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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/752941-This-ones-about-the-advantage-taken
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1762035
A little bit of everything, colored my own way.
#752941 added May 16, 2012 at 11:52am
Restrictions: None
This one's about the advantage, taken.
THE PROMPT: "Invalid Entry

Good evening folks...only got about an hour and a half to bang this out, so let's do it!

I had a similar situation as 30DBC Creator/Founder . I'd say it was about 4 and a half, maybe five years ago. I'd gotten out of the hospital and wasn't ready to go to work. I'd just received my last bit of sustainable income in the form of a check, and was craving food. So I did what any responsible human being does in that situation *Rolleyes*. I went to a bar.

I really wanted their chili, and they cashed checks. Plus, if you went there during specific hours, they served beer. So I ordered a bowl of chili and a pint, and like I always did at this bar, I threw a few dollars in the jukebox. It wasn't very crowded for a Thursday afternoon.

So as I'm mawin' down my chili, this dude sits down next to me and starts kickin' up conversation. And if you know me, when I'm out anywhere by myself eatin' a meal, you only better be tryin' to talk to me if I'm on fire. But this dude was really into the music, askin' me about it and whatnot, so I obliged him. I don't even remember what was playin' at the time; it's irrelevant.

So we shot the shit for a little bit, played some darts, and I felt comfortable with this guy. Didn't seem shady or anything. And we had a good connection, because we hit it off really good. And it's funny, I don't remember his name, but I'm pretty sure it was Jesus (and not the biblical Jesus...more like "Hey, Suess" which in retrospect, was fitting). We were talkin' about bands and music and writing, and he was a writer (he pulled out his notebook to prove it), and I thought to myself "This cat's for real!" I figured what the hell, and I invited him back to my place for a few beers, better music, and to talk about writing. Jesuess was cool with that.

So we headed back to 542. He was amazed at my massive collection of cd's and notebooks. We started goin' over each other's work. We may have even collaborated on a few items. He said I reminded him of a longtime friend, Richie. So that's what he called me. Whatever. When we were at the bar, he was there waiting to catch the bus; since I was unemployed and lost my car, I couldn't take him home. I let him crash the night on my couch. No prob.

We hung out the next day for awhile. I think we got somethin' to eat, had a few beers, and he had to get home, so I let him use my phone so he could call his sister. Turned out his sister had a job that required her to go to NYC a few weekends a month...because she was a prostitute! So she came to pick him up, and I met her outside. She could smell the booze on his breath...and lit into me for getting him drunk! I was like, "Hell no! I didn't force him to drink or anything! He did it himself!" She was like, "You know you ain't supposta be doin' that, Jesuess!" I just walked away. Dude had my number if he ever got his phone turned back on and wanted to hang.

A few weeks later, as I was gettin' out of the shower, I heard a commotion at my back window. It was Jesuess, shoutin' "Richie! Richie! You home?" through the window while he was pryin' at the screen. I was like, dude, hold on, and I let him in. After a few minutes of catchin' up, he said he needed a place to stay for a little while. He'd lost his job and his family kicked him out. I knew I had to be strong, knowing I wouldn't have any money coming in until at least when my unemployment kicked in, but at the same time, I couldn't just let this dude live out on the street. It was the week of Thanksgiving and all...how could I do that? Besides, 542 was plenty big enough for two. So I told him, "You can stay here as long as you want, but you have to get a job or somethin' to help out around here". Very appreciative, that Jesuess.

I was having my own problems with my family, and they weren't being supportive of anything I was doing, so I figured I could use the company while I tried to get back on my feet. The first thing this cat did was call a friend of his to score weed. And I haven't done that in at least ten years, and had no interest in it, but ok. He fires up a J, and all the sudden the neighbors upstairs are bangin' on the door, askin' if we're smokin' pot. So I lied and said we were cooking and it didn't turn out right.

The next few days were aggrivating. He cleaned out my fridge and food cabinets, and I don't mean that in a good way. The final straw was on a Sunday. My parents called to see if I wanted any Thanksgiving leftovers, and that they were sorry about forgetting about me that Thanksgiving. So I said I'd be over in a little bit...just had to take care of a few things.

Jesuess started getting into my medicine cabinet. I was on two prescriptions at the time, and my supply was rapidly diminshing. He'd been around for almost a week, and he had done nothing but sleep and watch tv. Didn't bother to try and find a job. At least I had a plan...this cat didn't. So it was time. I had to kick him out. I said, "Look dude, it's been fun, but you're not doing a damn thing around here. I need you out. NOW! I can't live like this, you can't live like this, and you've got to go." And he was pissed and hurt and boo-hoo, whatever. But there was no way I was gonna let him drag me down by supporting him on no income. Life doesn't work that way. It was the early afternoon. I told him I was leaving at 5pm, and suggested he do the same. This way he at least had a shower and whatever food was left in the house to use up for a meal. And that was that.

Five o'clock came and I was ready. He grabbed what little he had and we left. And when the time came, he went one way, and I went another. I don't think we even shook hands or anything. I think I just peaced him out and went on my way, while he went toward the bus stop. He tried calling me once or twice after that, but I never answered. I couldn't do it anymore. I'd had enough of being taken advantage of. My niceness can only take so much and go so far...after that, I have to do what I need to do in order to survive.


"The easiest and the hardest word to say, only got two letters, only takes a second to say it."


*Cart* Yup, I got nothin' today. Slow night at work, with the usual inappropriateness. Slow nights = less opportunities to interact with the idiotic percentage of the population, hence no funny stories about that.

And now I'mma go catch up on some emails and whatnot, and sleep in a little before the bloodwork happens tomorrow afternoon. Man, that's gonna suck. Peace, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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