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Drop by drop the snow pack dies, watering the arid lands below. |
Thursday, August 15, 2012 ~ Day 16 of the 30-Day Blogging Challenge prompt is Discuss ~ "The American Idol TV show gets more people voting than a normal political election. One reason that's been stated is because voting is simple and easy for them but it is difficult and inconvenient in normal elections." "The American Idol TV show gets more people voting than a normal political election. One reason that's been stated is because voting is simple and easy for them but it is difficult and inconvenient in normal elections." Bull crap!! American Idol gets more people to vote because it is much more entertaining to watch ordinary people make fools of themselves on television then it is to watch ordinary politician make fools of themselves on televisions. In addition, it is much easier to tell if ordinary people are lying about their talent then it is to tell which politician is lying about whom. I am 65 years old. I have voted in every presidential and nonpresidential election since I was 21. Voting in an election today takes a bit more effort then it did when I was 21, but it is no more difficult and in some cases may be easier. When I was 21, I did not have to register before Election Day. I was able to go to my polling place, register, and then vote. Today, in order to vote, you have to register before Election Day, but it is not that difficult to register (at least not yet). When I was 21, I went into a voting booth, which had a curtain to close while I was voting. I went into the booth, where a found a contraption with paper ballots and a little punch to indicate my choice. Today, I use an electronic voting machine. I go into my polling place and give the clerk my name. Then the clerk looks up my name and I sign in the registers book to indicate I voted. The clerk then gives me a computerized card that contains my precinct and party. Another clerk directs me to an unoccupied voting machine and I put the little card in the slot. The information and instruction appear on the screen and I make my choice. If a person needs more help then the instructions on the screen there is an official at the polling place who can give assistance. If a person does not want to vote in a political election, then he or she can find any excuse not to vote in a local or national election, but it is not the difficulty or the effort it takes to vote that prevents that person from not voting. There are 1001 excuses not to vote, but there is only one reason to vote. The reason any individual votes is personal and each individual must find that reason for him or herself.