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Rated: 13+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1864211
A series I wrote that is loosely based on Twilight about Wolf Shifters
#753952 added June 1, 2012 at 11:00pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 11: My Life Kenyon
Chapter 11: Kenyon

I sprinted through the woods. I was still in wolf form, and felt on top of the world. I felt like nothing could go wrong.
Then suddenly there was a feeling that came over me that stopped me in my tracks. I began turning my ears and stiffed the air around me. The air reeked of garlic and blood, which meant that the hell hounds were out hunting. They were of little threat to me, since me to them would be like bears and mountain lions to me, just too much trouble. Just like I preferred small game, like chipmunks and birds, they preferred the simplicity of a mere mortal. I decided to keep moving just in case, knowing that a hell hound attacking a shifter, was unlikely, but not impossible.
I finally reached the tree beside Satordi's lake where I put my clothes. I got dresses and when I emerged from the woods, there standing directly in front of me, as if he was expecting me was Ro. Ro was Satordi's mechanic and friend. He was a built light-skinned guy with long dreads that came down his back. His eyes glowed a light hazel. Just looking at him one would think his shifter form was a cat. That is what me and Randall's first impression was.
"Aye, Key-on, where your brudder?" He had a thick Caribbean accent. It was almost hard to understand what he was saying.
My heart dropped. Randy was usually the one to vouch for me when I disappeared, he had never gone missing before.
"I don't know."
The strange feeling I felt before came over me, this time it was worse. It was as if I knew Randy was in trouble.
Just then I looked up and saw two headlights through the darkness coming up the main road, coming directly in our direction. It was what seemed to be a pick-up truck. It eventually drove right up to Satordi's lake, right in front of where Ro and I were standing.
After the driver turned the headlights off, it took my eyes a brief moment to readjust to the darkness. I made out two figures inside of the truck. The driver honked twice as both of the passengers in the car got out as well as two more that jumped out of the bed. Three of the figures began trying to move something in there bed, it looked like it was pretty big since they looked to be have trouble with it. The driver walked up to us. He was a tall heavy set man, with long thin dark hair. As my eyes zeroed in on his face, he began to look familiar.
"Kenyon, my goodness you must have grown five feet over the summer. How are you?"
"Fine." I said curiously. Trying to stay focused on the figures behind the truck. Now they had got handle of the large object,, and were pulling it out. At first it looked like a large sack, then a medium sized animal, then I realized as two of the figures were propping the object up on their shoulders, it was human. They began walking toward us, it took me a moment to realize that the limp figure being carried toward us, was a bloodied and beaten Randy.
My entire body began to burns as I grit my teeth and clenched my fists. I felt Ro, quickly grab hold of my arm. I guess he had sensed what I was thinking.
"What happened?" Ro asked before I did.
Chef Refe spoke. "I am so sorry. It was a clear misunderstanding. My boys thought that he was an intruder and attacked him. I called your aunt and I told her everything."
Ro walked up and calmly took Randy's limp body from the other two figures and into his arms.
"Kenyon, you have my sincerest apologies. I will deal with these three. You have my solemn oath to that!" He looked extremely angry as well. He offered his hand to me, and I politely shook it. "It should be able to heal up in a couple of hours and he should come to pretty soon as well."
"I'll take 'em to the inferm." Said Ro going toward the ranch's own personal clinic.
"We have to be going Kenyon. I cannot apologize enough."
I didn't know what to say. "I have to see if Randy's okay. Thank you Mr. Refe."
I ran toward Ro, and followed him into the clinic. It was just a small room, this room was generally run by a local resident, a wolf shifter like us only a lot , by the name of Jason Derule. He generally split his time between, Satordi's ranch and Las Vegas. Now he was in Vegas, so it was up to me and Ro to tend to Randall. He set him across the examination table and I helped Ro dress Randy's wounds. Ro then went back to his garage and I sat with him until he came to.
I was just dozing off when I heard. "Wow, I think I feel as bad as you look."
"Well you don't look so good yourself!"
Randy sat up and winced. "I have got a splitting headache."
"What happened?"
"I just went over to the reservation. "
"Why would you go over to the reservation?"
"To see my future wife!" Randy smiled mischievously.
I chuckled. "So what did she look like?"
Randy smiled wider as he stared off into the distance, thinking about her. "She was hot!"
I laughed.
"A little bit of a drama queen." He added.
"Are you really going to let Aunt Talya make you marry her?"
"Why not?" He looked at me as if he was oblivious to the fact that Aunt Talya was trying to control our lives. I never understood why he was so willing to be under her thumb.
"Because they are a bunch of pedigree jerks. Why can't we just start our own pack?"
"Kenyon, do you really want to argue about this again?"
"Randy. Why give her that control? You know that is what she wants."
"Ken," He let out a sigh. "We've been over this. I have to preserve the tribe. "
"Can't you meet a girl on your own?"
"So how is Sorrell doing?" I knew he was trying to change the subject and he was right. I just had to except, that we just weren't going to see eye to eye on this.
The next day Aunt Talya called the first thing in the morning. Her screeching nagging voice was like nails on a chalkboard.
"Where were you Kenyon? Where were you when your brother snuck out to the reservation? You were supposed to keep your eye on him."
"I'm not his babysitter."
"Kenyon, why do you have to be so difficult?"
I was just about to give her a piece of mind but Randy took the phone.
"Hey Auntie, how is the weather on the south shore?"
I she sounded like an angry rat .
"I know. I was wrong… I just had to see her with my own eyes…I'm sorry, it will never happen again... Aunt Talya, I am fully capable of …" he sighed. "Yes Aunt Talya. I'll tell him..." He hung up the phone, with a look of despair.
"What did she say."
"Ro, is supposed to keep an eye on us for the rest of the weekend."
Mortal teenagers don't need babysitters. I thought. This is stupid.
"I am going to go see her again today. Just make up something."
"You are not leaving me here to vouch for you Kenyon."
"Randy, that little sna-foo was your fault. You are not ruining my weekend."
Then there was a knock at the front door.
"Aye, it's Ro."
"Come in!" answered Randy.
Ro walked into the kitchen. He looked as if he had not slept in all night.
"You aunt told me to watch you guys."
Randall spoke up. "Well, Kenyon has to go to the library and work on a school project, so he will be gone all day."
"Fine, I'll take him."
"No, that is fine." I said. "I can get there on my own."
"Look, this is no picnic for me, either." He admitted. "Why don't you guys get dressed and we will just go out, have a man's day. What do you say? Paint the town red."
It had been a long time since we had done anything outside of the ranch other than to school. I had to fun. admit, it sounded like fun. "Okay."
"Good. First things first, where do you guys want to go for breakfast."
A thought came to mind that forced a big smile over my face. "I know the perfect place." I said.

© Copyright 2012 Misty Crade (UN: babydoll_y2g at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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