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Team of FBI's who work together to learn of their pasts. Supernatural occurences included |
The drive to the bank was rather boring, and there was minimal traffic, so I arrived fairly quickly. Virtually everyone on the ‘ambush’ team was there already, but I still needed to be clued in on my part. I’d gotten all the information I could from the files, so now it was just a matter of putting everything into action. I pulled into the parking lot of a building a few blocks away from the bank and hurriedly made my way to the semi-large group of agents from the office. “What’d I miss?” I asked, a little out of breath. “Just telling the squad how this whole thing is gonna work out. Agent Snow, you’ll be standing in the line closest to where the robbers, there should be three, are expected to come in." Agent Murphy said to me; he was the head of our department. "I’ve already talked to the bank tellers and told them to listen and follow everything they say, but to do it slowly so that they can buy us some time. Your part is simple; wait till the men have collected their money and are heading out. If you can apprehend them, that’s great. If not, we’ll have the police out here, ready to take them down. We’ve been told that the suspects are armed and dangerous, so be careful. But they’re amateurs so they’ll most likely make multiple mistakes. If you feel you have a shot at getting them before they start to run out of the building, take it. Just keep in mind that there are people around you and that your duty is to make sure everyone is safe.” He finished. “Yes sir.” The entire team said in unison. “Is there anything special I need to do?” I asked Agent Murphy after the others had dispersed. “You’re one of the most experienced on the team, so I trust you to follow your instincts and do what you think is right. Just don’t do anything stupid, alright?” he replied. “You got it.” I started to casually walk towards the bank when I felt a hand grab me from behind. I was about to scream and fight back but then I was who it is. “What the hell, Philip? Aren’t there other, less stressful ways to get a girl's attention?” I said, pretending to be angry with him. “Sorry Agent Snow, I guess I just assumed you were this big, bad FBI agent that never got scared.” He smiled, but I knew there was a deeper, more personal reason that he was confronting me right now. “What’s up Philip?” I asked, wanting to get straight to the point. “I realize that this is what you do for a living, and that you may not care too much about how dangerous it is, but please promise me you’ll be safe.” His eyes were pleading; it tore at my heart. “Promise me you won’t do something stupid and get hurt.” Why was everyone saying that? Philip isn’t usually this heartfelt about things when around other people, but when it’s just him and me he’s not afraid to show his emotions or to tell me how much he cares. That’s probably why we’ve never left one another’s side since we met 20 years ago in an orphanage. “You know I can’t promise you that. For one, it’s not fair. And two, it’s not like I can control what others around me do.” I said, defiantly. “I realize that. But at least try and be careful. I’ll see you in a bit.” He said, and walked away without another word. “Yes sir.” I mocked him, then continued walking towards the bank, acting as if I was going there to make a routine deposit. I finally reached the building and made my way inside, walking right to the line I was supposed stand in. I looked around the bank, nonchalantly surveying my surroundings, mapping out where each of my team members were. I gave them each an imperceptible nod, just to make sure they were all focused on what to do and that they knew what was going on. Just as I was moving up in line I heard a loud crash, then guns being shot off, and I immediately ducked down. And so it began. “Everybody down. Now!” Said one of the three men; he must have been the leader. Not only was he holding a bag, but he had the largest gun and was standing directly between the two other men. He had a larger build than the others, but that was really all I could see; all of their faces were covered. The two henchmen were slightly smaller, but still looked exceptionally strong. Another round was shot off by the two sidekicks, making many of the people in the bank scream. By now everyone was on the ground and no one was moving, save for the robbers. They ran to one of the tellers, not the one we’d thought or hoped they’d go to, yelling at her to put all the money she had into the bag. The teller was a small, plump woman who looked like a dear in the headlights. I wanted to do something, to help her somehow, but I knew I couldn’t for risk of giving everything away. She purposely fumbled with the keys to the register, buying us valuable time. It probably helped that she was crying, too, because that tends to keep people from seeing clearly. I looked at some of the other agents, noticing them reaching behind their backs or under their jackets, ready to draw their guns if necessary; I imagined it would be. I reached for mine now, which was tucked behind my back, where my shirt met my pants. I didn’t grab it just yet, waiting to see what would happen. My hand was ready to grab the gun, though. Ready for anything. The bag was now filled with money, the burglars ready to make their getaway. Now it was time to step in. “Drop your weapons.” My voice boomed as I stood up and withdrew my gun, pointing it directly at the leader. “I told you someone sold us out, man.” One of the smaller men said. “Shut up. We knew this was gonna happen, so who gives a shit?” Said the other sidekick. “It’s just a little bitch, so we don’t need to worry about anything. Let’s go.” The leader said; boy was that the wrong thing to call me. “What did you just call me?” My voice raising an octave; I never reacted well to someone calling me a ‘bitch.’ “You heard me, bitch.” He repeated, starting to walk, hurriedly, back to the front doors. “Call me bitch one more time.” I said, deliberately closing the space between us, my gun hand at the ready. “Now!” Lots of things happened in that moment. The rest of the agents launched into action. The burglars started shooting at us. Then they started running to the doors, to get out. I was one of the few who actually ran after them, but I was the only one close to them. “Drop your weapons and get on the ground or I’ll shoot!” I warned; they didn’t listen. “Stop!” Again, they didn’t listen. I was about to shoot off a round, aiming for their feet so as not to kill them but to slow them down, when I heard a bullet shoot past my head. That really sent me over the edge. I took aim and shot the leader in the leg, hitting him right where I wanted. He keeled over in pain, clenching at his now bleeding leg. The other two men were detained, just as they reached the doors, by the police officers that were now swarming into the bank. I ran over to the man I’d shot. “You bitch!” he yelled; this only made me grin. “There’s something you should know about me; I don’t take well to people calling me that.” I said, smiled a sickeningly sweet smile, then walked out the front doors to a small welcome committee made up of Agent Murphy and some other agents. “You did good, Agent Snow. I’ll have to remember to bring you to these types of jobs more often.” Agent Murphy said. “Well, I learned from the best.” I teasingly winked at him. “If you need me I’ll be back at the office. See you later.” “’Kay, see ya.” I started towards my car, which was a few blocks away, and went through the whole bank ordeal in my head; I often liked to go over what I could have done better. I was about eight feet from my car when I was engulfed in a huge bear hug, almost knocking me off my feet. “I’m so glad you’re okay, Amaris. I heard gun shots and someone yell ‘bitch,’ and since you’re the only girl on our team in the bank, I knew it was you.” said Philip, sounding as if he was on the verge of tears; very rarely did he act like this. “I’m fine, really. The head guy shot at me, yeah, but he’s a sucky shot. No big deal. By the way, was anyone on the team hit?” I asked as I pulled out of the hug, looking Philip in the eye. Now I don’t want you getting the wrong idea about Philip. He really is a bad ass FBI agent, especially around the other guys, but I tend to bring out the caring, sensitive side of him, particularly when I get myself in a potentially fatal position. It used to get on my nerves but now I know he only acts this way because he cares about me. And to be honest, I’d react the exact same way if the tables were turned. “No, no one was hit. But like you said, those guys have sucky aim. I’m just glad you’re all right. Are you heading home now, or what?” He asked. “No, I’m going back to the office to see if Jacki’s got any other cases for me today. If not, then I’ll probably go home. Why?” I replied. “You forgot didn’t you? Well, you and I were supposed have date night tonight, and I’m pretty sure you were coming over to my place.” Philip said, pretending to be hurt by my lack of good memory. I had completely forgotten. “Crap. I am so sorry, Philip. Date night is still on, I just want you to know that. When do you want me over?” “My shift ends at 6:30, so any time after then really. When should I expect you?” “After 7, most likely. So I’ll see you later?” I said, getting a mischievous look in my eyes. “Yes, yes you will.” Philip replied as he pulled me into a deep, romantic kiss; these moments with him always made me feel as light as air. By the time we drew away from each other we were both out of breath and barely able to say goodbye to one another. I got in my car and watched him as he walked back towards the bank to finish settling things there, then turned out of the parking lot and headed back to the office. Traffic was minimal, as it had been earlier, so I got there in no time. ***** By the time I made it to the sixth floor most everyone was either out working or on a late lunch break, so it was pretty much deserted. I first went to Jacki’s office door to see if there was anything else for me to do; it was locked and there was a note on the door. Out to get some fresh air. If you need me I’ll be at Bailey’s gym. I should be back before 5, at the latest. Signed, Jacki, her ‘J’ looped and her ‘i’ barely dotted. I took the note off the door, heading to my desk to throw the note away, when I almost ran into someone. Sometimes I’m not really able to keep in my screams, and this was no exception. “Goodness Amaris. I’s jus’ me.” Said Ivey, trying hard to keep in what I could only imagine was hysterical laughter. “Yeah, well a warning wouldn’t hurt anyone. Seriously, I didn’t even hear you come up behind me.” I said, trying hard not to make eye contact; I could feel my cheek’s burning a deep red. “I’ll be sure to le’ you know when I’m behind you nex’ time. Anyways, how’d the bank job go?” “Fine, really. Don’t ask Philip, though. He wasn’t real happy with me being shot at and whatnot. He’s just all around unhappy with my chosen career.” I vented, sounding childish and whiney. “He jus’ cares, Amaris. He can’ help how he feels abou’ you. You have to learn to deal with i’.” Ivey really did give good advice. I just wasn’t very interested in using it when we would have these talks. What can I say? I’m stubborn. “Well, enough with the heavy stuff. It’s 4:15. Has Jacki called at all?” I asked. “Yes she did, actually. Abou’ an hour or so ago.” She started, clearly holding something back. “And?” “Le’s jus’ say, she migh’ no’ be back for a li’le while longer. She’s go’ herself a boy toy righ’ now.” Ivey giggled. “Seriously?” This was news when it came to Jacki. “I’m sor’ of exaggera’ing. Bu’ she is ou’ on a da’e with a guy; his name’s Caden. From wha’ li’le she told me, though, he’s a cutie. They met while Jacki was attempting to put together her rock climbing gear; he helped her, then they parted their separa’e ways. They encountered one another when Jacki was on the wall. She los’ her footing and Caden was righ’ under her, so he stopped the only way he could.” “Oh God, he grabbed her ass. And she agreed to go on a date with him after that?” “Wha’ can I say? Our Jacki has a mind all her own. Not to sound rude or anything, bu’ why did you come back here? You could have gone home after you go’ done with your case.” She asked, with a quizzical look on her face. “Guess I didn’t feel like it. It’s not my fault I like my job. I just feel comforted here, for some odd reason.” I admitted. Did it make me a freak for loving what I did for a living, especially since I could die any day without warning? Not that I cared much what others said or thought of me. “I know how you feel. Speaking of work, wan’ to hear wha’ I’ve done today?” Ivey asked, seeming abnormally giddy. “Sure, lay it on me sister.” “Nothing. I’ve done pretty much nothing today. Things have been so freaking slow. I did receive a few blood samples and clothing fragmen’s from some local police agencies, bu’ nothing big. I’ve been waiting for you or Jacki to ge’ back.” No wonder she’d seemed overly excited to see me. “Well I’m here now, and I bet Jacki will be back any minute.” I said, just as the elevator doors dinged open and Jacki walked through them, a smile plastered on her lively face. “Speak of the devil.” “Nice call.” Ivey complimented. “So how ar’ you? Tell us all the dir’y details.” “It was our first date Ivey. There are no dirty details to tell, sorry to disappoint you. It was nice though. He took me to his family's restaurant off exit 34. It’s called Anastasia’s. It’s Greek, and it’s delicious.” It was obvious Jacki was trying hard not to tell us everything at once. “Greek, huh? You do know tha’ I spen’ quite a few of my teenage years in-” Ivey started. “Yes, yes we do. You’ve only mentioned it a million times. And you’ve also told us you were born in England, but your parents moved you to Greece soon after you were born. Hence, your British accent.” I teased. Ivey glared at me, her silver eyes looking almost lethal. She stopped talking, her hand going up to her fang necklace. She usually did this when she was angry or sad, just played with the piece of jewelry. “Before we get too carried away, we need to discuss a case I just got in this morning.” Jacki started, her smile almost unnoticeably faltering. “Okay. What is it?” I asked, Ivey nodding her head in agreement. “The suspect's name is Azrael, or at least that’s what his many mistresses claim his name is. He engages in sexual activity with the women when their husband isn't home, but the husband eventually catches them in the act, freaks out, and Azrael murders them while they’re leaving work, in their parking lot a few days later. There’s hardly any evidence, minus a few hair samples and clothing fragments. There are also blood samples but they’re from the victims, so that won’t really help us find Azrael. Ivey, you’re the expert when it comes to this so first thing tomorrow when you get in to the office, start on that please. Amaris, I’m gonna need you with me, helping do research on this guy. I did a little bit this morning but didn’t learn too much about him, besides some things that happened in his past. Then again, that could be everything. We don’t know yet, so we need to get to work on this first thing in the morning. Sound good?” Jacki said, a serious look on her face. “Yes.” Ivey and I said in unison. When Jacki meant business, it was best not to joke around or do anything immature. “Great. You guys can leave now if you want, since I don’t expect us to have much free time what with this case taking priority and all. Go have fun.” “Ar’ you sure? Wha’ ar’ you going to do?” Ivey asked. “I’m gonna stay here for a while longer, get a little more familiar with the case. If that’s even possible now. Seriously, go out. Don’t worry about me.” Jacki said. “I’m supposed to be meeting Philip soon, so I should go. I’ll see you guys bright and early in the morning.” I interjected, knowing this little conversation between Jacki and Ivey would go on forever, leaving me with no other opportunity to actually leave without it seeming rude. “See ya.” Jacki called after me just as I reached the elevator doors. ***** As I was putting on a thin line of eyeliner my phone vibrated, alerting me of a text. I finished doing my eye makeup quickly then looked to see who had sent me the text; it was Philip. When are you gonna be here? It read. Philip never really was one for patience but then again, neither was I, so I had no room to talk. I quickly responded; Hold your horses, I’ll be there soon. Since I wasn’t yet dressed I scampered towards my closet, looking for something sexy and fun to wear to Philip’s. I always seemed to forget how many clothes I actually had until I was in a situation like this, desperately trying to find the perfect outfit to wear. I didn’t want to wear jeans and a t-shirt because that would be too tacky, and I wasn’t really in the mood for a skirt, so I settled for a dress. The soft green hue of it closely resembled the color of my eyes, so I was rather satisfied at my choice. The dress had a semi low V-neck which definitely helped accentuate my cleavage, and the length was just above my knees. I sauntered towards the mirror and admired myself for a few moments, softening the metallicy ripples in the dress with my hands as I did a few half twirls, the sheen of it really becoming pronounced in the light as it hit at different angles. I finally snapped out of my trance and hurriedly grabbed my phone, keys and some matching shoes as I made my way downstairs to the front door. With everything locked up, I hopped into my car and made my way to Philip’s place. ***** I nervously flattened out the hem of my dress then buzzed Philip’s apartment number, waiting for his voice to tell me to come in and for the buzz to actually let me in. “Who is it?” Philip said over the small intercom. “Your mother.” I rolled my eyes. There was an obnoxious buzzing sound now, so I grabbed the door handle and opened it, walking swiftly through the semi-pleasant lobby to the elevator. I hit the up button, then the floor number once I was in the elevator. I did some last minute appearance checks, making sure I looked perfect. Philip and I saw each other on a daily basis, and we’d known each other since we were little kids because we’d lived in the same orphanage, but we hardly ever got any time just him and me nowadays. “Hey beautiful.” Philip greeted me as he opened the door. He pulled me into a tight embrace then kissed me softly on the lips before letting me into his apartment. “So, what’s on the agenda for the night?” I asked, looking from the floor to Philip, only to see him checking me out. “What?” “Disregard what I said when you walked in and listen to me when I say this; Hey sexy.” He half teased, closing the small space that had been between us. He was extremely close now, there were maybe ten inches between the two of us, and my heart was pounding. He did this a lot when it was just us, just as he was sensitive when it was just us. People really had no idea who the real Philip was and I felt special to be the only one to know. “I’m hungry. What’s for dinner?” I said, purposely putting a stop to whatever was to happen next. “Ladies choice. Anything you want, as long as it’s delivery.” Philip said, smiling as he walked away towards the house phone. I let out a breath of air, my heart starting to slow down once more. I didn’t like to let on when he made me feel like that because it made me seem weak, or at least I felt that way. “How about pizza.” I said, taking a seat on his fairly new plush couch, making myself at home. “Sounds good to me.” He replied as he dialed a number, not even bothering to ask where I wanted to order the pizza from. As he spoke to the pizza place I took the chance to check him out. He was wearing a short sleeve black t-shirt, which hugged his abs perfectly, with some acid washed jeans. I had gotten those pants for him about eight years ago, the day we both turned eighteen and the day we were let out of the orphanage. He always seems to wear them when I come over to his place, which may sound disgusting, but it’s the thought that counts, and he knows I still love them. Even though I was overdressed, I felt right at home. And, really, I just wore these clothes to mess with him. “They’ll be here in forty-five minutes. In the meantime, what would you like to do?” He asked as he strolled towards the couch and plopped down right next to me. “Hm. Maybe we could…” I said, trying to see if he was expecting me to say something in particular. We liked to tease each other. “Watch The Notebook.” I finally said, trying desperately to hold in my hysterical giggles. He sighed. “If that’s what you wanna do.” He said, attempting to hold in his disappointment. “I was kidding. I know the Jag’s are on tonight, so let’s watch them kick some ass.” I said, referring to the football game he so desperately wanted to see. “You’re the best, babe.” He said, quickly kissing me on the cheek and then grabbing the remote from off of the wooden coffee table. He resituated himself next to me as he leaned back, the controller in hand, putting his arm around my shoulders so I could snuggle in to him. We sat like this for a good forty minutes when the buzzer to his apartment went off. “Pizza’s here.” Philip said, standing up to walk to the intercom. “Really? I thought it was your ” I giggled. That wasn’t early in my world. “Pizza delivery for a Philip Ember?” The man on the other side of the intercom said. “Yep, come on up.” Philip replied, hitting a button to let the guy in. A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door, which Philip answered. He paid for the pizza and sent the man on his way, closed the door, then marched back over to me. He set the box down and grabbed some plates and napkins for us, along with a bottle of Dr. Pepper. As we enjoyed the game, we dug in to the food. The Jag’s ended up winning 28-17. |