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A series I wrote that is loosely based on Twilight about Wolf Shifters |
Chapter 19: Sorrell New norms were emerging for me and I was learning to let them flow. Though they were not always easy, but if my life was a puzzle the pieces were slowly placing themselves back together, of course it was over an obvious gap, where my mother's face should have been, but I was learning to work around what wasn't there. The quiet rides to school with my dad didn't really bother me as much, although I did consider my own car, which would elevate a lot of things. I ran through a mental itinerary in my head. My class periods, my production meeting, the after school football try-outs piece that we were doing, and then I was reminded of the conversation I had with Ms. Lewis, about talking to Kenyon. I had went back and forth about taking her up on her advice wondering if I was ready for opening myself to another relationship. I did however wear my frilly shear pink top, with the first skirt I had worn in a long time. I had even curled my hair and put on a small amount of make-up. It wasn't meant to be too noticeable I had convinced myself that it was for the news special we were doing after school, but I was never in front of the camera. I was the director and grip. At least that gave me something to tell my dad when he asked about me being "doll'd" up. Seeing Russ Sunday put me in a less antsy mood, because I still had not decided what I was going to say to Kenyon. Even though, I had again dreamed of him, but this time it was not as scary, more peaceful, romantic, and playful. We were swimming around a waterfall. I wondered what Ms. Lewis would say about that. I thought that maybe it was me thinking about the possibility that Ms. Lewis had brought to my attention. I went directly to my locker. Darrius popped up just as soon as I placed my hand on the combination lock, it was as if he was waiting for me. He seemed extremely fidgety and a little disheveled, which was rare for him, because he cared a lot about the way he looked. The wrinkles in his gray shirt were definitely out of his norm which sparked my curiosity, even though I had not planned a conversation with him. "Hey Darrius, is everything okay?" "Fine. Fine. Everything is fine Sorrell." I could tell he was fighting back a smile. Suddenly I began to regret even indulging him in conversation. "What are you up to?" He shook his head still fighting a diabolical smile. I rolled my eyes and started to walk off, but he ran in front of me blocking my path. "What do you want Darrius?" "You,and I am not taking 'no' for an answer." "Darrius, it is too early for this." Just then, the front doors of the school opened and there he was, my heart stopped. It was him and his brother, and each had a different girl on their arm and then a trail of other 'friends' mostly female. I couldn't believe it. "Look at that." Darrius said. "How women throw themselves at those guys. They are nothing like you." I looked back at Darrius puzzled. "That is why I love you." "What?" "I said I love you Sorrell." "Darrius, go away!" I pushed him aside and headed to my first period. I felt like I had dodged two obvious bullets. I wondered why I kept attracting the worst guys. It was clear that Kenyon was a player, and obvious to the point of obscenity that Darrius was a jackass. I guess I was right the first time the last thing I was ready for what another heartache which was obvious where I was headed if I didn't quit while I was ahead. I tried avoiding both Darrius and Kenyon all day, and I was successful for the most part, at least up until the after school football try-outs. |