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A series I wrote that is loosely based on Twilight about Wolf Shifters |
Chapter 29: Sorrell I was more eager than I had ever been to get up, get dressed and get to school. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going ran into my dad while he was in the kitchen grabbing his car keys off of the key ring hooks. "Wow! You seem overzealous this morning. Is there a pep-rally that I forgot about?" "I'm sorry, Dad. Kenyon is picking me up." A brief look of disappointment came over his face. "Oh, okay." He said. " I'll just see you at school, sweetheart." Then there was a knock at the door. "It's him." My stomach fluttered. I looked at my dad. "Dad would you..?" He smiled warmly. "Of course, baby." I was happy to allow my dad, the old-fashion "father role" of answering the door for "male callers", I knew it made him feel needed and I just hoped that it made him feel better for me not telling him about Kenyon picking me up. Also on the upside it gave me a quick opportunity to run in the downstairs bathroom and check myself in the mirror. "Good morning Mr. Garnett." I heard Kenyon in our living room. "Morning Kenyon, Sorrell should be out in a minute." I picked up my book bag, and went into the living room. When I saw Kenyon, my heart thudded rapidly against me chest and my stomach fluttered harder. I brilliant smile spread across his face when he saw me, and I blushed. "Hey." He said shyly. "Hey!" I responded bashfully. "We'd better get to school or we are going to be late." My dad cut in. We all headed outside and my dad locked the door and headed to his Taurus, and stopped in his tracks when he caught sight of the gorgeous Silver 2013 Mustang that paled in comparison to his station wagon. "Wow! Nice set of wheels you got there." Kenyon beamed at the complement. "Yeah, Ro loaned it to me." He raised an eyebrow and the shot a look in my direction and then back at Kenyon. "Drive safe, okay." "Yessir." Kenyon nodded respectfully. He still looked unsure. "Okay, see you kids later." He got in his car and started the engine. He honked a couple of times and gave us a wave, then backed down the driveway looking at Kenyon with his arm wrapped around me the whole time. He waved back politely, and then began walking to his car. "Tell me honestly, he said was the car too much?" he pulled the key remote out of his pocked and unlocked the doors. I giggled. "No, that's just my dad being, his crazy over-protective self." He opened the passenger side door. "If I had a daughter like you, I would be over protective too." I didn't know whether to be flattered or concerned. I didn't like the feeling of over-bearing people. It made me feel like a prisoner. I shook the thought and slid into the smooth leather of the passenger seat. Kenyon closed the door behind me. Kenyon then got into the passenger seat, started the car and we were off to school. "What are you thinking?" "Huh?" I said coming out of deep thought. "You look like you are thinking really hard about something." "I am not really thinking about anything." I said. "Just random things." "Like what?" He asked. "Nothing interesting." "Try me." He smiled. "It's not important." I shook my head. "If you are thinking about it, it's always important." He said. "I was just thinking about that girl you were talking about, that you have loved since you were twelve." "What about her?" I sung me head, regretting that I even brought her up. "I just feel like in the back of your mind you will always compare me to her, and I just don't feel like I can measure. He chuckled. "Trust me, you more than measure up, there is no need to compare." "Of course, only because you are comparing me to a little girl, but what if she decided as a woman, that she likes you too, would you dump me for a chance to be with her?" He looked at me, with deep sincerity. "Do you really believe that?" He slid his fingers in between mine. "You actually believe that I would leave you for someone else?" I nodded. "Why would you let an opportunity like that pass you by? I wouldn't want you to." I released his hand and sunk in the seat. "Sorrell," He alternated from looking at me to and the road. "I care about you too much to hurt you like that. You have to believe that!" I sighed. "Okay." When we got to school, could not help but notice, that Kenyon's car was turning heads. I couldn't help but be a little cocky as he open the door for me and we walked into the school arm and arm and he walked me to my locker. "I'll see you later, sweetheart." He said. I knew his class and locker was clear on the other side of the school and he had to go to make it to class on time. He took off and I put all the books that I didn't need in my locker. I closed it and realized Darrius was standing with crutches right behind my locker door looking as pitiful as ever. I rolled my eyes. "What do you want?" He dropped his head like a cowering puppy. "I just wanted to apologize to you Sorrell. Things just got out of hand, and I'm sorry." "Darrius,-" A started to walk away but he moved to block my path. "Look, some of my college friends made a stupid bet, I was drunk, and just being stupid. I wasn't going to do anything Sorrell, you know me. I would never do anything like that. I was just going to put you in my bed and let you sleep it off." "And tell your college buddies that I put out." "Exactly!" he said. "I'll admit it was stupid, in retrospect it was really really dumb and I wish it never happened and I'm so sorry Sorrell and I will do anything to make it up to you." "You can get out of my way." "Sorrell, I'm serious. I feel really bad about this and I want to make it right." He came in closer to me and tried to maneuver his arm around my waist but I pulled away. "You better not, or my boyfriend will break your other leg." He looked at me suspiciously. "Boyfriend? Please tell me you're not dating that Phalan guy." "It's not any of your business." "Sorrell, you should be around that guy. There is something not right about him." I huffed. “Whatever. Darrius.” "Sorrell, he got into it with Sam and Eric and…" he trailed off. "I just don't think you should be hanging around him. He's dangerous." I rolled my eyes again. "Bye Darrius." He grabbed my arm and I pulled away. "Get your hands off of my girlfriend!" I heard Kenyon's voice and I felt butterflies again. Kenyon grabbed me and held me close. "You need to leave." He growled. Darrius held up his hands in surrender. "Fine. I’mm leaving!" He then hobbled away. Kenyon cupped my face. "Are you okay?" "I'm fine now." I smiled. He placed a soft kiss on my forehead "See you at lunch!" He walked off again, and I want to my first class. I knew the next two periods would drag before I saw him again, but I had been thankful for the possibility of him taking me to school every day. I looked forward to the alone time with him every morning replacing the quiet awkward rides with my dad. |