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A Cicil NOval |
Chapter 2 The life at sea was incredibly boring from a rats point of view the crew rush to and from and never really noticed they had been at sea two weeks now with nothing of interest happenstance at all, Cecil was in many way upset by this he had been craving adventure the Thrills of the sea he had heard stores about. Little did he know that his wish would soon be answered. The next day the entire sea seemed to be enveloped in a green foul smelling mist. the captain locked him self in his cabin as the crew tried to run for safety out of the mists came the ghoses of people lost at sea. onley latter in life would Cecil understand the power of these souls, and how they could be harnessed to give life to the life less, but for his first encounter he was awe struck. He watched them all as they took out there rag eon whatever living thin they could it was a blood bath, the crew who could not make it below deck we’re ripped from limb to limb. After it had done its damage it passed. As the captian came out of his quarter the alarm was raised and the crew armed them selves for the pirates. At this point Cecil decided it would be a goo time to revel his presence changed to human form and grabbed his gear “ who the hell are you” the captian yelled as soon as he seen Cecil “i am Cecil Gail and I am here to help' said Cecil as he took down to men with his bolts in a instant the sound of cannon fire rang out “i think you pissed them off boy” The caption yelled for a good 10 minuets the vessels exchanged fire till the pirate ship was close enoph to bored Cecil put his bow on his back and drew his daggrs, this was the first excitement in awhile and he was looking forward to the fight . It is at this poin he got a crazy idea, what if he got on the enemy ship and took its charts and log? He could easley find the pirates hideout then. The air echoed with the cling of steel while the others were fighting Cecil was taking lives, with each swish of his blades he was catching men in there armorers weakest point with out realizing it he shifted to Nazumi for also known as man rat form, using his tail he tripped someone up and jabbed them in the throat blood sprayed him in the face. Covering his whiskers, it was at this time he boded the other ship snuck in to the caption quarters and grabbed everything that looked important. Ran back to my ship stowed everything and went to rat form. The next few days the captain searched for him with out any luck when the tower was see able Cecil Shifted back to human got dressed grabed his stowed stuff and walked to the caption who was surprised to see him. shook his hand jumped off and swam to shore. Like a dream Cecil stood on the Cerulean island the place ware all of his dream would come true. Cecil could not help but stare. Although his clothing was soaked and he had salt water in his mouth he just stared at the tower so much larger then he could have imagined. He walked to the main city were the entrance was. “whats your story young man.” Asked a elderly man siting in the garden “i am here to learn” Cecil responded “to learn what” “i don’t know yet” “i can tell you your future if you wish” “i gess its ok” cecil handed the man a few coins “the man touched his forehead and ceical saw visions of him self in rooms filled with strange being of metal and magic” you shall be a grate artificer and inventor” “how do you know what you saw is true” cecal asked , there was no response only a pile of coins were the man had been” cecil left them were they were and headed to the academy gate. The gate keeper stood there in his full plate mail if Cecil didn’t know any better he would think the man was a statue. Beside the gate keeper there stood a little shack and there in was a Magus of some sort twirling his glasses by invisible means. As Cecil tried to wall in the gates the guard stopped him. “do you know what course you are taking if not go to the guy over there and ask for a brochure” Cecil did as instructed the old man had told him what to do and so that is the cores line he picked. Then the old man appeared again . “i choose to wave this ones tuition, he shell pay with his services” Yes Master Magus, the gate keeper said as he allowed Cecil entry Cecil was dumfounded as the old man escorted him threw the gate “i am mearley a stranger from the mainland what could I possible do for the academy” asked ceicl as it set in “i have use of you particular skill set young wererat” Cecil stopped dead in his tracks “How do you know what I am?” “you are ceicl gail are you not, the son of a assassin” “yes but how did you know” Whil I showed you your futuer you reveled to me the past,i also know you have some varry important information in your pack as to the were about of the Bloody Talons hide out, and that you are skilled in combat, lesson one never trust a mind mage. You see we have a student who wishes to keep her idenity hidden and you are the right person to guard her from the people who would want her deposed of” “so you hire a assassin to stop assassins makes since” “yes she will arive in two days time and you are to be her silent guardian meet me at the gate in two days, till then get settled“ He escorted Cecil to his room and dismissed him self Cecil open the door finding what you would normal expect of a room, there was a twin sized bed on the far wall, a closet and a desk, the walls were a blue colors and you could almost see light through them upon his desk set sevral books and a campus map cecil spent the two day exploring what he could of the tower Sincerley Nephileiem,The Redeemed (AKA) G.C.Snearley |