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A little bit of everything, colored my own way. |
THE PROMPT: "In the tradition of bloggers everywhere, tell us all about your day, in great detail, even the mundane stuff, but especially the good stuff, the parts of your day that inspired you, that motivated you, that showed you the joy in your life. Tell us how your day was, whether you laughed or whether you cried. You know, blog." What's up y'all? So, I'm glad I showed up for work today. Well, I didn't really have a choice since I was the only member of management on the schedule today, so I kinda had to be there. And regardless of anything else that's happened today or will happen later on (which I can safely assure you that it won't be anything exciting), today will be remembered for one striking image that will live on in infamy through the magic of Facebook. In the Depends aisle at work, I found an empty bottle of Poland Spring water. With a used syringe next to it. On the shelf. In plain sight. And what's wrong with me and this world when my first instinct is to turn around, grab my phone out of the office, take a picture of it, send it to my boss, and immediately post it on Facebook? Let's see if this works: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=3457796121759&set=a.3457796081758.2134917... Then and only then did I grab a pair of gloves and transport the needle to the Sharps container in the pharmacy and the empty bottle to the now-overflowing crate of the empty packages from stolen goods. Yup, it's been that kind of day. But let's talk about the good stuff, because a day's only supposed to get better after that, right? (*Mimics the sounds of crickets, owls, and a lone car travelling down a deserted highway*) At least my lunch order didn't get messed up today like it did last Saturday. Aces for that. Let's see...what else? I didn't get robbed or shot. I got my work done, but it's half-assed because I kept getting called away from it over and over again. And if I hadn't been so inclined to check out our "workflow assistant" online, I would not have known that today was a "25%-off employee discount day"...and I really wasn't going to check it, but did on a whim. This tool was designed to eliminate a lot of emails and provide us with more direction, but it's pretty much a waste of time and effort because the direction it provides is minimal, at best. Ironically, this program is called "Compass". We still get emails, repetitive ones at that, and there's little direction involved. Let's add this to the growing list I like to call "Ways Multi-Million Dollar Companies Still Fuck Things Up". MUSICAL BREAK!! I've probably posted this song a million times, but one more time can't hurt, and rereading what I wrote up there kinda got it stuck in my head. Here's hoping it gets stuck in yours too. And for the right price, I'll bust this jam out at karaoke. Nothing feels better than seeing a crowded bar clap and sing along when you're crooning this song to the fullest. Ironically, the lead singer died just before this album came out. He lost his life due to the needle. VITAL STATS: ![]() Alright folks, my ship's about to sail for the night. Please direct your comments down below wherever you come across this, and I'll respond in a timely fashion. Peace, and GOODNIGHT NOW!! ![]() ![]() |