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A series I wrote that is loosely based on Twilight about Wolf Shifters |
Chapter 32: Kenyon It had been about two and a half days since I had seen Sorrell, and in that time, I had not eaten, slept, or bathed . I was determined to make myself as miserable as humanly and supernaturally possible. I asked Randy to keep an eye on her, to see how upset she was, and that every day that she was still hurting over me that was two days I would sulk in my own misery. He reluctantly accepted my request, promising me that he would find a way to get us back together, but I had accepted that there was no hope, she deserved someone else; someone like her; someone less complicated. I knew one day she would be happy again without me, but until that day I was determined to secretly share in her misery. I climbed up into our oak tree and stayed there, with the memory of the first kiss we shared vividly in my mind. "Kenyon, you've been up there for days. Why don't you come down and eat something? Ro says that he will fix whatever you want." Satordi said unsuccessfully was trying to coax me out of the tree. "Kenyon, if you take any more days out of school, people will start getting suspicious." "I don't care." I muffed. I barely had a voice because my mouth was so dry. "You and your brother promised that if I let you go to public school, then you would try not to raise too many suspicions and act as normal as possible. If you can't hold up your end of the bargain, I am afraid this time, I will have to pull you and your brother out of school." "I don't care." "I am sure your brother will care a great deal. He is still on the football team." I didn't respond. "Do you want to talk about it?" "No." I whispered. "I think I can understand. I am a good listener." I had a flashback of Sorrell that made me smile. "So was she." "Sorrell?" I didn’t realize I had said what I said out loud. I was quiet. "Are you two going through a rough patch?" "Why don't you ask Aunt Talya?"I huffed. He sighed. "Why would I ask her?" "She's the one calling the shots. Saying who I can't and can't date, and how long I can date them." "So she made you break up with Sorrell." I nodded. "Un huh!" He scratched his chin " She's torn up because of it and it's my fault." "I always taught you to respect human lives, and that included emotional well being." I shrugged. "That's Aunt Talya, she doesn't care about anyone but herself." Satordi not had a disappointed look on his face. "You let me deal with Talya. Do you know where she is now?" "She's at Charlottes." "Good, I want you to go up there and apologize." "Why? It won't change anything." "It doesn't matter, Kenyon. You can't keep going around hurting people and not be held accountable." He said. "I can't face her. Not now!" "I am not asking you, Kenyon. I am telling you. You go and apologize to her. Do I have to take you up there like I did with that Clancy boy?" I shook my head. "No sir!" "Then hop to it!" he demanded and began walking toward the cottage. I rarely saw him angry, and when he was angry, now learned not to stand down wind of his wrath. I took a quick shower and changed out of the clothes that I had been sitting in for the past three days, grabbed the keys to the Mustang that I left on entry table three days ago, I got into the car and headed over to Madame Charlotte's. I didn't even know what to say. She would never forgive me. She had to be one of the most unforgiving people I had ever met. I didn't understand what Satordi was trying to accomplish by making me do this. I was not at all ready to face her, and I was absolutely positive that I was the last person that she wanted to see. |