch things that weren’t yours,” I snapped viciously.
Drake sighed as his blue eyes rolled in boredom. “Better that I read it than my mother” he stated firmly. His words rang true to me, not doubt if his mother even cast a glimpse inside my small book I’d be in for a world of hurt. When I didn’t reply Drake merely nodded. “That’s what I thought. ’Sides, I only glanced. My mum tried to snatch it an’ I had to act like it was mine. You’ve horrid handwriting by the way.”
My mouth dropped as held my diary close to my chest. “I wasn’t calling you a Jesus Nazi,” I replied quietly in slight embarrassment.
“Oh no, then who are the Jesus Nazi’s may I ask?”
I looked up at him sheepishly as I tapped my toes against the ground. “Maybe your parents.” He gave a curt chuckle in response as I looked away sheepishly. “Thanks for keeping it from your mom but you still shouldn’t have read it.”
Shrugging Drake stuffed his hands into his pockets. “Well, when one comes ’cross the word Nazi they want to know what’s being talked of,” he replied. “’Sides you can’t blame a chap for being curious.”
“I don’t talk about you,” I replied defensively. “And if you are mentioned it’s because something happened that you were a part of.”
“No,” Drake said, his accent suddenly getting heavier and his word drawling out.
“I don’t,” I said again. I watched as a flicker of a smirk touched his lips, my face burning up. He was talking that way on purpose, he knew what I had written about him and my face went a darker shade of red. “Why would you even care what I said about you anyways?”
Drake blinked at me before running his hand through his hair, “Maybe I wasn’t looking for myself in that book o’ yours.”
Standing in confusion I narrowed my eyes at him. “Well if that wasn’t what you were curious about, then what?”
“I said maybe,” he reminded me. “Now are you ready for school, I thought you were all giddy over going.”
Scoffing I walked past him. “You were the one taking forever.”
Quickly I headed up the stairs to grab my things, my mind racing with thoughts of what Drake could have been looking for in my Diary if it wasn’t for my talking of him. He had too of been just looking for what I said about him nothing else made sense. “Unless,” I whispered, my fingers pressing to my lips. “Unless if he was looking for dirt on me.” I stared at my Diary lying on my bed in horror as my lips pushed out into an O. It was a new one I bought specially for England so the only dirt he would have gotten was news about Sandra and how I felt about the people I have come across, nothing too bad. Growling I stuffed my diary into my side bag, I only had myself to blame for this mess if I hadn’t been so careless with leaving my diary lying about this would have never happened.
“Riley,” Drake called from downstairs. “C’mon!”
With a light sigh I checked my reflection in the mirror before darting out of my room. “I’m coming.” I called back as I bounded my way down the steps and out the door. “So how long is it going to take to get to school.” I asked Drake as I fell into step next to him.
“Almos’ an hour.”
“You’re joking right,” I said in shock as Drake shook his head. Shrugging I sighed, “well I guess that gives me more time to bomb you with questions then.”
Turning sharply towards me Drake’s blue eyes sat wide and alert. “How ’bout no.”
“Why, you’ve something to hide that you don’t want people to know about?” My words paused as Drake walked faster, I having to jog alongside him to keep up. “Oh like a secret girlfriend who’s into witchcraft. Or that you practice Satanism on the side…or that you-”
“Yes Riley, those are all completely true,” Drake breathed in annoyance. “Guess I am that easy to read, eh?”
My nose crinkled back with distaste at Drake’s sarcasm. “Well no need to be so mean. I’m trying to make you seem more interesting,” I said bitterly.
Eyes flickering towards me Drake shook his head. “Why can’t I jus’ be normal? In fact looking at the people I live with it’s a bloody miracle that I am normal.”
“You are far from normal,” I scoffed. “I mean you’re secretive and you act so weird at times.”
“I beg your pardon,” he exclaimed indigently as though I had offended him. “I don’ act weird at times.”
“You’re right, it’s all the time, my bad.”
Muttering something under his breath that sounded foreign Drake walked even faster in an effort to escape me. Looking around for the first time I tried to grasp where I was, it all being new and I needed a vague idea if I ever planned an escape. I was so busy chatting that I had forgotten to pay attention where I was going, I just blindly followed Drake and for all I knew he led me in the wrong direction. Looking up my stomach sank heavily as I looked around fervently, Drake being nowhere in sight. My steps slowed as I became rooted to the spot, my heart beating rapidly against my chest. I didn’t want to call out for him, he already having an image of me as a ditzy diary writing girl who called his family Jesus Nazi’s and I didn’t need full out idiot added to that list.
“Oui, what are you doing,” Drake’s voice called out from the top of a hill, his black shaggy hair blowing against the wind.
Breathing a sigh of relief I hurried towards him. “I had to tie my shoe and when I looked up you were gone,” I lied.
“You could’ve jus’ told me to wait you know.” Once more my face flushed and I looked towards the ground. “Don’ think I can afford to lose you, you are so far keeping me sane in that house so do try an’ keep up.” His words were spoken darkly but with an ease that made me almost smile.
Looking back up I sent Drake a small grin. “Keeping you sane huh?” I pressed and quickly he turned away, heading forward. “Oh come on, don’t ignore me,” I laughed as I hurried to catch up with him.
“Don’ make me regret saying that.” he grumbled as he grabbed my arm lightly and pulled me along and into a station. “You’ve an Oyster Card right,” he asked, blue eyes staring into mine. The sadness and emptiness that lingered within his eyes sent shivers down my spine and slowly I nodded unable to tear my gaze from his. “This is where you’ll need it,” he pointed out, his gaze falling from mine and to the ground. “C’mon we need to hurry.”
Following closely behind Drake I fumbled to get out the small card that the school had given me, I only managing to slip it out of my purse before Drake pulled me in a direction. Watching him closely I followed his steps, scanning my card and walking forward; much easier than I thought.
“So this is the underground,” I mused softly as I looked around in slight awe at all the people bustling around.
“You’ve honestly never ridden a train before?”
Laughing I shook my head, “I’m from Florida. Trains above or underground are not really seen. Besides my mom would never allow it, all those criminal investigation shows put an ugly image on train stations.”
Drake’s head shook a little as I pondered if he was laughing or just in shock by what I said. “Well they are safe from what I have seen.”
Passing through the crowd Drake kept a tight hold on my wrist, dragging me along behind him as if I were some child. Around me everyone seemed to be within their own little world, eyes glazed over with sleep and steaming cups of whatever gave them their needed jolt gripped tightly in their hands. It was just like rush hour only without the cars and screaming people. I was amazed at how calm the people were; the order of things and the deeper we walked into the station the more I began to feel I was in some government place where everyone followed a code of secret rules and regulations.
Stopping at a platform I rolled anxiously on the balls of my feet as train after train zoomed by at speeds that seemed unreal for something of its size. My heart raced as my head began to spin; it now all seeming to be a bad idea to get onto the train. “Why can’t you just drive to school,” I asked, voice shaking a little.
Blue eyes glancing my way Drake sent me a small smile. “London isn’t a place you’d want to drive. You’ll see what I mean when we get there.”
It calmed my nerves a little when he didn’t use any sarcasm but rather smiled; though it looked fake and like he was in pain from it, it still comforted me.
Nodding my head I stared at a train as it screeched to a stop before us, a loud beeping echoing around us before the doors opened and Drake began to lightly nudge me towards it.
“I don’t want to get on.” I whispered as I backed away.
“You’ll be fine,” Drake said lightly as he placed his hand lightly on my back.
My head shook violently as I tried to squirm away from him. “No…I…Drake don’t. Please” I whimpered as he forced me into the train opening, I almost stumbling over the gap between the platform and the train. Looking around panic stricken I felt my hands starting to shake as I sat down next to Drake who was watching me intently. “I’m going to kill you,” I whispered absent mindedly to him.
“It’s not that bad Riley, I swear. An’ it’ll be over before you know it.” Sending me a lopsided grin Drake held onto a small railing as the train started, my body be thrust into him and causing me to let out a small scream and cling onto to him.
Now I understood how Sandra felt when the plane was taking off and landing; it felt like you were the only person who was about to die and that the entire world was mocking you. All I wanted was off of the train and despite Drake’s many odd attempts to comfort me; he trying to tell a joke about crashing trains which only sent me further into my panic, to telling me the rare odds that a train would crash, I still felt like I was going to pass out.
My stomach churned throughout the entire trip and when the train came what seemed like it’s twentieth sudden stop I dug my nails tightly into Drake’s upper arm, it surprising me he could still feel it since that was what I used to hang onto the entire way.
“This is our stop,” Drake said awkwardly, his arm squirming its way free.
My eyes slowly opened as people got to their feet and walked off, Drake pulling me to my feet and pushing me out the door. “No need to push,” I hissed.
“You want to be left on there,” he replied swiftly.
Looking over my shoulder a soft wicked grin spread over his face. “Shut up.”
Chuckling Drake nudged me to walk forward. “It’s wasn’t that bad was it?”
Snarling I hit him lightly in the arm. “That was horrible! And your stupid joke didn’t help at all!”
“I was only trying to help.”
Letting out the breath that I seemed to be holding since the ride started I looked at Drake. “I know but next time, don’t.”
“Fine, ruin my fun,” he teased lightly as he lead me towards a flight of stairs, the sun light barely peeking through the wide gap. “Ready to see London,” he asked as we hurried up the stairs.
My panic left my body as a giddy feeling filled me. I was finally going to be able to fully see London. “Ready as ever,” I said happily as we walked out from the underground.


September 2-continued

Dear Diary,
OH MY GOD! I HAD TO RIDE A TRAIN!!! My hands are still shaking from it! It was horrible, just absolutely positively horrible! And too make matters even worse Drake told me a joke that ended with two trains crashing, and he thinks I’m stupid least I know how to comfort someone! And I’m not stupid I just made some dumb comments that he took the wrong way. But I am now at school, London isn’t all it’s cracked up to be really. It’s a lot like New York, a lot of tall buildings and hundreds of too many people walking around. I didn’t really even get to see anything; Drake was too busy pulling me along to make sure I got to school alright, like I was a baby. I guess I shouldn’t complain, no doubt I would have been lost otherwise.
Damn! And I forgot all about this! I’ve been so tired since I first got here that this completely passed my mind until I mentioned the priest, Father Bernard, in my previous entry. Their church is beautiful, it’s gothic with these gorgeous stained glass windows; I mean even the dead Jesus looks good! But that’s not what I need to talk about. Father Bernard is a creeper! He’s super ass tall and inhumanly thin! If he took off his shirt, which I hope to God I never have to witness, you could probably see every single one of his ribs! It’s sickening! But what’s even more sickening than that is the way he acts! He called me his, and I quote, ‘Daughter’. And not even that he wanted to give me a private tour of ‘God’s home’ and when I refused and said I was a Atheist he freaked out and told me I had to be saved or else I’ll be damned to hell. And Drake acted funky when I was offered the tour he refused to let me go on it, kept making up excuses for me. Probably did it for himself haha.
Speaking of Drake, he’s right I am so stupid! Well he never actually called me stupid but he dropped sarcastic hints. But yeah, he found you! I left you on the kitchen table because Drake was annoying me and he read you! Said his mother tried to take you but that didn’t mean he had to read it! Not like he got anything good other than Jesus Nazi comments but still. Never again will you leave my sight if you are out of my room!
But I have to go. I’ll write soon.

“So why did we leave so early,” I asked, voice drawling out as I looked at Drake in pure boredom. It had been over twenty minutes since we arrived at my school, we still having thirty minutes to kill before either of us had class to go to.
“’Cause,” Drake replied, his voice drawling out just like mine, he was just as bored as I was. “You never know how the tube will be or if you’re line is shut down. Better to leave early an’ find that out then leave an’ end up late.” I looked at him face scrunching up a little, his crisp blue eyes landing on me curiously as he swung his feet. “What?”
My head shook as I held up my hands. “Nothing, but can I ask you for a favor?”
He glanced at me hesitantly, his feet swinging quicker. “Go’head.”
“Can we keep leaving this early?” Our gazes locked and I smiled, almost sheepishly. “It’s just I really need to get out of that house more. I’m afraid of being in there.”
“’fraid of what?”
“Becoming insane for starters. You mother, no offense, drives me up a wall. And this, this is a small taste of freedom.”
Keeping silent for a moment Drake glanced around him, envy emitting from him every time his eyes landed back on me. “I don’ care what time we leave. The earlier the better, but my mum will start to question if we leave too early.” He wanted out of the house as much as I did, it was written clearly all over his face.
“Great!” Leaning back I stared up at the grey sky, clouds rolling overhead and devouring the little rays of sunshine that managed to peek out. “Wow, this is one of those days where you just want to curl back into bed because it’s so dark and gloomy.”
Drake chuckled beside me. “What did you think London was to be like?”
“I know it rains a lot but this is just a gloomy Monday.”
He nodded, falling silent once more.
“You’re not much of a talker are you?”
“Not really, no,” he replied back softly.
“You would have hated the lady I had to sit next to on the plane then,” I laughed. Turning my body towards him I grinned. “She would not shut up, just kept going on about this guy named Mark and how she hates flying-”
“Why was she on a plane then?”
“To see her precious fat Mark.”
Drake’s face turned fully towards me, eyebrows pulled together. “Charming.”
“Oh the things people will do for love,” I laughed as I sent him a distant look, my lips slightly parted as if I were day dreaming of a long lost lover. “More like what people will do for money.” Each of us fell silent Drake coughing as he once again looked around himself. “Nothing has changed.”
“You keep looking around, as if you expect something to change.”
His head shook, his gaze adverting to the ground. “No, I was jus’-”
His words trailed off making me curious and I nudged him. “You what?”
His shoulder lifted into a half attempted shrug. “I was jus’ wondering something.” I stared at him with wide eyes, silently pressing for him to go on and with a sigh he did. “Jus’, why are you here. You know, in London?”
“Because people in England speak English.”
His head nodded, lips pressed in a firm line as if he were holding back a remark. “Why not jus’ stay where you were?”
It was the question I knew was bound to come up sooner or later. In my mind I had it all worked out, the tale I was going to recite to each and every person but as I stared at Drake the tale I was going to tell vanished from my mind, leaving nothing but a thick fog. “Well, I just needed a change. Fresh start if you will.”
“Fresh start from what?”
“Why are you so curious,” I snapped, frustrated with myself for giving such a generic answer that left room for questioning.
He fell silent again, lowering his head. “I was jus’ curious,” he mumbled after a moment. “I’m confused as to why any sane person would come here an’ choose to stay with my family.”
“Well, your family isn’t what I choose. The ones who were described to me were normal, sane people. That and my mom picked out the host family.”
“My mum probably lied on it. Strange since one would think she wouldn’t want our dirty laundry aired out for you to see.”
“Then why even bother doing it? Why take me in?”
Drake looked at her with the same questioning gaze. “I haven’t a clue. Maybe God told her to do it,” he said sarcastically. “Whatever the reason, you’re here now.”
“Yay for me,” I muttered under my breath, eyes rolling at the same time. Feeling Drake move next to me I looked at him as his feet made contact with the ground in a loud thud. “What are you doing,” I asked hurriedly, thinking that maybe he had heard me and I offended him.
“I’ve class to get to. I can’t jus’ walk in when it supposed to be in session.”
Jumping down as well I sent him a small smile. “To true, that’d make for a rotten first impression on your first day,” I mused with an English accent.
His brows furrowed once more before he shook his head. “Don’ try and’ fit in, you’ll only offend.”
“I thought it sounded grand in such a quaint little-”
“Don’ say quaint either. People will stone you.”
Pouting I huffed though my nose. “Fine. I’ll be the American girl lost in London.”
“But you won’t be offending an entire culture, jus’ a few people,” Drake laughed, his smiling appearing strained against his face. “I’ll see you later Riley. Jus’ meet me here, I’ll be waiting.”
Giving him a nod Drake turned and left, I calling out a goodbye before turning and facing my new school, panic instantly surging up inside of me. A part of me wished Drake was attending the same school with me, the idea of not being alone in a new school making it seem less scary and nerve racking. But as his footsteps faded I swallowed hard, there was no point in wishing for something that was impossible. “You’ll be fine.” I whispered, voice quivering a little.
University of London stood before me, it looking more like a mansion than a college, it having that old brick structure just like everything else in London did. “Wow.” I breathed as I took a nervous step forward, the bricks looking a little like glittering gold as rain drops began to fall down around me. Cursing out I took up the stairs quickly, hands raised above my head in an effort to protect my hair. Shaking my head I caught glimpses of umbrella’s being folded up and quickly I made a mental note that I had to invest in one of those. I was in London now and rain was a constant random event, I had to get used to it.
I let out a small shiver as I rubbed my upper arms violently, my eyes scanning my surroundings. I needed to find the office and get my things in order, I letting out a small giggle to myself at Drake’s comment of them needing to be early. Hopefully I was early enough though.
Brushing my hair out of my face I started down the hall, pressing my teeth into my upper lip as I wandered about, my feet squishing against the floor with each step that I took. Rounding the corner I grinned with pride as the office came into full view, my hands lifting and I did a small dance quickly at my success. It was going to be easy, and I was going to be fine. Any crashing waves of doubt I had before gone in the blink of an eye. I had made it through the underground and found the office by myself, the rest of the day was going to be easy.
Walking into the office I smiled brightly as I walked towards the woman at the front desk. “I’m Riley Seeland, I’m a transfer student and-”
“Sit.” The woman barked, it making me take a step back.
“Yeah but classes-”
She glared at me past the rim of her glasses as the slid down the ridge of her nose, I falling silently instantly and moved back towards the seats. Dropping my bag I sat down, arms folding over my chest in a small huff. The minutes ticked past, more and more people filling the school and gradually the halls became louder.
I glanced around before rising to my feet again and approaching the lady. “How much longer am I going to have to wait for?”
“Mr. Rockwell is in a meeting, you’ll have to wait until he is finished. If you wanted to speak with him you should have called.”
I let out a small noise between annoyance and frustration and stalked back to my seat waiting for the time to pass until I was able to talk to my counselor.


September 2-continued

Dear Diary,
So yeah I’m just lounging around in the cafeteria right now until my next class starts, I just finished English like 20 minutes ago and next up is Psychology and then I am done for the day but I have to see the school counselor before I go to make sure everything is in order, he was too busy to see me this morning.
University though is beautiful! I seriously feel like I am in a castle or something! Stone walls mixed with contemporary things and architecture. It’s amazing! Nothing at all like the colleges back in the States with the bland and boring! Ah and people’s accents here are so insane! You would think because they speak English that all will be fine but it’s not! I can hardly understand people at all! This one guy asked me if I had a fag…I thought he was calling me one and got so offended! Turns out he was asking for a cigarette. I have enough issues understanding Drake but some of these other people are talking gibberish I swear! And to think I used to get yelled at for speaking fast, mom would have a heart attack with the kids over here talking over a mile a minute! In time though I am sure I’ll get what they are saying, maybe I’ll even be able to regain my old gift of talking super-fast! Haha.
But I am going to go, class starts in a few and it’s a hike up to the place. Yeah I looked for the room before I started to write.

Placing my Diary gently back into my bag I lifted my bag up over my shoulder as I started to walk away, I trying my best to remember which direction to take to get to my next class. It was on the second floor, that much I remembered but after that I was drawing a blank. “Oh come on!” I hissed, looking down at my schedule with the room numbers then at the wall, the number I needed not being anywhere. I had found it easy before with barely any problems but now it was a sick game of hide and seek. Running my hand through my hair I bit down on my lower lip as I made a circle trying to retrace my steps. Everything looked so alike that it was impossible to tell if I had passed that classroom before or if I had ever been down that hall. My eyes grew wide as I felt my heart beat pick up. I was going to be late for class and the one class I truly wanted and needed to go to.
Psychology was my major, and though at the time that I had picked it to be my major after having to take a semester of it in high school I didn’t know just what I was in for. You had to learn more than just disorders and in my first year at Florida University they hit hard with everything that was needed to know, I believing it was their way of filtering out those who wouldn’t make it in the long run. It was harsh to do but in a way it held its logic and kept people from spending money on something their kid would just drop half way through.
Pacing up and down the hall my eyes read the classroom numbers as my lips moved, whispering them to myself. B113 was nowhere in sight, the numbers ranging from C120 to C140. Emotions crept their way up into me, panic being the main one I felt, it overpowering all the others. I had found it earlier, I could even picture the empty lecture hall clearly in my mind; all the rows of empty seats falling down into the Professors area that was as large as a theatre stage. A heavy frown set in on my face as I glanced up and down the hall one last time, I laughing at myself. It was like I expected the classroom to just magically appear out of thin are; dare I be so lucky.
Pulling out my phone I bit down on my lower lips the time glowed up at me; two twenty-three. I had seven minutes before class started and I knew I was going too late if I ever found the class. “No, no, no,” I mumbled under my breath as I shoved my phone back into my bag.
Frustration overpowered me as the urge to let out a shriek pressed at my lips, it getting harder to hold it back. ‘This is my own doing.’ I told myself. ‘I should have just stayed by the classroom and never left.’ That however, would have been easy, common sense even but I didn’t want to wait twenty minutes by the classroom.
A giggle echoed in the hall around me and whirling around I searched for the source with anticipation. Slowly two girls rounded the corner, my eyes growing wide with excitement as I hurried towards them; strands of my hair falling down out of its ponytail and into my face. “’Cuse me,” I called out with an accent before stepping in front of their paths. Getting skeptical and annoyed looks from the two girls I flashed them a small smile remembering hat Drake had told me about offending people. “Hi! I’m look for room B113, any clue where that’s at?”
As the blonde girl turned towards her friend, I got a good side view of her and took an involuntary step back. She looked just like Julia, the girls’ hair being a lighter shade of blond but other than that she could pass for her twin. My throat tightened into a knot as my eyes started to burn with tears.
“You’re on the wrong floor.” Julia’s twin remarked curtly.
Nodding slowly I blinked, forcing back the tears. It wasn’t Julia, just some girl. “Right, which floor is it on?” I forced myself to ask the question, my voice cracking slightly. Coughing I went on, “I’m already going to be late.”
Both girls laughed it causing me to narrow my eyes slightly, “Then maybe you should have looked earlier rather than a few minutes before hand.” Her friend snapped. Linking arms with the blonde her friend leaned in towards her. “Let’s go Julie.”
My mouth dropped as my heart dropped into the pit of my stomach. Staring at the blond girl I was unable to wrap my mind around the name. Julie. It was a torment from beyond the grave; this girl resembling her and holding a name almost identical to hers.
Julie smirked at me, her and her friend no doubt assuming my reaction was due to their remarks. Neither of them understood the horror that was racing through my mind, the torment it was inflicting on every part of my body. There was no escaping it and they thought it was a joke.
Moving past me they both leaned in towards each other and whispered before laughing again as they glanced back at me; the friend referring to me as a pillock yank.
“Yeah, real cool,” I shouted after them once I got over the shock of what I had encountered. The remarkable resemblance of the girl to Julia, and her name was Julie; that was the psycho cheery on top of the coincidence. The two girls’ laughter echoed around me even after they vanished around the corner up ahead.
Looking down at my class schedule I tossed it up in the air, part in anger the other in frustration. “Stupid, bratty, pompous, stuck up, know-it-all, British…” Words flowed from my mouth in an incoherent way as I leaned up against the wall, my eyes closing heavily as I tried to compose myself.
“Well that was rather a mouthful.” a males voice mused.
Looking up I spotted a man kneeling down before me where my paper had landed my eyes growing wide as he lifted it up and his eyes rose to my level, a smirk filling his lips.
My face flushed and I nodded. “Yeah, I tend to do that when I become overly frustrated.”
Getting to his feet and looking down at me my heart skipped a beat as I stared up at him in a daze. “We all have our own ways to vent.” he replied, his accent catching me off guard. It wasn’t like others; it was lighter, almost Australian. As he handed me back my schedule his deep brown eyes locked with mine and I felt my heart accelerate. “Hope you don’t mind but, may I inquire as to why you are so frustrated?”
I laughed nervously as I dropped my gaze from his eyes; I started to feel myself getting lost in them. “I’m lost.” I mumbled under my breath, not really wanting to admit it but felt compelled too. “I asked for directions and these two girls just laughed.” My face squished up a little as I remembered what they last said to me. “I think they even insulted me, called me a pillock yank or something like that.”
He laughed, it making me bit on my lower lip; it sounded as gorgeous as he looked. “Yank, why on earth use that term?” he mused.
My eyebrow arched, unsure if he was being sarcastic or not I answered anyways, “well I am American.”
Nodding his head at me he smiled genuinely down at my. “Well you don’t appear to be a stupid American too me. Being lost doesn’t make you any less intelligent; if anything the people who refused to help you are the daft ones.”
As he went off into a small lecture I stared up at him in slight awe. I took in every one of his features, from the way his deep brown eyes complimented his tan skin and shaggy wild brown hair to his light scruff on his chin. It looked like he had forgotten to shave but for him it worked, made him more mature looking than he probably was, even more appealing to me. He was tall with a broad physique though he didn’t appear built under his white dress shirt; but he wasn’t thin either, just fit.
“Where are you trying to head too” he asked.
His question forced its way into my thoughts. “Umm,” I stammered and looked down at my schedule. “A11-no B113.” Smiling sheepishly I tried to keep myself from blushing. “Sorry.”
“Quite alright,” he laughed as he ran his hand though his soft looking brown hair. “But I am heading there myself. You may join me if you like.” Looking down at me he took notice to my suspicious glance and laughed once more. “Second year psychology. Really big lecture hall with probably far too many students than one person can teach, excruciatingly hot with no windows or fan.”
I blinked and sent him a blank stare. “Wouldn’t know the ending part,” I joked.
“Of course you wouldn’t” he chuckled as he motioned for me to follow him. “You’re lost and it’s the first day of class.”
Walking beside the man I kept my gaze fixed on the floor, not wanting him to feel like I was staring at him like he was a piece of fine art; which he was. We walked in silence as I followed him down a flight of stairs then up the ones across the hall, my mind racing with ways to start up a conversation. “I’m Riley by the way.” I said brightly. I waited for him to introduce himself in return and when he didn’t I twisted my fingers nervously. “So you like psychology?” Shutting my eyes tightly as the words left my mouth I regretted them and wanted to hit myself in the face. I wasn’t a good flirt; even when I tried my hardest.
“Well I sure would hope so,” he replied with amusement.
Still no name.
Smiling fading a little I looked down at the ground I tried to think of a new approach. Looking up just in time I stopped walking as the man stopped abruptly, I leaning forward to catch myself. Glancing up towards the wall I read the number, B113; we were there.
“After you Riley.” he said with a broad smile as he opened the door quickly I walked in beside him.
My eyes scanned the classroom in search of an empty seat and though the one I had first wanted was filled there were two open seats left next to each other. Taking a quick glance back I slide into the furthest seat, my eyes watching the man as he walked down onto the teacher’s floor. I caught my breath as I slouched down a little in my seat now realizing who he was.
“Hello class,” the man boomed.
My face went a heavy shade of red as I pulled my hair out of its hold and tried to hide behind it.
“I’m Professor Rickles and welcome to year two of psychology! Happy to see some of you can stick it out; let’s see how many of you last this year!” His eyes scanned over the classroom before they landed on me and he smiled.
Sending him a small smile back I felt like wanting to run from the classroom. I had tried to hit on my professor and for once I was happy that I sucked at it. Grabbing my book I opened it and focused my attention on it and resisting the urge to look up at Professor Rickles again.


Dear Diary,
So I am in the main office right now waiting to talk to the counselor…again! No joke this is the second time they have had me sitting here waiting for twenty some minutes and if they tell me try again later I’m going to scream! What do these people think that I am made of free time and have nothing else better to do with my life then wait around until the counselor can see me. I think not! Mrs. Landon will have my head if we are any later.
So yeah, I have two things to tell….one is scary and too weird to be a freak coincidence and the other is hilariously horrible!
Scary one first. So I got lost going to psychology; went up the wrong set of stairs. Anyways I asked these two bratty girls where to go and they laughed at me. That’s not the weird part…the blond girl looked just like Julia!!!! Want weirder, her name was Julie. I am not kidding or exaggerating about this and I almost cried! It was like the world stopped when I heard her name. Talk about a slap in the face by the Gods of Karma. I left Florida to escape her and she followed me here. Well not literally of course but that’s how it feels.
OH and after the girls left I came across this delicious piece of man meat! I swear, if there really is a God he hand sculpted this man! We talked for a bit and when our eyes meet…ahhh I nearly melted! They were this beautiful brown and his face…and body! He is Godly and this is the amazing, hilariously horrible news. I get to see him every day. He’s not only in my psychology class…he is umm…he’s Professor Rickles! In my defense he looks like he’s in his early 30s! Up until I found out who he was I was trying to hit on him…I was attempting to hit on my professor!!!! OH GOD, like things couldn’t get any worse! My face is still red from it!
Ah I have to go, someone is walking towards me and he looks creepy. I’ll mock myself later haha.

Folding my hands over my diary I watched as a tall extremely thin old man made his way towards me, a lopsided grin filling his face. He stopped in front of a girl who was standing at the desk and arching my eyebrow I kept my eyes locked on him, afraid that is he turned sideways I’d lose sight on him. “Miss Seeland,” he said to the girl with a broad smile.
“I’m Tiffany,” the girl said dully.
He turned around, he looking straight at me, “Miss Seeland?” he called out.
My eyes rolled dramatically. What was I, invisible? “That’s me,” I replied as I stood up and gave him a small wave.
The man nodded, “I thought so,” he said enthusiastically.
‘I’m sure you did.’ My mind snapped back curtly.
“You look like a Seeland,” He added with a laugh.
I didn’t return his laugh. “My name is Riley,” I said almost coldly.
His bushy eyebrows furrowed as he stared at me, “I thought you were Seeland.”
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and placed a smile on my face instead. “My name is Riley Seeland,” I explained. He reminded me of my Grandpa, his smile still on his face even when I corrected him.
“O’course. I’m just toying with you love, this way.” He motioned for me to follow him down the hall and pointed into the room. “I’ll be with you shortly.”
Walking into the room I took a glanced back at him as he walked towards the front desk and started up small talk with the young receptionist in an attempt to flirt. “Yup, just like Grandpa,” I said with another roll of my eyes. Tossing my purse down between my feet I sat in a large comfy chair as I waited for him to return.
It felt like a doctor’s office. You get there and wait an ungodly amount of time before you are brought back to the room where you get to sit and wait some more. It was mind numbing and irritating and not, in my opinion, how things should been run. Drumming my nails against the top of my Diary I looked around the room, diplomas displayed against the back wall as a picture of a boat in a heavy storm sat to my right, it holding most of my attention.
“Quite the artwork, wouldn’t you agree?”
My eyes went wide as I felt my heart plummet. It was the same voice I had listened to for an hour and I knew I would spot the melodious voice anywhere. Professor Rickles. I tried to keep a blush off my face as I turned and looked back at the door. “Hello Professor,” I said softly.
He walked into the room and took a look around it himself, “so how did you like your first class Miss Seeland,” he asked curiously.
My mouth opened to tell him that his wasn’t the only class I had but stopped not wanting him to think of me as an idiot. “It was great. I think I learned more in your one class than I did all last year at Florida U.”
Sending me an almost bashful smile Professor Rickles shook his head. “I am pleased to hear that. I always hate the first day of class, the nerves you get.”
“You didn’t seem it.” I replied, a faint smile creeping onto my lips.
He shrugged and tapped his temple. “Mind over matter. If I let you all know I was petrified out of my mind you’d walk all over me,” he chuckled.
I bit down on my lower lip as I felt my heart melt at his laugh, it was contagious. “That is true,” I said almost dreamily. “And you can’t have that.”
Sitting on the corner of the desk Professor Rickles smiled at me, “so it wasn’t too hard, I can be expecting to see you again tomorrow.”
I blinked as I felt my heart and stomach flip and quickly I nodded. “Of course,” I said happily. I tried to move my gaze from him, not wanting him to know that I was staring at him in complete awe and adoration but I was unable to when his gaze locked with mine.
A throat cleared behind us and color rose to my face. “Professor Rickles.” Came the old man’s voice and peering behind me I saw the disgruntled look on his face.
“Hello Rockwell, all going good?” Rickles replied with a broad smile.
Rockwell nodded, “it’d be better though if you wouldn’t harass the young girl in my office. I am sure she doesn’t even know you and that you scared the poor thing.”
“I’m in his class.” I said awkwardly.
My eyes moved to Professor Rickles as he stood up from the desk and crossed the room. “I hope to see you again tomorrow Riley. And do remember, it’s the west stairwell.”
My smile strained at his reminder and I gave a nod. “Or course.” I mumbled slouched back down into my seat.
Footsteps scuffled and as Professor Rickles left the room the counselor walked in. “I apologise for the wait Miss Seeland,” he said as he sat down in his chair, it being far too big for such a thin man. “I am Mr. Rockwell.” His hand extended and I shook it gently.
“Nice too meet you, and it’s alright, Professor Rickles kept me company.” I replied my smile still on my face as the scent of his cologne lingered.
The old man’s face fell as he looked at me sternly but said nothing for a long moment. “So Miss Seeland, it is my job to know how everything is going for you.” He searched around then pulled out a file, “you live with the Landon’s is that correct?”
I nodded my head.
“How is that going for you, everything good?”
My head tilted to the side as I quickly debated on what to tell him. I wanted to scream and shout that they had placed me with psychos who were trying to convert me into a religion and treat their son like a piece of garbage. But as the idea passed through my mind I found my lips moving and telling him all was good. “I’m really happy where I am.”
In my mind I made a face at myself. I was the furthest thing from happy at the Landon’s but the thought that if I talked bad of them that they would just send me home thinking I was too hard to please was enough to make me lie.
He jotted down my words then looked back up at me. “And your trip here?”
My head tilted from side to side as a noise came from me, “pretty good if you take out the chatter box.” He sent me a confused look and I went on to explain. “The lady who sat next to me wouldn’t shut up. She talked, no joke, the entire trip. I was ready to jump out of the plane.”
He chuckled a little, thinking what I said was a joke, if only he knew. “And the Landon’s have a son I see.” He looked up at me curiously as his gray brows wiggled in concern.
“Yeah his name is Drake. He’s cool.”
“So you are not uncomfortable with him in the same house?” The concerned look hadn’t left his face. “How old is the boy?”
My eyes narrowed and I felt my neck twitch as the pharse ‘the boy’. “His name is Drake.” Mr. Rockwell cocked his head at my sudden snap, I quickly smiling in return. “I just like it better when people use names. And Drake is twenty I think. He’s a little older than me, that’s all I know.”
He wrote quickly, “and has he ever made advances towards you. Done things that made you feel uncomfortable.”
“What?” I asked loudly. “Oh God no! Drake is very shy and I mean very.” The euphemism probably wasn’t needed but I had added it to make my words clear. “I view Drake almost like an older brother if anything. Like today on the way here he told me some stupid joke about trains colliding to freak me out.” I laughed a little, “I’ve never been on a train before.”
Rockwell nodded. “And what about Mr. Landon?”
“Gross.” I said, my face scrunching up at the thought of Mr. Landon making advances on me. “The man is as quiet as Drake, if anything hardly talks to me.” I paused as I stared at him, “and please don’t ask me any of those question you asked me about Drake, I may vomit.”
Chuckling Rockwell held up his hands as he nodded. “It’s my job Miss Seeland; we want you to be safe and happy.”
“I feel both those things at the Landon’s.”
He nodded once more and wrote again. “Now about our school. How do you feel here, do you feel like you fit in?”
“Yes. I mean other than getting lost when I was trying to get to psychology everything was awesome.”
“Hmhm.” He flipped the paper, “you are studying psychology as your major I see.” It was my turn to nod. “How did that class suit you? You feel like it will move you forward to getting your degree?”
My mind drifted off to Professor Rickles and I grinned slightly. “Without a doubt,” I said in a dazed voice. Blinking quickly I pulled myself from my thoughts and looked at Rockwell, “I learned more today than I ever did at Florida. Professor Rickles really knows his stuff.” I paused and smiled brightly. “He gets everyone involved which is nice. It’s a big lecture class but with that you feel more involved in the class and work harder, you’re not just another face or number.”
“That is what we like to hear,” Mr. Rockwell said with a broad grin. Tucking his papers away he got to his feet, “well that was all we needed, we’ll check up on you sometime later. Probably mid-way through and I hope not sooner.”
“Why not sooner,” I asked curiously as I followed him to his feet.
He chuckled again, “well that means one of two things. Either something happened to someone in your family or you are failing.”
I nodded taking in the information. “Well then in that case, see you in the middle of the school year.” I shook his hand again and thanked him for his time before walking out of his office.
“And Miss Seeland, if you come into any form of a problem do come and see me. I’ll be more than pleased to help you,” He said from behind me as he walked me down the hall.
“I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you.”
Heading out into the main office I stopped when I spotted Drake, he looking nervous and jumpy. His thoughts were where mine were a bit ago; his mother was going to kill us. Turning to Mr. Rockwell I started to ask if he could write me a note saying he was the reason we were going to be late but quickly I stopped myself. It would be too hard to explain why I needed a note to give to Mrs. Landon. “Thanks again.” I called out as I walked towards Drake. “Hey, have you been waiting long?”
Drake looked at me and shook his head. “Fifteen minutes ’bout. What was he doing, changing your classes?” His words were meant to be taken as a joke but the stress in his voice gave them a whole new meaning.
Laughing lightly I smiled at him. “No, he was asking about how I like living with you guys.”
Drake’s face grew in color as he looked down quickly. “You tell him you hate it with the Jesus Nazis and wish to go back home?”
My head shook. “Nope, said I liked it which is weird.” He looked back up at me in surprise. “Besides, I don’t want to go home. I like England so far.”
Drake’s face returned back to its pale shade and he stared at me for a second before they moved past me. “Riley,” he said as he pointed.
Turning around I backed away slightly as Professor Rickles stood behind me. “Hello again.”
“Miss Seeland. Wanted to remind you something but I am afraid it has slipped my mind” he laughed.
My eyebrow arched, “Oh well…okay. I’ll see you in class tomorrow; we really have to get home.”
His eyes moved from me and onto Drake, a broader smile filling his face. “This must your other half.”
“What-no!” I said instantly as the back of my neck began to heat up.
“Roommate then,” he asked, his eyes never leaving Drake who shifted from foot to foot.
I glanced between the two, “well sort-a. This is Drake Landon, he’s the son of the couple who are letting me live with them. Drake this is my psychology professor, Mr. Rickles.”
“Pleasure to meet you Drake, you can just call me Bryan.” Professor Rickles exclaimed as he held out his hand. A moment passed of Drake not moving until I nudged him to shake hands.
“You as well Mr. Rickles,” he replied blandly, his eyes flickering up for a brief moment and locking with the man across from him.
Professor Rickles gasped lightly before smiling, “you have striking blue eyes. Has anyone ever told you?”
At his comment Drake quickly pulled his hand back and crossed them over his chest, his awkwardness growing instantly. “No.”
“Well you do. Wouldn’t you agree Miss Seeland?”
“Uh-yeah I suppose, never really looked before,” I mumbled. Looking at Professor Rickles I widened my eyes hoping he too would make a remark about my eyes, or something about me looking striking.
“You should really take a gander sometime. They remind me that of a wolf.”
A small pout formed on my face as I shrugged before mumbling, “I guess.”
Pulling me backwards Drake leaned in closely, “we really have to go Riley.” he said quietly though still loud enough for Professor Rickles to hear.
I nodded my head sharply. “Sorry, we have to go. Hopefully I’ll see you tomorrow though.” I commented brightly.
“That you will. ‘Less you don’t show up for class.”
“I’ll be there for sure.” Feeling Drake pulling at my arm I tried to keep my smile set on my face. “Have a nice rest of the day Professor,” I called out as I turned to leave.
“You as well Miss. Seeland. Hope we meet again soon Drake,” he called back and instantly Drake walked faster.
Once out of the school I roughly freed myself from Drake’s grip before glaring at him. “Could you be any more rude,” I hissed angrily.
“Could you be more obvious with trying to chat up your professor,” he retorted in the same tone.
Hitting him in the arm composed myself as I tried to keep a blush from creeping on my face. “I was not flirting!” I said sharply as Drake scoffed. “I wasn’t.”
“O’course you weren’t,” Drake replied sarcastically. “Have a lovely day Professor. Oh, I’ll be there for sure, I wouldn’t dream of bypassing a chance to stare at your bum. No, no I wouldn’t mind if you goosed me! Please go’head, it’ll make my week,” He mocked.
“Gosse me?” I whispered in confusion. “You know, the more you go on about this thing you think I was doing, which I wasn’t, the longer it’s going to take us to get back.” I needed a change of subject, my face growing redder with every word that Drake said and luckily Drake seemed to take the bait.
“You going to have an eppy on the underground,” He asked coyly.
“Oh that’s it. Just make fun of me for my fear! Real classy Drake.”
His lips curved up into a smirk as he led me down the street, London University slowly disappearing behind us. “Bet you wouldn’t have an eppy if your professor was here to hold your hand through the terrifying trip.”
My eyes shifted towards him in annoyance but I kept my mouth closed. He was never going to let me live it down.


Walking up from the Underground Drake chuckled to himself as he glanced back at Riley, her face panic stricken as her green eyes popped out of her head. “It isn’t that bad.” he called over his shoulder as he walked up the stairs, he ducking into his coat as a light mist fell down on them.
“That’s easy for you to say. You’ve done this your entire life,” Riley replied in a shaking voice. “You’d be as scared if I had to drive you to school.”
Waiting for her to catch up Drake turned to Riley. “I’m pretty sure you jus’ insulted yourself,” he said, a dry laugh coming from him. “But if you insist that your driving is that horrendous then I shall take your word for it.” The corners of his lips twitched, them wanting to curl up into a smile when Riley’s face scrunched up in annoyance to his words. “No need to look so cross,” he added, he turning away just as the smirk filled his face, his shoulders quivering in silenced laughter.
Reaching forward the back of Riley’s hand hit Drake in the arm, “you’re not funny you know that,” she snapped.
He nodded in response. “None of us Brits are.”
“Professor Rickles is funny.”
Drake’s smirk dropped instantly. “He’s not even English.” His words were mumbled harshly. “He’s a bloody digger.”
“A what? He’s a profes- ”
“I’m not saying he literally digs Riley,” Drake yelled cutting her off. “He’s Australian!”
“So because he’s funny that must mean that he’s not from England?” She scoffed out as her head shook, “wow Drake, that’s just naïve”
Drake’s face flushed slightly as he looked away. “No. Has nothing to do with that. For starters, he’s an accent an’ the man is tan.”
“So, he’s tan. That proves nothing.”
“Look around Riley, how many tan people do you see?”
Her arms folded over her chest stubbornly. “There are tanning booths.”
“So now he’s gay?”
“What!” It was Riley’s turn to blush as she stared at Drake in horror. “He’s not…no!”
Chuckling again Drake grinned. “You sure, ‘cause I dun’no ‘bout you but I don’ know many men that tan.”
“That’s because you live in England!”
“My point exactly.”
Riley’s face was going red in anger, her haunting green eyes glaring at him. “He is not gay,” she stated firmly.
Turning the corner Drake shrugged; he not caring in the least bit but seeing how much it annoyed her he couldn’t drop the subject. “I’m sure he’s not,” he teased sarcastically. He kept his voice calm knowing it only made Riley more frustrated. “I’ll bet you a tenner that he’s a poofter.” She looked at him puzzled. “Ten pounds. Ten pounds says he’s gay.”
“He isn’t! And like you’re one to talk,” she snapped viciously.
Drake stopped walking as he stared at her, “I’m one to-you can’t honestly believe that I am...” His words were stumbled over as he tried to make sense of what she had said. She called him gay. She thought he was gay. “My parents would’ve disowned me if I were.”
“Never said you were out of the closet yet.” Her glare fell, a mischievous glint flickering behind her eyes like a flame, she seeing how her words were getting under his skin. “Denial is the first sign.”
His head shook violently. “I’m not gay!” She was messing with him, he knew it but like before he couldn’t stop. He had to show her up, prove her wrong. “How could you think I am gay?”
“Dear God, can we get off this topic. You keep shouting it people will hear you and confirm their suspicion.”
A puzzled look filled his face. “Confirm?”
She sighed in aggravation. “Yes Drake, confirm. I’m not the only one who thinks you’re gay. Shit why do you think that priest likes you so much.”
Drake swallowed hard as he lowered his head, eyes staring intently at the ground as Riley went on.
“He thinks you’re gay and is trying to save you,” she explained as if it were common sense.
“That’s not why.” Drake said in a whisper.
“Oh no, then how come?”
Walking past Riley Drake kept his eyes fixed on his shoes. She noticed Father Bernard’s actions to him, could see that there was something different in the way he treated him apart from the others. She had the wrong idea but it was only a matter of time before she had figured it out, and that terrified him.
“Oh come on, don’t be cross,” Riley called out from behind him in a mock, her feet hitting the ground loudly as she ran after him.
Ignoring her Drake’s pace quickened as he tried to clear his mind, push out the thoughts and memories that were flooding him mind and making him queasy. His wrist itched as a burn ran up it, his eyes closing as he tried to block it out as well. From behind him Riley was calling out for him, her voice growing louder as he walked faster away and all at once everything came to a stop when he was yanked backwards just as a horn screamed beside him, the word tosser being screamed at him as they passed.
“What the hell is the matter with you,” Riley screamed from next to him, her eyes wide as golf balls. Hitting him hard in the arm Riley’s chest rose and fell rapidly as she looked him over. “Do you not look before crossing the street?”
Eyes still glued on the where the car almost hit him Drake blinked slowly. He was so close to being hit the experience still felt like it was happening, the car horn screaming in his ears as the choke from Riley pulling him back lingered.
“Drake.” Hitting him again Riley waited for him to reply before turning him to face her. Staring up at him Riley passed her hand past his face, his eyes alive with a fire. “Drake,” Riley repeated, worry seeping into her voice.
Blinking Drake looked down at Riley, his face set in stone. “Yes.”
“Are you okay?”
Drake nodded. “Perfect, why?”
“You were almost run over,” Riley replied softly, the look of concern not fading from her face.
Drake nodded once more, as if it were now all just registering with him. “An’ you pulled me back?” He looked down at Riley with a confused look, the fire in his eyes dying into sadness. “Why?”
Stepping back from him Riley arched her eyebrow. “What do you mean why?” she asked sternly.
“Nothing. Jus’ we were fighting an’ I figured you’d-”
“Let you get run over,” Riley asked appalled. “I am mean but not that mean! Jesus Drake, what kind of person do you think I am.”
Drake’s shoulder lifted and Riley gasped out. “I didn’t say anything.”
“You didn’t need to,” Riley screamed before shoving past him and storming off. “Next time I’m pushing you in front of the car!”
Looking back at the spot Drake grinned a little to himself before he followed after Riley, it only being after she started looking confused did he tell her that she passed where they were supposed to turn.
“Why didn’t you say anything,” she whined half way on their way back.
“I am tempting you to see if you really will push me.”
“You are such an ass,” Riley hissed as she walked quickly next to him, she elbowing him every so often as she pretended to hoist her bag up.
Finally walking up to the house Riley began to run, Drake rolling his eyes as he watched her disappear into the house and his mother walk out, stern look placed on her face.
Steps slowing Drake watched her carefully and his gut told him to turn and run. “Hullo,” he mumbled awkwardly as he tried to pass her.
“Where have you been?” she growled, fingers curling around his arm and stopping him dead in his tracks.
“Riley’s counselor needed to speak with her.” He looked back at him mother coldly, “’bout us.”
A sharp scoff sounded past Mrs. Landon’s thin lips, “Then why is Mr. Harrow calling me saying you were running through the streets?”
Drake rolled his eyes, “I wasn’t running, an’ we were on our way home. Riley was talking to me, I wasn’t paying attention an’ nor was he. It was a mistake.” Making his way into the house Drake glanced back as his mother slammed the door behind her.
“Don’t you walk away from me Boy. I will not tolerate you.” Stepping in front of him Mrs. Landon’s glare met his bored gaze and softened instantly just as Riley walked out of her room. “You were nearly hit,” she said gently though her eyes full of hope and wanting. It was a show for Riley, the idea of her counselor asking about them spiking fear into her.
“No,” he replied back flatly. “But thanks for the concern.”
Walking up the stairs Drake tossed his bag into his room, it opening the door enough for him to slide in. Catching Riley out of the corner of his eye Drake sent her a small wave, she in return letting out a squeak and shutting the door quickly. “Welcome home,” he murmured under his breath before shutting his own door and letting the darkness of his room consume him.
© Copyright 2012 Unnatural_Selection (UN: mapofyourhead at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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