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Rated: · Book · Action/Adventure · #1859143
A Cicil NOval
#751943 added April 29, 2012 at 3:35pm
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Ch1 Pt 2 Tools Of The Trade
Part 2
Tools of the trade
IN The Center of SeaMist lays the Market place.
The sound of chatter filled the air as Cecil and his parents enter the merchant district of SeaMist the building are much different here then they are in old town. Here the buildings are new and clean made of some sort of white stone, the air is filled with all sorts of aromas, the sound of chatting is all around accompany with the sound of coin clanking together.
This is the place were Talon taught Cecil how to pick pockets and evade detection.
“the market has grown alot since you were last home dad”
“and you my boy have a surprising nack for pointing out the obvious”
They walked thought the crowded streets keeping There coin purses close to There besom.
First the went to the Weapons smith .
“first we must find you a suitable weapon” Talon said as the entered the smokey Smithy
“welcome home you son of a rat”
“boomed the voice of a rather large human
“and Eva your as lovely as ever”
“Thank you Boro”
my mother smiled
So Talon what did you bring me this time”
“A few weapons from the time before”
my father smiled as he reveled a rifle and some rounds
“and were did you find these?”asked the smithy as he closed and locked the door.
“they are still pretty popular in Onixea, the vamps give them to there Cattle for protection. These rounds are pure sliver.”
My father placed the rounds in the clip and fired off a shot
“Careful talon that there is some black market materiel”
“i got this and all sorts of goodies from my last trip was wondering if you would be interested”
my father grined.
“of course my friend I am always interested in exotic weapons, isnt that right Cecil,”
Boro smiled
“that boy of yours has been in here everyday learning all I know about weapons from the world before”
Cecil smiled
“it was better then being bored”
“Right you are boy anything better then Bordeum”
“ he wont be bored for to much longer he is going to the academy”
My father said proudly
“relly well you going to need the proper stuff ya know”
Boro said ecaidiley
“and i think I got just the thing got it from a slayer up north of here”
her rushed to the back of the shop and unlocked a chest.
“was hoping to sell it but it seems like the perfect gift”
he came back up with a vary advanced looking cross bow
“this here is a modified Repeating cross bow it has two setting, automatic and signal shot, capable of shooting 10 bolts in two seconds.”
Boro smiled as he showed it off.
Then handed it to Cecil
“go ahead and give it a try just remember to hold it in place as you fire like any other wepon”
Cecil pulled the trigger
the bots shot out with out a sound.
“your a natural boy”
Talon said proudley as he threw 200 bolts in to a quiver.
“well that takes care of the weapon, ill bring those firearms tonight Boro and thanks for the gift”
the smith chuckled and went back to work.
Ill go pick up some provisions you boys go have fun”
Eva said as she walked over to the produce section
“i ges`s she want to make sure you eat good”
Cecil and Talon walked across the crowded streets to the armorer. “so I see you stopped by my brothers first said the Young behind the counter

'its nothing personal Rena we just had business to discuss”
“you two and you business” she winned he is only a few minnetes older then me yet he it treated like the oldest”
“Rena settle down were just here to look at armor”
“i am sorry Talon we got in to a fight eaeley he is just such a mean brother.
Rena looked far to young to work a shop Cecil didn’t even know the two were related till now let alone twins.
“so what brings you here talon”
Rena said as she settled down, Cecil couldn’t help but wonder what the two were arguing about but thought it best to remain silent for now
“well my boy is leaving for the academy and I thought it best for him to were some armor for the trip we all know how dangerous the world can be.”
“My my Cecil you’ve grow up to be quite the hansom young man”
she said as if just noticing me\
“i nodded and you look lovely to day”
which in all honesty she did but she was just a bit to old, her hair was a reddish color and she wore the clothes of the trade she wore a plain white shirt with heavy leather gloves the covered from her elbows to her hands
“ so what are you two looking for”
Prefurable something light.
She took aff her gloves and lead us to the other side of the store
as the walked Cecil noticed some beautifully crafted clothing stowed in a closet
“this way please”
she said
“what is that back there?”
Cecil asked
“nothing just a broken dream”
she Said shyly
“anything that’s broken can be fixed again” Cecil said trying to comfort the poor girl.
We shopped around for awhile till we finely decided on a studded leather Chest piece with fingerless gantlets as well as a pair of boots and leg guards
at this point and time ceicel understood why his mother avoided shopping with them, it took forever.
As the left the shop Eva was there waiting, took you two long anophe she giggled a bit'
Cecil pointed at his father
“talk to him”
Talon merely shrugged his shoulders.
“well boy your ship will be here in the morning, I checked the schedule”
“thanks mom”
You should probley say you good byes we will meet you back home”
with that his parents left, Cecil just stood there for a moment wondering what they meant he didnt really have any friends that would give a damn about his departure the sad part was that was the first time he had ever realized it, there were several others his ages. But he had no real friends. all the people his age had ether left for Lumos to join the guard or worked in the Taverns.
At this realization, for the first time Cecil felt completely Alone, other then his family who would give a damn about him in the real world.
The answer was simple no one. With this in mind he once again walked to the light house secretary climbed to the top and just sat there staring at the sea and the tower that held such promises. For the first time he was afraid.
After the sun set he walked home. The streets of old town looked co;d and lifeless. The new moon shed no light on the dark and damp roads, the olney light came from the taverns and the brothels. The alleys now were filled with thugs and cat purses, the smell of alcohol and vomit pervaded the air. It amazed Cecil how when the sun went down the world seemed to change from a safe place to the place were you life might end. He walked in the middle of the road to avoid the alleys
“so the little rat is leaving town” snarled a familiar voice
“good evening Erik how are you tonight”
Cecil said coldly
“just waiting for you old friend”
Erik said as he stepped out of the ally way, the moon light reveled a average size manlike thing the smell of rotten flesh overwhelmed Cecil nostrils.
“I see you necrosage master has stitched you up again”
said Cecil as he looked at the monster
“its one of the bonuses to being undead, immortality”

“Tell me Erik if you are already dead how in the world are you immortal, and have you looked at yourself lately, if you went out in the day I am sure the guard would run you out of town, Zombies are exactly like my kind, not welcome.”

“things will change eventuality of that you can be sure”
Erik shambled off , back in to the dark of the moonless night.
Cecil payed it no mind and continued home thankful with out further instance. Cecal got home and mentally prepared for the journey ahead of him. In less then a day he would be on his own doing something no one in his family has ever done before he hoped he would have anophe coin after all who whats to deal with pirates. But if worst came to worse he had a plan he like most men on the verge of what could possible be a life altering event could not sleep well this night, he tossed and turned all night leaving him felling like a zombie the next morning
this morning he awoke to the sound of nothing unique, apparently his father and mother did not wish to celebrate today they greeted him at the door with his pack ready, but as a sign of good faith his father handed him two daggers, one white the other black
Cecil walk alone to the harbor and boarded the S.S. Storm-rider.
After he had successful stowed his gear away he shifted to rat form and joined the rest of the vermin on board. Being a shifter had its advantages he thought to him self as the ship left the harbor.

Nephileiem,The Redeemed
(AKA) G.C.Snearley
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