THE PROMPT: "Name your poison. Got a sweet tooth? Tell us about your favorite chocolate bars, cakes etc. If you're a health nut, tell us your favorite health food for spoiling yourself (muesli bars? Crackers?)"
What's up people? Greetings from the basement in sunny Lancaster. The War Chest has been restocked it seems. Well, that's expected after not dippin' in it for a month or so.
So I'm being prompted to name my poison. Is there something going on here that I'm unaware of? I've created a poison that is now in need of a name? Good lawd! If only my parents knew, they'd be so proud! I think I'll name it Tastycakes, and market it toward screaming babies. What's that you say? There's already a product on the market called Tastycakes? Drat! Well, does it count that I spelled "cake" correctly? Damn right it should.
Oh, you mean like a vice of some kind? Yeah, I got plenty of those too. If you asked me this same inquiry 10 years ago, my answer would look something like "wine, women and song". Well, I still like my wine, but these days it goes down as its alter-ego, Budweiser. And I still like the women, only nowadays just a lot less of them. And song, well, that's a true love that will never let me down. Unless it's Nickelback. If anybody needed to step in front of my vehicle after I've redefined happy hour while being distracted by the lovely miss I just met at the bar, it should be Nickelback., women and song, all nailed in one sentence. In fact, had I not spent the last ten minutes typing the rest of this entry, I'd delete the entire thing except for that one sentence. In fact, I'm pretty sure that's how BIG BAD WOLF is Merry comes up with his deep one-line entries ( just kiddin''s still pretty fascinating how you come up with something so short yet seemingly relevant...and happy birthday!).
Ahhh, poison...
Speaking of poisons, I gotta do somethin' about this medication situation. Apparently being healthy right now isn't in my plans, so I'll be calling my doc on Monday to do something about it. These meds have my antsy but exhausted. I can't get through a work shift the same way as I used to (if I can even go), my arms feel weak at my shoulders, my chest feels light but cloudy, the dizzy spells have me checkin' my balance all the time, and sleep is a hit-or-miss proposition. Something's gotta give here. And I hate being the person that complains about their health, but I don't have much else to complain about today.
Wait, yes I do. I'll complain about that one thing that I always complain that I hate when everyone else complains about it: the weather. And I really can't complain about the winter we had or the spring this far, but it's a little too chilly for my liking today, even though the sun is wicked beautiful. That, combined with me feeling like shit and justjessica1 taking a nap, has pretty much killed my desire to go to the local Hellenic Festival being held in the city, which is usually a few degrees cooler due to its proximity to the lake (and if I'm wrong, well, sounded legit to me ). Was looking forward to some Greek food with G-Stamm, his missus-to-be, and maybe his mom and sis. Dammit. Well, like shitty sports teams always say, there's always next year.
And that's it. Don't feel like typing anymore today. Maybe just some comments sprinkled around here and there, but that's shoulders don't want to cooperate, so I'm done for the day. Peace, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!