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#751942 added April 29, 2012 at 3:33pm
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Chapter One Pt 1 Ecapist
Chapter 1
Part 1
As the Dawn brakes we find Cecil Gail,standing atop SeaMist Harbor light house. He is looking to the horizon across the vast sea were in the distance stands A Grey blue tower.
“The Cerulean Academy, The place ware magic meets science” he says to him self in awe.
He takes one more look then slowly shifts to his rat-man form. He quietly climes down the lighthouse as he gits to the bottom he snickers at the NO trespassing sign.
“wererats go ware they please” he says aloud.
in the early morning light old town SeaMists looks like a ghost town the Cement roads glisten with morning dew.
The old Red brick building show the towns age, the air is ripe with the smell of the sea in the distance you can hear the cackling of gulls.
As the sun rises Cecil shift to human form due to were creatures are not welcome in town. A ordnance that to him seems harsh after all his kind don’t feed on humans, they could but why when you can eat almost anything.
He makes his way to his mother apothecary shop which doubled as a hospital. After all she would be awake soon. As he walks in the smell of herbs is overwhelming.
“morning mom” Cecil says as he chokes on the smells
“what are you cookin up”
his mother emerges from behind the counter her black hair is pulled up in a ponytail reveling a kind featured woman, her eyes, like Cecil's , seem to glow a vibrant almost neon green.
“the local guard caption ordered a remedy for his guards, seem there is a bug going around, but its a big order and we are happy to oblige, if you would latter could you bring in some herbs from the garden I am using a large portion of are supplies”

“not a problem
Cecil said as I began to leave the shop
“oh and by the way, your fathers back from his latest job”
Cecil stopped dead in his tracks
“is he hurt?”
Cecil asked as he turned around
“no he is fine, sleeping at the moment but wants to train with you latter”
a smile came to Cecils face as he tuned back and left the shop.
His dad being home meant stealth,music and weapon training.
His dad was a wererat like Cecil, as well as thief and assassin by profession although he covered for it with the ruse of traveling bard. Going from place to place playing songs and telling stories.
His mother Eva was quite the opposite however, saving lives and giving medical attention to the sick and wounded she even knew a bit of faith healing magic just in case natural cures were insufficient.
She was a devoted follower of the light.
Sometimes Cecil wondered how the two polar opposites could have met let alone fallen in love and gave
birth to him.
These thoughts rushed threw his mind as he picked the herbs necessary although he could not name all the plants they each had there own unique smell and by there sent he knew wich ones his mother needed for her current project.
His father greeted him by the door as he returned with the plants
“how are you doing son it s been awhile”
“about two months actuley”
Cecil scolded
“i ran in to some trouble in Onixea vamps don’t die easly. But the money was good”
Cecil shrugged his shoulders
“i suppose but you could have sent word or something mom was up every night worried sick, she even cried a few times”
his Father looked hurt
“you still up for some training, although truthfully I don’t know what I have left to teach you”
said Talon in an attempt to change the topic.
“truthfully dad there is nothing left you could teach me we cover you last lessons when you were home last and I have been practicing every day, I was actuality thinking of going to the academy.”
his dad looked at him with surprise
“no one in are family has ever gone to it due to the expenses of the trip but if you think that’s what you want I am sure you can pull it off, Ur smarter then most I just dont know were you’ll get the money your mom and I can help a bit but the rest is on you.
“i figured as Munch”
Cecil responded.
“i may have a way”
his father said after a few minuets of silent thought.
“there is a rumor of a group of pirates, to the south, Aris island I think,
if you got with them for a bit surely
you could steal enophe to buy you way in”
Talon looked at Cecil and smiled
he could tell the plan was already in action
“but before you go tell you mom bye and don’t say anything about my part in it, she'll be pissed ”
Cecil chuckled a bit.
The two continued training till the sun set made them return home, were Cecil told his mother of his planes. A conversation that went horrible, Eva burst in to tears
“ill pray for you”
is all she could say.
As Talon tried to comfort Eva.
Cecil grabbed his dads spare travel pack and went to his room. Realizing he had no idea what to pack he went back to his parents.
“you mom and I will help you get ready tomorrow”
said Talon as if knowing what Cecil was about to ask. With that said Cecil went and hugged his mother.
His shoulder was quickly soaked by her tears
“ill be ok mom you don’t have to worry dad thought me everything he knows and so did you”
Cecils eyes began to tear up as his mother latched on to him.
“my little boy is all grown up” she somehow said between sobs.
When she finely settled down we all went to bed.
It was a dreamless night as black as the new moon sky,and as cold as the norther sea winds.

The morning rays on his face, brought Cecil from his cold dark sleep. And to his surprise his parents were already awake and active. He could smell his mother cooking something in the kitchen. The sound of his fathers lute danced through the house as did the sound of his fathers voice singing about the wonders of the world the Grate white wall of Lumas, the way the sun Never smiles on Onixeas. About the beauty of the eternal forest and the Elven maidens who lived there. About the Grate Volcanic city’s of the Draconian and there demon masters. The beauty of the music alone made Cecil want to dance and singalong. But he noticed as the song faded that his dad sang nothing of the academy.
Cecil got dressed and made his way down stairs.
“about time you got up boy”
his mother said in a somewhat scolding tone
“we have a lot to do to day before we see you off”
Cecil knew his mom well anophe to know she was being tough because she didn’t know how else to act.
The sound of the lute once again began to play, His father always had a concert after he had been away for awhile. In truth he was more of a musician than a assassin.
He would rather play his life away but that docent pay the expenses of having a wife and a kid, so he did what he must, like his father before him took up the banner of the assassin.
The silent killer whom in his own way effects the fate of the world one Kill at a time.
What he did took amazing skill and cunning, slipping past the guards sneaking through unfamiliar corridors and halls, choosing the right moment to strike. Wether it be blade or bow he ken how and wen to strike.
You would think that after awhile it would affect you somehow. But mom says he is still as gentle and fun loving as when they met.
She is quite the opposite, conservative, shy and soicley awkward to most. Wen she was a young girl her parents placed her in a coven were she spent most of her young life learning all about how the world was before and studied the art of Faith magic ,the art of miraculous healing and many superhuman feats through faith love and purity. Wen she met my father she was the rank of cleric, she and my father loved each other from a distance for many years.
Because she knew if she gave in to temptation lost her virginity, her innocence she would loos a large portion of her power. Due to only the truly pure of body and spirit can harness the powers of the Divine.
One night she went to the arch cleric for advise, he told her the usual
“pray about it”
and she did. As she said amen an angle came to her.
“you have held you vows longer then most, you work is apprenticed and the all father say you are free to go and love this man, but be waned he is not what he seems”

my mother told the arch cleric and the next day she was allowed to go with my father
it was only much latter did she discover her was not completely human. The day Cecil was born was the day his father confessed what he really was. Despite the secrets she still loved him.
At least that’s what Cecils mother told him
after his father fished the next song he came in, they ate and before to long they were off to the market

Nephileiem,The Redeemed
(AKA) G.C.Snearley
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