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A series I wrote that is loosely based on Twilight about Wolf Shifters |
Chapter 21: Kenyon I could not believe I had let Randy talk me into this. I could already tell, the alpha and beta instincts were defining themselves. It made me concerned if, the entire wolf side would take over and I wouldn't make any decisions for myself. It just reminded me once again the curse that was dealt to me. I was at least waiting for the psychic abilities to come out. Generally, shifters possed a special ability that is their own, a consolation prize of sorts, that they had to learn to control, as well as the animal they harbored. For the longest time I wished mine was telepathy, at least so I could talk to Sorrell in wolf form, at least that would elevate a lot. Now we were on our way to this party and I actually had to walk up to her in human form and strike up an awkward conversation like any other mortal. Darrius lived in a big mansion on the outskirts of town. His long driveway was filled with cars which only lead me to assume, that this party was obviously not just for the football team. It was for the entire school. We found a clear patch on the other side of the street opposite the mansion and Randy parallel parked. We then got out and made our way up the drive way. I could already see the blinking party lights from the outside and hear the load music. It did not seem that her even had neighbors because I was sure they would have complained. First thing when we got in the door, I was looking for Sorrell. Randy decided to break of and do his own thing leaving me to do my mission alone. I finally found her with Beth in one of the living playfully dancing and laughing. I suddenly felt a blanket of shame come over me remembering that I couldn't dance. I wondered if I should have went over there at all. I was going to receded, but she spotted me, and gave me a friendly wave and went back to dancing. I smiled back, and just observed her playful dance. The way she swung her arm and whipped her beautiful tresses around keeping time with the rhythm of the song, she just look as free as a bird in her own world, and I realized that was how I wished that I could be. "Do you want to dance?" I didn’t even see her walk up. My heart skipped a beat. "No." I answered quickly. "I'm just looking for my girlfriend." Her face sunk "Oh, ok." My heart hit the floor. I knew I would remember this for the rest of my life in shame, if we never ended up together like I had always dreamed. "Hey hotshot, you came!" Darrius walked in with two red plasic cups, handing one to Sorrell. "Thank you!" She said in a low tone. She still seemed a bit disappointed. "Do you want to dance sweetheart?" he said in her ear. She rolled her eyes annoyingly. "Sure." He hi-fived me with his free hand, the other was wrapped around Sorrell. "I'll catch you later, man. Make yourself at home." He disappeared into the crowd of people with Sorrell. I decided to find Randy so I could just leave with my last little bit of dignity. Just as soon as I looked over in the general direction Sorrell went off in I recognized the purple sheer fabric of the party dress Sorrell was wearing, hoisted over Darrius's shoulder. It took me a moment to realize the grave of the situation. Darrius had Sorrell's limp body over his shoulder and was trying to take her up the main stairs. I rushed through the crowd, and I went straight for her but Darrius pulled away. "Man, she's fine I am just taking her upstairs to get some rest, if you know what I mean." The fact that I did know what he meant made my skin crawl. I grabbed her limp body again and this time I was able to detach her from Darrius's grasp. He tried to grab her back but I pulled away and went directly to the living room couch and placed her there. Darrius followed. "Sorrell, are you okay?" "She's fine!" Darrius cut in. I grabbed his collar angrily. I was ready to break him in two. Suddenly, I heard Randy's voice of reason. "Ken, take Sorrell home!" He held the keys up to my face. "Put him down and took Sorrell home." I let go of Darrius slowly and grabbed the keys from Randy. "Take Sorrell home, Kenyon!" Randy repeated. I lifted Sorrell off of the living room couch, force my way through the crowd of staring people and back to the Yukon. It took everything in me not to go back into that party and rip Darrius to shreds. I had to keep reminding myself that right now Sorrell needed me. I put her on the passenger seat of the Yukon and she helped a little, which let me know that she was coming back into consciousness. My adrenaline was pumping and my heart was racing. I fumbled with the keys for a moment, then I took a slow breath to compose myself and put they keys in and started the car. "Sorrell everything is going to be okay. I am taking you to the hospital." "No.." she said lazily. "Just take me home." "Sorrell, I don't want something bad to happen to you. I don't even know what he slipped you. I am taking you to the hospital, and that's final." "Will you stop sounding like my dad and take me home?" "Is your dad home?" "No, he's out!" she had an attitude in her voice, that I had never heard before. "Pull over, I'll walk." "Sorrell, you're not walking. I'll take you home, and I am going to stay with you until your dad gets home." "Are you going to take advantage of me, like Darrius?" "What? No! Never!" My stomach turned at the idea of what Darrius had planned to do to Sorrell if I had not stepped in. "You guys are all alike. You men, just taking what you want and don't care about anybody." "Are you comparing me to that gutless jerk Darrius?" My body began to itch and burn. She had gotten deep under my skin. "Let me tell you a little something about guys like that. They are cowards, they are the lowest form of scum." "What about you? You with a different girl every week and just dump them out of shear boredom. You use like toys just like he does." My blood boiled as I glared at her. "If you believe that, than you don’t know anything!" Her eyes widened, a second later, her eyes closed and her body went limp. I almost turned around and headed in the direction of the hospital, since now she could no longer protest. I decided to honor her wishes and take her home. I had followed her scent there enough times to know it blindfolded a small white house at the bottom of a hill. "Hey." I whispered not trying to frighten her again. "You got a spare key or something?" "In my purse." She whispered back. I rummaged through her purse and found her key ring, luckily there was only on key on it. I unlocked the door and then went back and took her up in my arms. I imagined I was her groom and she my beautiful bride as I carried her over the threshold of her door. I wondered if we would even see that day, or if Aunt Talya would let that happen. It was as if I could never be satisfied when it came to Sorrell. I was a wolf friend, not enough, I was just a simple friend, not enough either, I wasn't even her boyfriend and now I was thinking about being her husband. It was as if she was my addiction. I arranged the pillows on the front couch and placed her gently down. I went over and closed and locked the door. I then waited for her father. She was again knocked out. I decided to leave her alone for a minute but wake her, so she did not fall in too deep of a drug induced sleep. I was paranoid that I would not be able to bring her back. I began pacing nervously. Something prompted me to look up at the fire place mantel and observe the family pictures. There was one that caught my eye, it was of a beautiful woman with dark lipstick her hair pinned up, with a sparkly dress singing into a microphone. Although it was dark in the room still my eyes had adjusted quickly, because of my primal instincts. It was clear based on resemblance that this was Sorrell's mother, the blues singer. As gorgeous as she was in the picture, I just could not see her strung out on drugs or alcohol. I then looked over, to a picture of a little girl. I studied the beautiful brown haired girl in the yellow dress in the picture, with a familiar background. I took the picture frame in my hands. I put a hand over my mouth in shock. I looked back at the girl on the couch and back at the girl in the picture. How on earth did I miss it? What are the odds? Sorrell began to stir. I placed the frame back on the mantel and went over to her and knelt beside the couch. "I'm sorry, I blew up at you." She said. "It's okay. I am sorry I scared you." I said. "I know what it all looks like, but you have to know that I’m not like that at all." "Why should it make a difference what I think?" "It just does." I gazed into her beautiful chocolate eyes. "You see, I'm just really sheltered and that is my aunt's way of keeping me from having a serious relationship." "Why?" I thought of a way to explain my Aunt Talya so she could understand at least what I was allowed at this point to let her understand and not reveal my secret. "She is afraid I will get too distracted." "Is she like one of those over obsessive parents that live through their kids?" I chuckled. "Yes, exactly!" "I'm really sorry!" "Yeah, real bummer huh?" "And these girls are okay with that?" "You would be surprised how many girls at your school, just want a superficial boyfriend as a status symbol." "Why even bother, dating, if you can't fall in love? I thought that was the point." "I don't know, have you have ever been in love?" I asked. "No, I thought, but I guess I was wrong." She shrugged. "What about you, you love any of the girls you've dated?" I looked down at my hands smiling. I then locked eyes with her. "truthfully, I have been in love with the same girl since I was twelve." "Wow! Really? I guess I did have you all wrong. What does your aunt think?" "She doesn’t think." I said. "She doesn't know." "Does she know?" "Does who know?" I asked "The girl that you're in love with?" "No." I shook my head. "Why not?" "It's complicated." She said "complicated" as I said it. I let out a chuckle. Obviously I was getting predicable to her. She smiled. She tried to sit up, winced and grabbed her head, and went back down. "Are you okay?" "I just got a splitting head ache." "You need some aspirin?" "Yeah, the bathroom is the first door on your right." I went down the hall, and found the bathroom, and grabbed the aspirin out of the medicine cabinet. I then went to the end of the hall, where the kitchen was. I got a glass out of the cabinet and went to the sink to fill it with water. I smelled him as he snuck in and I almost when into attack mode, but I recognized the smell. "Don't move!" He said I turned around only to meet the chubby gray-haired face of Sorrell's dad. "Hey Mr. Garnett." "Kenyon? What the hell are you doing in my house? Where's Sorrell." "She's on the couch. I just brought her home." I lifted my hands in surrender. I still had the aspirin bottle and glass of water. "Brought her home from where?" "A party, at Darrius's" He then went into the living room and I went behind him. He turned on the light. Sorrell looked up and squinted. "Dad?" "Sorrell, what happened." "Nothing." She lied. "She was drugged." Sorrell's eyes got wide looking at me as if I had betrayed her. "Drugged?" Mr. Garnett knelt beside his daughter to closer observe her. "I'm fine Dad." "You are not fine, Sorrell. I thought this acting out was over." "It was just a party, Dad. You're golden boy was the one that did it!" "Darrius?" "Yeah. Darrius!" "I am calling 911." Mr. Garnett took out his cell phone and began dialing. He then walked out the front door. "Kenyon, he's never going to let me go anywhere." "Sorrell, he loves you, and he is only looking out for your best interests." I set the aspirin and water on the coffee table beside her. "It is getting late, I should go, before my Aunt sends out a hunting party." She flashed my a quick smile. "Okay, Kenyon. I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow, unless my dad transfers me." "Just do me a favor and go easy on your dad. Some people would give anything, just to talk to theirs." She nodded. "Tell that girl how you feel. Some people would give the world to be loved by someone like you." It warmed my heart to hear her say that. I wanted to tell her. I place a kiss on her cheek and whispered in her ear."Goodnight, Sweet lady!" I finally went back home just like I normally did, and I dreamed about her just as usual, only now I was a little deformed boy and she was a little girl in a yellow dress. |