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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/752710-This-ones-not-about-the-prompt-Sorta
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1762035
A little bit of everything, colored my own way.
#752710 added May 11, 2012 at 6:51pm
Restrictions: None
This one's not about the prompt. Sorta.
THE PROMPT: "That Special Movie. Now, what could be so special about a movie that you watch it over and over again until the tape breaks, or the disk becomes so scratched up you can't play it on your computer any more? Was it worth spending 15 or more years trying to find it, even though you saw it once, just to see it again? Did the movie inspire you to take up writing? Was it the movie that you and your father used to watch together, and was perhaps the last one you saw with him before he passed away? Was it that movie that you and your partner saw when you first started dating- but you spent so much time staring into their eyes, and perhaps kissing (or even more) that you didn't actually watch it? Tell me why.

Well well, what do we have here? Good evening fine people...it's a prompt from BIG BAD WOLF is Howling . It's full of fun, even saucy, questions. Most of which I don't really have an answer to; others you fine people deserve to be shielded from sweaty, sticky details.

Some of you who've been around here with me awhile might remember why I don't have the answers to these questions. I rarely watch movies at all anymore. Simply put: I don't have the attention span for them. Literally, figuratively, physically, any way you wish to slice it, I just can't do it. Out of maybe the last seven movies I've tried to watch, I've fallen asleep around twenty minutes into six of them. I just can't seem to do it.

What's weirder is that I often have some trouble falling asleep, but I never think to put in a movie. It's always SportsCenter that's tucking me in, and the light volume is usually enough to get me under.

What's even weirder? Between justjessica1 and I, we own about half of the movies out there that were committed to digital video disc. Ok, well, not quite, but we own a lot of titles. Most are hers; most of mine are music videos and kung-fu flicks. She's the movie collector. I'm the music collector hoarder. Her video collection looked like my music collection, and vice/versa.

I think the problem with me and movies is something of the psychological nature. Yes, I can sit and watch a band play on a stage for two hours. Yes, I can watch their entire videography. But the latest bromance flick that looks hilarious? Out in twenty with a case of the z's, for real. But back to my point...I can't devote two hours of my life sitting on the couch, doing absolutely nothing while staring at a rectangular object showing images of things that move and talk and stuff. I need to be engaged. I need to be a part of it. And movies rarely engage that part of my brain. I can't seem to allow myself to get sucked in to the story enough to really feel like watching it is something I should be doing.

And that's the other problem: I tend too much to see through the bullshit. Fakeness doesn't appeal to me. Things that will likely never happen to me don't appeal to me. I don't allow myself to even try to "get the joke". Fantasyland exists for me, just not in cinematic ways.

All that said, I have one movie story that's stayed with me throughout my life (ok, I've got a few, but this one's my favorite). The summer between my junior and senior years of high school, I was addicted to the movie Major League, starring Charlie Sheen as a pitcher for the lowly Cleveland Indians, playing with a rag-tag bunch because the owner wanted to lose so much so she could move the team to Florida. This was the pre-tiger blood, "Winning!", batshit crazy Charlie Sheen...where he was merely doin' blow and hangin' out with cheap hookers. But anyway, I loved that movie. I might've watched it four times a week that summer, in between whatever else I had goin' on. When I was home, that movie was in the VCR. The lines in that movie, the way they were delivered, and the rags-to-riches storyline all hooked me. I still probably tear up a little at the ending...until I laugh at how awesome it is.

I know, I know, cool story bro *Rolleyes*. I hear crickets and tumbleweeds rolling through the URL's. Time to move on...


Charlie Sheen's character was known for his innaccuracy, and was given a nickname. As he started getting better, he'd come out to pitch to a variation of this song.


*Partyhatp* Quiet day, quiet night. Jess is off hosting one of her fancy girlie parties somewhere. Guess maybe it's a good time to plug her products. http://www.thirtyonegifts.com/ That's the company's basic link; each hostess I guess makes their own link. If anyone's interested (questions, hosting, buying) let me know, and I'll put you in touch.

*Pencil* Holy crap...I've got to come up with something for tomorrow's "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS prompt! Problem: I'll probably be in bed before midnight, and I probably won't have time to do it before work at 8am...which means no prompt entry until after I get home after 4pm. Ohhhh nooooes! But don't worry...I'm kinda smart sometimes. I'll figure something out before I go to bed. *Wink*

Alright, that's it for today. Gonna catch up with you cats and see what's good out in your lives. Peace, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

Had to do it...and yup, after over 20 years, it still gets me a little misty.

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