Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/757240-Chapter-21
Rated: 18+ · Book · Horror/Scary · #1881190
An evil twist to the usual things that go bump in the night.
#757240 added July 25, 2012 at 9:00pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 21
Bonnie looked at her watch.
It was 11:39 pm.
When the hell did it get to be that late? She thought.
Time flies when you're having fun! She said to herself sarcastically.
If she was going to act she'd have to do it fast.
Bonnie looked around.
There was nothing that she could hit Janet in the head with that wouldn't
instantly kill her.
She didn't want to kill her she just wanted to knock her out cold.
"Now Emma, you stand here," Janet said in that annoying little kid voice.
She pointed to the tip of the star that was in the middle of the circle placing
Emma in between two candles.
"And Bonnie, you stand here," Janet said pointing to the middle circle.
"Are you crazy Janet? I'm not going to just stand there so you can sacrifice me to
give me to some stupid God who doesn't even exist! If you want to sacrifice me you're
going to have to kill me first! I'm not offering myself to you!"
Bonnie said challenging her. She eyed the big stick across the room.
"Okay, Bonnie, have it your way! I was gonna do it the nice clean way but, if you wanna go
this way we can!"
Janet picked up the butcher knife from the table. She starting chanting some weird chants that
Bonnie could only assume came from that stupid chant book they made up.
Janet swung the kitchen knife.
It came inches from Bonnie's heart.
Bonnie ran to the corner of the room and tried to hide amongst the pile of crap that was up
against the wall.
11:43 p.m.
Janet threw the knife and missed Bonnie's head by maybe an inch.
Bonnie jumped.
"Hurry, Emma, grab the big stick in the corner!"
Emma ran to the corner but Janet was too quick.
She hurried and blocked her way.
Emma too chicken to challenge the almost high priestess backed down.
"Emma what the hell's wrong with you! We need the big stick!"
"You get the big fucking stick then Bonnie! You get it!"
Emma cowered in a corner.
Bonnie charged at Janet. She wrapped her arms around her legs and knocked her clean over on a
pile of boxes that were standing in the corner.
Bonnie climbed over Janet who was cursing and mumbling.
She reached for the stick barely grabbing ahold of it.
She pulled the huge stick out of the corner as Janet wiggled out from underneath her.
Bonnie swung it.
She hit Janet in the shoulder.
Janet grabbed her shoulder and squealed in pain.
But, she wasn't out cold.
"I'm sorry Janet!" Bonnie yelled, and swung again.
The almost high priestess was down for the count.
Emma and Bonnie stuck Janet in the wheelbarrow.
Emma opened the door to the dark corridor.
They bent over and headed in.
"If we're going to make time Emma, We're going to have to run!" Bonnie announced.
They ran with Emma talking Bonnie through the darkness the whole way.
Bonnie could see a light at the end of the tunnel.
It was a good thing, she was running out of energy.
She could hear Janet's gentle breathing coming from the wheelbarrow.
Once out in the light Bonnie checked her watch.
"Pick a spot and dig, Emma!" Bonnie ordered her.
Emma picked up a shovel and started digging right where she was.
She was moving huge piles of dirt with her shovel.
Oh my God, Bonnie thought, I wonder how many times she's done this in her life.
Bonnie and Emma picked up Janet and placed her in the huge hole Emma had dug in the ground.
They began covering her up with the soil.
They saved her head for last.
11:58 They covered Janet's head.
© Copyright 2012 Angie3m (UN: angie3m at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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