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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/750494-This-ones-about-the-weeks-best
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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1762035
A little bit of everything, colored my own way.
#750494 added April 8, 2012 at 10:39pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about the week's best.
THE PROMPT: "It's that time of week to show you've been paying attention. Find something, everyone, throw something in. Find someone else's blog entry from the last week and discuss it in your own blog. Tell us why someone's entry resonated with you."

Good evening, and a Happy Easter to all y'all!. Hope the bunny was good to your baskets *Bigsmile*.

Now that I'm stuffed from an amazing dinner with justjessica1's family, I'm saddled with the task of choosing a blog entry to talk about in my own blog. And man, that's a hard choice... this week was really a week for the writers. Solid prompts and great stories, and everyone did an amazing job.

Before I get to my choice, I have to say I really enjoyed writing and especially reading all of the takes on Day 4's (reality tv) and Day 5's (alternative medicines) prompts. Of the few "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUSOpen in new Window. contests I've entered, this might be one of the more talented and engaging groups I've been involved with yet. (Maybe that new commenting rule instituted by Mr. Thundersbeard 30DBC JULY HOST Author Icon has something to do with it.)

So that said, I'm gonna give the honor of my "Blog Entry Of The Week" to another fellow Western New Yorker, Bonnie14222 Author Icon for her entry, "Invalid EntryOpen in new Window..

It's short, but there's a ton of information and suggestions in there. I know more than a couple of you all learned something new that day, and chances are you read it in Bonnie's entry. Her style of writing is very conversational in a way that you feel sometimes as she's writing you an email to tell you about what's been going on, or to remind you of something, or just to relate something to you just in case you might forget. She could blog her grocery list and I'd be like, "OK, I'll be back in a hour...anything else?" So good job, Bonnie!


So, Christmas and Easter are, like, two of the biggest, most religical holidays of the year. What else would trump the birth and death of Christ? I mean, there's some saints that have holidays, but heaven forbid (see what I did there?) a store would close for St. Valentine's Day, or All Saints' Day (that's the day after Halloween, and that's when all the candy gets marked down). And what really irks me? There's songs for Christmas (carols that play non-stop from Nov. 1 to Jan. 15, and pop stars that make their vanity Xmas albums), St. Patrick's Day, Halloween, and New Years. Why not Easter? Hell, even Independence Day has a freakin' song thanks to Lee Greenwood and his "God Bless The USA" song. Outside of the songs sung in churches, I can think of one stupid little Easter song. Thankfully, after much trolling around the interwebs, I've tracked down an updated, for-the-times version of that song. Here goes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lslAWhNh6HI&feature=fvst


*Flowerp* So, from the files of "This Just Happened!" comes this little Easter nugget. I bought a basket for Jess this year and filled it with some chocolates, gum, random candy, some other random items, and a little 10"x10" pillow. I don't know why I bought this pillow, other than the white/pink/silver argyle pattern on it...what would she use this for? It's too small for a head (or pretty much anything else). I took a brief break from blasting out this entry to head upstairs for a minute and stretch my getaway sticks. I walked into the living room, and she's stretched out on the couch with her feet up on, of all things, a tray table. *Rolleyes* I looked at her and asked if she was comfortable, to which she replied, "No, I just got into this position and the edge of the table is diggin' into the backs of my feet." So what did I do? I cocked my head to the side (cuz sometimes you need to do that, so the good thoughts float past the other crap in your brain to get to the top), I raised my index finger to indicate she should hold on a second, and ran and grabbed that once-useless-other-than-it's-pretty pillow, and placed it under her feet at the edge of the tray table. Why? Because in the immortal words of Vanilla Ice, "If there was a problem, yo I'll solve it." *Laugh* Comfort has been restored.

Well, I think I've said about enough for one day. Time to see your picks for the day, and then head on out to enjoy what's left of the Easter Sunday. Y'all behave...peace, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!


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