Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/752123-Chapter-3-Im-a-Fool-Kenyon
Rated: 13+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1864211
A series I wrote that is loosely based on Twilight about Wolf Shifters
#752123 added June 1, 2012 at 10:32pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 3: I'm a Fool Kenyon
Chapter 4:Kenyon

Great! She was the first beautiful girl I met in my new school and I might have given her a mild concussion. Real smooth.
She offered to walk me to class, but I couldn't see passed it being just another opportunity to make a bigger ass out of myself. Besides she said she was going to a "mathematics" class but the sign of the door said "History". I figured it was because she was trying to politely get rid of me. I can't say that I blamed her. I knocked her out with a door. I am sure if I had even the slightest chance with her, it was gone now.
Her gaze holding mine paired with the stunning smile that lit up her caramel freckled face was a sweet charity on her part. I couldn’t hear anything over the pitter-patter of my own heart. Then when I let her touch my hair, which was never a common occurrence for anyone touch my trademark, but I as bad as I felt, I would have given her anything.
I decided to block her from my brain, at least for now. I sat in Econ 101 staring out the window, absent mindedly sketching in my notebook thinking about those glittery chocolate eyes staring back at me, that beautiful polite smile across those sumptuous pouty lips, and those adorable puffy cherubic cheeks. I just could not get her out of my head.
It was bad enough, I let Randy talk me into coming to a public high school. He had been trying to convince Aunt Talya for years, and it wasn't until I finally caved at the idea that she reluctantly followed. Now, of course I was having second thoughts.
I didn’t know what the big deal was anyway, since they thought that Randy was a little too educated and basically tested out of high school all together. He would spend his first semester as a junior, like me and his second semester as a senior, which meant that at the end of the year, Randy would graduate and I would be force to suffer another year of the torture of high school. So as always I got dealt the short hand.
I had not gone to public school since middle school. Once we had moved in with my Aunt Talya we had been home schooled, because of our "uniqueness". Randy embraced it more than I did. He was like that, but after our training, he was set to be crowned the new alpha of our family.
That was why the high school thing was so much of a shocker. His life was so good, on Satordi's ranch, but he had convinced me that he had wanted to have every teenage experience until; he was forced to grow up and take the position in my family that was endowed to my father. Although I was convinced he just wanted to for the girls.
I sat in class all day, trying not to think about the beautiful girl I had saw in the office earlier. I thought about what Randy would have done if he had met her first. He would have been more at ease talking to her, probably found a reason to take his shirt off, showing off the physique that we had both been endowed partly because of our abilities, and partly because of our rigorous training from Satordi.
Although, I had the body of a physical trainer, I was still a gangly seventh grader in my mind. I had a hard time talking to people, especially to girls.
When lunchtime came around I was glad that Randy had saved me a seat, in the midst a crowd of his "new friends".
"Kenyon, thank you so much for agreeing to this. This is great!"
Randy went back to talking to his friends. I sat picking at my food with my fork, until I looked up and I saw her. She was over by the giant window clear on the other side of the cafeteria, surrounded by a couple of friends. I admired that. I wish I had made at least a couple of close friends to talk to so I didn't feel so lonely.
She had a girl and a guy friend. The short girl, that was not exactly husky or skinny, just somewhere in the middle. She wore a low cut top and had a large amount of cleavage and the guy was a heavy set guy, with dark brown hair. For a moment I thought that he could have been her boyfriend, I felt ridiculous a streak of jealousy go over me, until I noticed the body language. Nothing about the way she sat said that they were together; there must have been a ruler and a half space between him. Not that she had seemed revolted, by him, if anything he might have been another charity case for her.
She held a polite generous smile in his direction, and then back at her friends, then her eyes trailed off into the distance, for a brief moment catching my glance and for a brief moment my heart stopped. I couldn't help but smile back. Then, she went back to her conversation.
When Randy and I made it back home after school I decided to work off my frustration is the weight room of Satordi's ranch. When I was done, I flexed in the mirror. I was a good looking guy. My defined muscle structure, my impressive bicep flex. Why wouldn't she just fall into my strong arms? I could just ask her out. That is all I had to do, any girl would be over the moon, to be seen with a stud like me.
I would just walk up to her and in my best John Travolta voice say "Hey honey, are you busy to night? How would you like the pleasure of going out with me?"
Laughter erupted from the doorway to the gym. Randy was holding his stomach, hurled over in laughter.
He then put his hand on his hip femininely. "Well, I don't know I will have to check my schedule." He started laughing again.
My face burned as I went back to punching the bag, trying to regain an ounce of dignity.
"Don't act all shy now, tough guy!" He said
"Shut up!"
"Or what?" He grabbed the punching bag spotting me, but mostly to prove that my heavy shots didn't bother him one bit. He didn't even flinch.
"I'll hang you from this cable, and make me a new punching bag."
He laughed. "I'd love to see you try."
I walked over to the refrigerator to get a bottle of water, I took a swig, put the top back on and through it at him, as he was dodging the water bottle in quick movement, I was across the room where he was and was able to lock on of his arms in mine, and put him in a half nelson. He quickly was able to undo it, and quickly pin my arms to the side by giving me a heavy bear hug and lifting me off of the ground.
Even though Randy had me on strength, I had him on speed. I quickly twisted my leg around his knocking him of balance for three quarters of a second, which was all I needed to break free of his hold.
I quickly turned to charge at him. My skin began to stretch as I began to phase but Randy caught me and locked his arms around my neck.
"Oh, no you don't." he put more pressure on my neck to make sure I could not go into my wolf form. "No fair, no phasing." I struggled to get free, even howled in pain.
"That's enough!" Satordi's voice cut through the air.
We broke apart and stood side by side with our backs erect.
"What have I told you two about fighting outside of my instruction?"
"Satordi, we were only kidding around. Kenyon started it anyway." Randy pushed my shoulder
"Well, I am finishing it. Meet me at the training yard at 18 hundred hours."
"Yes sir." We both said in unison.
The training ground was an opening in the forest around Satordi’s ranch. We sat Indian style in front of him taking in his lesson.
"It is an honor in itself to poses the magic in one's blood to change form. It is important to use it responsibly, with much discression. It is important that we value human life and respect the ways and of the animal we represent. The wolf is proud, strong, and above all loyal. Every wolf for the pack-"
"And the pack for every wolf." Randy and I filled in.
"Very good!" Satordi nodded in approval. "Never forget that. Never let anything come in between you two, because you are brothers, and most importantly you are already bonded as a pack. That is a bond deeper than brotherhood. It is an unbreakable spiritual bond. You must always respect that relationship."
"Yes master Yoda!" Randy bowed jokingly.
"Force is strong with you it is! Trust each other you should."
Randy and I fell out into tear laughing at Satordi's perfect Yoda impression.
Mr. Satordi stood at nearly seven feet tall which made him seem god-like compared to us and the rest of the world for that matter. I was only 6'5 and Randy 6'7. Satordi was far from the crippled-looking Yoda. He was built he had smooth olive skin and long shiny silver hair, even longer than mine. His was went down his back whereas mine only went to the middle of my shoulder blade, but he usually kept it pulled back into a pony tail. Although Satordi would scald us for our own vanity, there was never a time when you would see Satordi's hair looking messy. It was healthy and long, and you would never even find a split end on his mane. I did on many occasion cut his hair and donate it to Locks of Love, which was why he said he took care of it. Randy nor I believed him.
Satordi was a barn owl shifter, and known in only supernatural circles all over the world as the Professor X of shifters. His ranch was called Beaufort, which meant "beautiful fortress" where he offered shelter, safety, and help for all types of shifters and other supernaturals. Satordi was like a father to many including me and Randy.
After training, I sat alone by the bank of Lac de surnaturel, Satordi's infamous lake thinking to myself. It was rare for me to find a moment alone just to think, since Aunt Talya made it a point to make sure Randy kept an eye on me, which might have been rightfully so, because many times I would disobey her just because I like to get on her nerves. It was Randy that had to be the voice of reason and understanding, because we simply did not get along, which was why I already knew she dreaded me turning 18, and I'd be in charge of my own life and not to mention since my father was out of it I would be considered a tribe elder with Randy.
I had promised Satordi, that I would stay close to my brother, for the sake of the pack, but I was counting down the days until my 18th birthday. 19 more months, I kept saying and then I would be free from under her thumb.
"Is everything okay?"
Randy's voice cut right through my thoughts.
I cut my eyes at him."Aunt Talya sent you to spy on me?"
"No. Not this time." Randy let out a chuckle. "I came out here to see if everything was okay with you. You have been acting kind of weird all day."
"You mean aside from my normal sunny demeanor?"
Randy laughed at my sarcasm. "So, who is she?"
My heart dropped. "What?"
"Come on. Spill it! Who is the girl that has you wound up so tight?"
"Come on Ken. Tell big bro. You know I'm a professor when it comes to the ladies." He smirked.
I just shook my head "It doesn't matter anyway."
As caught the tale tell after it came out of my mouth Randy's eye widened excitedly. "So it is a girl? Who is she? What is her name? Was she at school? Do I know her?"
I tried to register all of the questions. "I don't think you know her. I met her in the on the way to fix my schedule." I took a breath and wondered if I should tell him the next part, and decided why not, I felt like somehow he would find out anyway from one of his new friends at school. "I smacked her in the face with a door."
Randy fell out laughing. My cheeks burned and my teeth clenched.
"Well at least you made an impression." he laughed. "On her face, but what are you gonna do?"
"It's not funny!" I yelled
"Kenyon, you’re so dramatic."
"Like I said, it doesn't matter anyway, because if I had a chance, it's gone now." I walked away, but Randy grabbed my shoulders.
"Ken, I haven't seen you this torn up since-"
"Hello boys!" Aunt Talya's voice made my skin crawl.
"Aunt Talya, you are looking beautiful as ever." Randy was always the one to butter up Aunt Talya, to get what he wanted out of her. I on the other hand tried to avoid her completely, usually to no avail.
"Thank you Randall. Wasn't that nice Kenyon?"
I crossed my arms and didn't respond.
Aunt Talya was 4'9, had long dry wavy hair, burnt colored skin, and was easily the bane of my existence.
"So how was school?" she asked.
Randall quickly chimed in. "It was great, Aunt Talya. Thank you for letting us go." Randy kissed her cheek. I cringed.
"Did you make any friends?"
"Mr. Popular did." I mumbled under my breath.
"Don't worry. Kenyon, you will make friends. You are such a sweet boy."
I rolled my eyes and looked away. I was not buying the nice routine, she had to have something up her sleeve.
"I just came to, let you all know since you all are serious about going to a mortal school, I have one other stipulation."
So there it was. I thought.
"Anything Aunt Talya! You name it."
"There will be no mortal relationships." She did air quotes.
I my eyes widened as I looked at her.
"Aunt Talya, you can't be serious!" Randy took the words out of my mouth.
"It is too dangerous for our kind. No one should get too close. I'm serious."
It wasn't that she wasn't right, Satordi would lecture us all the time about keeping our gifts hidden, it did not just put ourselves at risk but others like us. Mortals usually would mistake us for the bad shifters, like vampires, werewolves, and hell hounds. It was human nature to fear what they did not understand and that kind of fear was dangerous; but it was clear that she was eavesdropping and had been more than happy to share that request.
"But what about your first stipulation, we have to blend teenagers date. If we don't they will know something is up. Kids talk." Randy pleaded.
Aunt Talya thought a moment. I waited nervously for her reaction. She let out a sigh. I involuntarily sighed after she did. "Okay. You can have normal teenager relationships, but nothing long term. One week tops, but I said it before and I will say it again, 'nothing serious' it is too risky."
"Two weeks." Randy repeated in confirmation.
"Alright two weeks, and you tell no one of your gifts. Is that understood Kenyon?" She looked at me.
I forced an awkward smile and nodded.
"Okay, carry on." She smiled contently and walked bare footed back toward our cottage.
"So this was your big plan? If she does go out with me we get two weeks." I shook my head. "I'm just going to forget about it. It just wasn't meant to be."
"Look have I ever steered you wrong? Just date anyone other than this girl."
I squinted. "So your resolution is to date someone else?"
"No, I'm not done." He clarified." Just let Aunt Talya think that you can handle having empty relationships, after while she won't even care who you date. These mortals don't mean anything to her"
"But controlling us means everything."
He smiled. "You let me deal with Aunt Talya. You just worry about what you are going to say when you sweep this girl off her feet."
"But I can't even talk to women." I admitted.
"You leave that up to Mr. Wonderful." He smirked and I knew the wheels were turning and all I needed to do was hold on for the ride.

© Copyright 2012 Misty Crade (UN: babydoll_y2g at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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