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by Tol
Rated: 13+ · Book · Sci-fi · #1769582
Onna Tal escapes from prison to free her infant son from the hands of the evil Akrons.
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#751096 added May 12, 2012 at 12:09am
Restrictions: None
SL-TLZ Epilogue
Command Log : Jesta Oakraider reporting.

The defeat of the Akron Empire is the most celebrated victory since our grandfathers ended the intergalactic wars over fifty years ago. The celebration went on for days and was renamed Unification Day. The Akrons never returned but fear of their return brought not only a truce to the Felline and Magorr but they joined the Alliance.

That was good news for me when I finally woke up in the hospital on Akledia five days later but I didn’t feel much like celebrating. The beating I endured fighting the Akron soldier Zetan bruised my spirit. If not for Aganon’s untimely intervention, I would have died on the Zomban ship.

I don’t know what death feels like but I believe I was teetering on the edge of it. In my delirious state, I saw my grandfather’s proud smile and my mother welcomed me with open arms. She embraced me and kissed my cheek. She introduced me to a brother I never knew, who died early in his first year. I am so happy I cry but I know I can’t stay. My life is not over yet. I still have something to do.

Those were Jal’s exact words when I came back to my body. He had been by my side the moment he saw me all broken and bloody. Aganon assured him that he could save me but his help was needed while he prepared the proper spells. Jal was needed to talk to me to keep me in my body. At that moment he chose to confess to me the reasons he rivaled me his entire life. I don’t remember much of it because I was floating in between life and death.

I remember all of that day. It is a turning point for me as well as the Alliance. I woke up strong and fit; my body was completely healed. Aganon came to take me to meet with the Empor’s. They are ready for my report on what transpired on the Zomban ship. On the way, he caught me up on the events of the past six days.

The last Akron ship turned tail and ran rather than face the Alliance fleet. The rift closed behind them. That’s what he calls it – a rift - a tear through the fabric of space; a doorway to another part of our galaxy created by bending and folding the dark matter in ways he is not going to explain to me because my limited mind will never understand it. Thanks. It is an instantaneous portal from one point to another. It is not a natural occurrence. He says the Psyen have had a problem with this before millennia ago. He hasn’t had a chance to inquire about it yet but thanks to my brother Jal’s journey through it, he will. I wish him well.

Aganon told me that he gave his report days ago and left Kamen out of it. Then I remembered Kamen. I totally forgot about him. Aganon pushed his memory deep in my mind so that my body wouldn’t stress while I recovered. It made sense. He met with my father in private and gave him the Zomban prince. He told the story of his deliverance. It would be wise not to tell any of the Empor’s about him at all. They would use him as a bargaining chip with the Akron’s when they return. My father has had him ever since.

The inner chamber was loud with bickering over battle strategies when I arrived. It’s strange that it takes new and more terrifying enemy to make friends of old ones. The fear of impending doom hangs heavy over their heads. The rift could reappear at any moment to bring more Akron forces to finish them off. Malak boasts optimism that they won’t come back because of their defeat. Hsst calls him a hairy fool. They begin to argue anew. I arrive in time to stop them from shooting each other.

“They will be back,” I tell them. “We humiliated them so they will be back. They are physical fighters, both strong and conditioned. They are relentless.” I give my report and leave nothing out (except for Kamen.) As far as I’m concerned, they were here for Onna Tal and failed their objective when she died. When I’m done, they are all terrified of what is to come. We will have to prepare for their return in more ways than one. We must improve our battle tactics and advance our technology to their level by studying the Zomban ship. We must learn all we can and that will take time.

What happens next still leaves me stunned. The Empor’s have second thoughts and start to go back on their word. Hsst won’t join the Alliance if Malak still leads the Magorr. Valdan’s Gal Mar suspects the only reason the Magorr want to join is so they can steal his engine designs. My father wants Malak brought to justice for mass murder of both Felline and human civilians. But the real underlying problem is that these leaders do not want to be lead.

With a pivotal future at stake, Aganon advises them that the Unified Alliance must be allowed to go on and flourish. Without unity, they will not survive the next attack when it comes and the future will be lost. Since they cannot get along and since the future belongs to the children, the Empor’s of old should step down and let their children rule in their place. They will all have a voice in the new government.

The silence that follows is golden. They all agree.

I am the new Empor of the Alliance. I am still in shock.

In my home I hold Kamen in my lap. I pledge to raise him as my own and to protect him with my life. He will live as good a life as I can provide for him. He looks at me as if he understands my every word and I believe he does.

The last Varu exits Kamen’s forehead and sends me a thought. The last Zomban is safe with you. It goes back inside to rest and to heal. It's job is done.
© Copyright 2012 Tol (UN: talus4 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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