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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/752760-This-ones-about-the-last-minute
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1762035
A little bit of everything, colored my own way.
#752760 added May 12, 2012 at 7:58pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about the last minute.
THE PROMPT: "You all can relate a story about how your plans have changed and how you were put in a bind. Maybe you got out of it, and maybe you didn't. Follow that!"

Good evening friends...sorry about the whole "Follow Me" fail last night. But luckily, I was "bailed out" in a way, if I suppose you can even call it that. And that's what led me to at least being able to give some sort of direction for today.

Last night, Jess was still out at her girlie party. It was around 11, maybe 11:30-ish. Her son had recently come home from his galavanting and was entertaining a friend on the other side of the basement, which I had just redescended upon, in hopes of winding down for the night.

The backstory: The plan was to get up around 7:30 and have Jess take me to work, and maybe have her other son pick me up, or else I'd need a ride home. No shortage of good people that I respect that would do that for me today.

Now, let's back up, and see what really happened. The boy approaches me in the basement, and asks if I'll be needing to use the bathroom to shower in the morning, and what time (mindless of the fact that he was home earlier when I took my shower). I tell him that I've already showered, but I have to be to work at 8am and will need to at least get ready. He says, "Oh...well I have to be in Hamburg at 7:30 in the morning for training." Hamburg is at least 20 minutes, if not more, in the opposite-opposite-opposite direction of where I'm supposed to be at 8am. "So mom's gonna take me."

Jaw? Meet floor. Really? It's after 11pm, and nobody's told me this? But I'm not surprised, because it's been a week of surprises. One kid's got an internship that I didn't know about, and this one's doing lifeguard training (which explains the random towel and swim trunks hanging over the shower the last few days). I mean, I know my memory's basically been going to shit lately, but come on! I know I prefer the solace of the basement with my beats at a reasonable volume, but damn, I need to know these things too!

So now I'm thinking I have to wake up at least another 45 minutes to an hour earlier than I expected. As soon as I sit down at my desk, sure enough, I got at text from Jess. This conversation is not brought to you by OnStar.

Jess (11:36pm): On my way. Still have to get gas.
Me (11:44pm): Thank you for telling me about the change of tomorrow morning's plans.
Jess (11:51pm): Didn't get that far yet. I wanted to talk to you in person and am trying to get Josh to take him.
Me (11:54pm): Personal opinion: that won't happen. But cool, we've been up at the butt-ass crack of dawn the last 2 days. Why would I even get excited over thinking that 730 would be "sleeping in"?
Jess: <no response>

So this is what happened. She took her other son's car in the morning to take the kid to Hamburg, so I could take the car to work. But since she had to be to work at 2:30pm, I had to use my lunch break to shoot home, pick her up, and have her drop me back off at work. Luckily, I was able to at least get a bagel from Tim Horton's on my morning break (may I recommend the everything bagel with extra garden vegetable cream cheese...delish yo *Wink*). Bless the people I work with for being so awesome about our situation.

Due to last night's circumstances, I did receive another change in plans when I got home from work. One kid had already gone to work for the night...I was expecting him to still be home and getting ready. The other, I expected, was gonna be at home since he didn't want to go to his dad's. I came home...to an empty house *Delight*. No fighting, no bickering, no weird shows on tv, no random useless info (which I don't mind) while I'm writing (which I really do mind), no mouths to figure out how to feed but my own, and so far, about three hours of silence. That, my friends, is what I refer to as a "win".

So you'll forgive me for not staying up late and cranking out a midnight entry to be followed. But it did occur to me this afternoon at work..."Did I recycle a prompt from a previous "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS? I think I inadvertantly might have. Oh well, you'll have that. At least you got somethin' from someone not named 30DBC Creator/Founder , who's had too much going on lately that he's needed to tend to rather than the cats that haven't been pickin' up the slack. Good on those who have, and I'm sorry for those who haven't...and peace to Earl for all he's been through lately.

And that's the double twist-o-change-o of plans that my day has seen thus far.


I'm just gonna shuffle the iPod a little and see what's good. Hold on...ok, I got this now.

When I first heard this, and a lot of times since, I was confused. I didn't understand it, and placed my own meaning upon it. But they just released this video recently, and it's taken on a whole new meaning. The special effects are Dylan-esque in a few parts, and the message is simple but powerful. In a related note, I just got the tickets to their show here in June in the mail the other day...awesomesauce!


Not much to speak of today. Got to where I needed to be and back. It's all good. Time for some unauthentic Mexican food, some good reads, and a night that lets me sleep late into the morning. Peace, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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