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May my opinions gather wind under their wings and fly, perchance to soar. |
How stupid are the American people? 2012, June 10 A response to Patricia Nichols (who identifies with Obama) on facebook: As for Obama... good point about being bright. Unfortunately that's not what the American people want. The want a candyman with a sucker ...preferably a snow-white sugary lie-telling shyster. Now... all presidents lie. If only by withholding information. Kinda like Dumbledore in HPotter, Esq. So why the upset? Racism, classism and downright greed have become themes of the 2012 election. It's not all about Obama and Romney. There is an inherent television popularity contest aspect to American elections. Charm and pretty-white-lies win the day. And may I emphasize pretty and white? Candyman Bush, Lord bless him, was a smirky poster chjld who probably blunted some of the worse abuses of his administration. It could've been worse ...especially on racial issues and immigration. Iraq, however, was a fracaso that bankrupted the American people. In 2008 the public wanted change, even if the Candyman wasn't Mr. Ivory Snow... Candyman Obama had only 1 year of avoiding Republican obstructionism and squandered that year with a health-care plan nobody liked. He did better on the international front, winding things down in Iraq, not getting too entangled in Libya, mending fences with Europe... On the domestic front his negotiating skills fell flat in front of the Tea Party no-can-do absolutists. Enter wannabe-Candyman Romney. He's white. He's squeaky clean (in a white-robed temple-Mormon way). He's rich. Gotta admire that! After-all, doesn't associating with rich folks make you feel rich too? However, he's not totally forthcoming about certain aspects of his life ...but none of them are ...and would you want him to be? Still, if you are a capitalist or an investor, or ...white... you must be salivating. The last Great White Hope before America becomes colored, accepting of difference, less classist, materialist, racist, sexist. After-all, at least the women in his life know their place (in a Mormon way...). Many American people want a reflection of who they think they were in 1950. And shyster or not, Romney fits perfectly for a certain entrenched and privileged minority. The White white-washed we-call-ourselves-Christian minority. Disclaimer: of which I am not a member. 288 |