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Drop by drop the snow pack dies, watering the arid lands below. |
Sunday, June 3, 2012, Day 3 ~ 30-Day Blogging Challenge prompt is "How was your week? Tell us about your week outside WDC? Mundane? Exciting? Tell us. Blog." Weariness sets in Friday extreme heat warning Driving was tiresome How was my week? My week was not a complete disaster. My week was not an exciting adventure. My week was not a mundane bore. My week was interesting. My week was educational. My week was full of sunshine and clouds. On Friday, June 1, there was an extreme heat warning for Las Vegas and the Southern Nevada area. The reason for the warning was temperatures pushing 105 degrees. When temperatures reach 105 degrees on June 1 the weather bureau releases an extreme heat warning because Las Vegas residence are not acclimatized to those temperatures yet. On Friday, I got into my unair conditioned car and drove to the west side of town. I paid a bill, I had the dressing on my left leg changed, I stopped by Walgreens to pick up some allergy tablets, and I went to a Mexican restaurant and ordered my favorite deluxe combo plate. I sat in the restaurant and ate the whole thing. After leaving the restaurant, I came home, paid the mortgage online and took a nap.