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A story based in the World Of Darkness game White Wolf Publishing Inc |
Chapter 2 The Truth It was Wensday before they Finley let me out of the hospital. The wound had healed late Monday but the wanted to hold me for observation, they could not explain why it healed so fast only that it did. My wife was relieved when we finely got out of the place; it was an awkward drive home Missa looked like she wanted to say something but she held off. “Cecil we need to talk” “those are never good words” I said as I looked at her, “what about” “Something is about to happen to you something that will change your life forever” “and what is that?” “I don’t know how to tell you this without sounding completely crazy.” “Spit it out all ready” “Your about to become a werewolf” I looked at her,” your right that is pretty crazy, and how would you know that?” “Because I am wolf blooded, which means I have a genetic trait that could change me at any time. And apparently you do to” She then pointed at her ring” this is what keeps me from the change, my grate grandmother made it out of the bones of a wolf and human, when she die it passed to my mother and then to me.” “I looked at her” how exactly am I supposed to believe this” “You will just wait till to night.” Although it made sense I could not wrap my mind around it this that night when the nightmares seemed so real, the next morning I believed. I woke up to the sound of Missa breastfeeding Selene. “So what do I do now?” “All you can do is wait it out.” “Wonderful” I said allowed as the pain started up again. “it should be any day now” she sighed “ I recommend you go out in the woods till the change happens, I’ll keep things under control here, you don’t want to be too close to humans, you should change in less than a week if what the spirits say is true. A few second latter the doorbell rang “It’s for you” she said offhandedly “you know i hate it when you do that” She smiled “I know” I went to the door A tall Native America woman met me there. From the moment I looked in her eyes I could tell she was the one who had bit me. “hay there Cecil, well this is awkward” “You’re the one that bit me aren’t you,” Her blue eyed cut through my vary being, “you are correct, I am guessing your mate filled you in. I prefer it that way.” “I know you do” Missa said as she came up from the bed room, Selene fast asleep in her arms, there was a slight tension in the room “it’s been awhile raven” “that is has” “so is my father still in charge” Raven nodded, “he is vary much in control and waiting for you to take off your little trinket and join the pack” “that will be my choice as long as I have the ring I will change when I see fit” “It’s not natural Melisa you should have changed years ago” “ yes but if I had we would have had a Ghost child instead of this little one here” Missa Smiled and held Selene a bit closer. Raven nodded “I am sure she will be a powerful Werewolf, considering you family’s pedigree.” Missa looked at Selene with a shimmer in her eyes. “And you will be a powerful shaman when you finely accept that there is no escaping the change, and now for the matter at hand, Cecil you will turn here soon we need to get you out of here, we were unaware that you were a uthra and we don’t know what will happen when you change, you have no pedigree and it looks like the new moon will claim you.” “`Don’t I get a say in this” I asked “NO!” they both answered in sequence. I didn’t say anything there wasn’t much I could say next thing I know there were packing a tent and some other camping supplies in a black truck. When I got in to the truck I noticed the driver “Hello again Gage” I said uncomfortably “Hay Cecil, Don’t worry I won’t bite, however I can’t say the same about Raven” I rubbed my shoulder “she could have done a lot worse you know” “I am sure she could” I didn’t want to talk about it so I changed the subject “Is it safe for us to leave those two alone in their” “That depends on your idea of safe, you wife is very powerful, she may not look it but that ring she bares it is infused with the soul of her grate grandmother, one of the most powerful bone shadow in like forever. It was said that she death wolf incarnate. “Who’s death wolf” “Oh I forgot, you’re new, she is the tribal totem of the bone shadows” “So what are the tribes?” “There groups of individuals that share similar beliefs. Like I wanted to stay close to my human friends and family and understood that humans need to be protected so I joined up with the Iron masters. Raven on the other hand thinks that places need protected from humans and her closes connection with the earth due to her heritage so she became a hunter in darkness Your wife is already marked by the bone shadows there just waiting for the change to happen, when she finely takes off that ring and allows her soul to be marked by Luna. But win that happens your marriage will be over” “how will her change affect are marriage?” Werewolves are not allowed to have sex, because is produces a very dangerous spirit creature that can destroy a pack.” “But Selene is not a monster” That’s because of the ring she has not changed and is there four considered merely wolf blooded. As she will be till her first change, then she will become one of us and you two won’t be able to have any more children. The thought of that kind of hurt, I hope she can hold out till we have a son. “only time will tell however I don’t recommend talking about it to Raven she is a bit testy when it comes to the natural order of thing bit. Raven stepped out of the house and you could tell by her face she had gotten a bit heated. “So where are we going?” I asked as she opened the car door. “Some place safe so we don’t have to clean up after your first change.” “Collateral damage is a bitch” Gage chimed in “So what do I have to look forward to?” I asked as my curious nature and recon solider training kicked in. “well you know the usual, first we will arrive and you will meet all of the tribe, pack, representatives. Then we will wait for you to change, which will be the equivalent to hell, depending on your Auspice the tribe reps will try to recruit you. After that you will get a task. And after you complete that there will be a rite of initiation with that done you will be taught some simple gifts and move on to the next step, you will then deal with the pack reps who will each try to recruit you, And then you will be free to go for a bit as long as you return to you pack with in two weeks.” “I don’t like this set up it is unnatural” Raven interrupted “Yes but the Tristate alliance has kept peace between the packs for years” said Gage “No dought dreamt up from the minds of Storm Lords and Iron masters, no offence Gage” “None taken” The car trip seemed to take forever but, I used that time to ask several questions. as we drew closer I knew were we were going, it was a place the humans called shawnee national forest. The place was just as beautiful as I remembered it, it had been at least a year since my wife and I last visited. “So this is the training grounds, nice place.” “That it is one of the beautifully unspoiled natural areas” Raven seemed pleased when we got out of the car she took off her shoes and just walked in the grass barefoot. “Now that’s a hardcore Meninna, she is dedicated to the natural order of the world, She would probly run around necked in town if I would let her. “I’ll meet you in the grounds” said raven and then she shifted in to a solid black wolf. "Don’t worry about it, I'll get you clothing you just run off" Gage said annoyed. I chuckled as she went out there and got Ravens clothing off the ground, Than couldn't pair me with another iron master oh no he decided to pair me with her, my complete opposite. "Gage gripped as she looked for Ravens bra. In a way I admired her strong connection with nature. "Damn it I know she did this just to annoy me" I just watched her look it was amusing "I found it lets go" she said and rushed up to the car. Within minutes we were going down the road again. Ten minutes later we parked the car and walked up to a seemingly normal military camp site. On the vary center stood a tent much larger than the rest and as fate would have it that is the one we walked to. The suns begin to set behind us as we walk in. Sincerley Nephileiem,The Redeemed (AKA) G.C.Snearley |