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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/751848-This-ones-about-part-two
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1762035
A little bit of everything, colored my own way.
#751848 added April 27, 2012 at 11:31pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about part two.
THE PROMPT: "Describe a life experience so important to you it deserves to be told over multiple entries."

Good evening everybody...yesterday we had part one of the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS's Serial Life Experience portion of The Second Time This Ever Happened, where a scheduling conflict was interferring with my plans. Today is part two of that drama, so let's get right to it.

Once it was finalized that I was indeed working and had realized there was nobody left to cover for me, I basically had no choice. Everyone I had tried to switch with knew why I wanted to switch, which meant everyone in the store knew what my plans were for the evening, and that meant calling in sick was basically not an option.

Resigned to not going, I had to let Pop Diesel know, and he was disappointed but he understood. It would look bad calling in sick on the account of the Bandits' game, and I had only been with the company not even a year at that point, I believe, so I didn't want to look bad to my bosses. Little did I know, I'd be worrying about more important things that Saturday night.

At this point, we had to find someone who could take the extra ticket off our hands. The first person I called was my little brother, and he was all about it. At least we didn't have to worry about that. Next was figuring out that day's transportation. Jess worked at her store from 8am-4pm, while I worked 3:30pm-10:30pm. Bro Mike stepped up to the plate on that one too...I took Jess to work in the morning, she brought a change of clothes, Bro Mike picked her and Pop Diesel, and they'd go to the game. Dad lived in the city anyway, and my bro lived five minutes from us, so it worked out perfect...that way I'd just take myself to and from work.

Now, I dread working night shifts. I don't know why, but I've got the whole day to myself, and I work myself up in such knots because I don't want to go in. I feel like I don't get anything done during the day because I don't want to stop what I'm doing to have to get ready for work. I'm used to waking up, rushing around to get ready, and leaving right away, four out of the five workdays of the week.

Sometimes if I have to wake up to take Jess to work, I'll go right back to sleep when I get home. Other times, I'll stay up for a little bit, and then take a nap, wake back up and start getting ready. And that's what happened on this particular Saturday...only I didn't wake up until 3:23pm. That would be the absolute latest time I could leave and be minimally late. And yeah, that wasn't happenin'. I called the store to let them know I was running late and that I'd be there as soon as I could. I hung up and got ready.

Did you ever catch yourself running late and you get this weird adrenaline rush like everything has to be done super, super fast, and you think you're doing them super, super fast, but it still takes you the same amount of time to get ready? I remember that feeling while getting dressed and brushing my teeth. I may have even lost a minute in my haste. I didn't even have time to be jealous of them for going to the game, or to hate my job for being scheduled on a Saturday night. Those feelings would have to wait until the drive into work.

And what a drive in that was. I'm normally a safe and cautious driver...alert and attentive, and I don't often take chances. But this time, I must've been in quite a daze. Driving down a residential street, I didn't notice how fast I was going until I heard the sirens and saw them cherries flashin' in my rearview. "Oh fuck," I thought to myself, "now I've really got a good excuse for being late."

Everything was standard procedure. "Do you know why I pulled you over?" the officer asked. "No sir, I don't" I replied. Normally I pay close attention, but I had too many other things on my mind. I don't even remember how fast he said I was going, but it certainly wasn't 35mph in a nice, quiet neighborhood. "I'll need to see your license and registration" the cop said. I fished around for it and gave it to him.

I waited like a hostage for what felt like an eternity. He finally came back and asked me who's name the car is in and I explained to him that it was under my girlfriend's name. Then he said those words. I'll never forget how they sounded...like the smell of burning garbage, but in my ear. "Sir, I'm gonna need you to step out of the vehicle."

That's it for part two of The Second Time This Ever Happened. Come back tomorrow to see how this ends up!


If and when this little excerpt of my life becomes a straight-to-DVD movie that you can get in gas stations for $3.99, this will definitely be on the soundtrack.


*Cart* Woke up this morning at 7:30am, started the car up, brushed my teeth and damn near passed out. There may have been a tiny little bit of spit-up too. Yup, wasn't goin' in to work today. I sank back into bed after shuttin' the car off, and immediately felt like the matress was cradling my body. I felt bad makin' that phone call too...my boss was already out of work again this week and it was one of the other manager's last day. I was gonna miss our little "going away/photo contest winner" pizza party. But dammit, I was tired, sore and exhausted. I needed more of a mental health day than anything. I didn't get out of bed until almost 1pm. It felt wonderfully liberating.

*Cut* I did manage to make it over to Supercuts for a nice little trim of my unruly hair. I tried goin' after work yesterday but when I called ahead they said it would be an hour wait. Fuck that...this kid doesn't wait for nothin' *Smirk*. So I called ahead today and it was like they couldn't wait to see me (and really, who can't *Smirk*). So I show up, and it never fails...four cute little hotties all standing at their chairs, eyeing me down, while I get the fattest one holdin' up the building waiting for me at the counter. And don't judge me...just because I've placed my order doesn't mean I still can't see what else is on the menu. *Pthb*

*Male* As part of my newly created three day weekend, I had requested tomorrow off to help my boy Adam tear up some carpet in his living room (that always sounds awesomely hilarious in my 15-year-old mind whenever I say it). There will be food consumed, beverages beveraged on, and music playing from the time we start until the time we finish. Looking forward to spending some quality time helpin' out a great dude...

*Female* ...because Jess is throwing another one of her "girlie parties" where a bunch of chicks come over and look at purses and handbags and gossip and talk and drink and stuff. And this time, it's being thrown in conjunction with another girl who throws girlie parties, only her parties revolve around food and drink done cheap and easy. So yeah, instead of lingering in the basement while the rest of the house reeks of estrogen, you're damn right I'm gonna be out fillin' up on the testosterone.

Alright, sexy people who read this...I'm gonna go away now and see what else is goin' on. Have a great weekend...peace, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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