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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/750371-This-ones-about-a-sledgehammer
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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1762035
A little bit of everything, colored my own way.
#750371 added April 6, 2012 at 9:41pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about a sledgehammer.
THE PROMPT: "In the tradition of bloggers everywhere, tell us all about your day, in great detail, even the mundane stuff, but especially the good stuff, the parts of your day that inspired you, that motivated you, that showed you the joy in your life. Tell us how your Good Friday was, whether you laughed or whether you cried. You know, blog."

Ohhhh boy. Good evening y'all. What a week it's been. Ups and downs, happiness, sadness, frustration, disappointment, success, entitlement, you name it. And today only existed as a feeling of a culmination of all of those sentiments, rolled into a giant garbage sandwich that was forced down my throat with a sledgehammer, it feels like.

Ok, for the most part it wasn't too bad of a day. I was alone at work in the morning management-wise again, and it was pretty busy, but at least I had a cashier. But 3:30pm couldn't have come any faster. People were really starting to find out where my last nerve was...I didn't want to be around to see what happened if anyone would tap into it.

I came home to a quiet house. Came downstairs to turn on my iPod, which had been charging for a day and a half...only to see that it, in fact, did not charge. Kinda miffed? You betcha. But I'd been meaning to sync it to my laptop anyway, as I bought some stuff off iTunes a week or two ago that never made it on there. Silver lining, right? Synced and charged and...holdupwaitaminute, my laptop won't even open iTunes. Awwww, helllllll nawwwww. Unplugged the damn thing, rebooted the laptop, and finally got it to sync and charge. We'll know as soon as I hit "send" whether or not it's holding a charge and still bustin' out crazy awesome jams, yo.

Checking my email has been an adventure lately. On top of all the new Official "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUSOpen in new Window. entrants that have been commenting, and the regulars who've been commenting, a random WDC member has decided that they were so interested in my writing that they were going to read my old blog, "I'm Studying YouOpen in new Window., from front to back and let me know what they think. And that's cool, I admire the time and effort, and the egotistical thought in my head of having psychotic fans poring over my every word, and asking me questions, and analyzing, and ripping at my clothes when I go to the grocery store. But then it got weird. When I asked this person about themself, they wouldn't open up. Which is fair...that's their right. But then it became personal...like this person knew me from the past. In putting two and two together, I came to a conclusion that it was friends of a certain friend, and they were picking my brain for information about me for one reason or another. So I called this person out, got the denial because technically I was wrong, and all was good. Until this person cracked. It was the old friend of mine, who logged into WDC and created a fake account because basically I don't open up to this friend much anymore and I don't respond to emails in as timely a fashion for their liking. Whatever. Childish. Batshit-crazy. It is what it is. I haven't addressed it yet until now, and I'm not so sure if or when or how I will beyond venting here and now and being done with it. What a fucked up thing.

So I didn't even really process it much before Jess came home with a fish fry in each hand and a bottle of ketchup waiting for me in the fridge. Oh, an RJ's fish fry...like most anything else they do, damn near, if not the, best in town. When you come lookin' for me the next time you're in my city (note to said "friend" from the last paragraph and "friend's alter-ego": Don't.), you better believe we're hangin' out with food from RJ's. But anyway, I don't normally eat the whole thing, but tonight I ate a hell of a lot more than normal. And I felt it. Told the woman I live with I was gonna take a shower after we ate and then spend a little quality time with her, but no. My head was killin' me. Had to take a power nap just to get the ringin' out of my brain and make it stop spinning. And it worked. And here I am. And it's Friday.


It's Friday! Why not bust out this classic jam based on a movie of the same name? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TE891IHxyV8 Unfortunately, it's the official video with the actual album version dubber over it. No Chris Tucker wisecracks 'til the end, and it's totally uncensored. Call it "F-bomb Friday". Just offended half my fanbase. Sweet!

Here, I'll atone with this. I'm not all anything religical or anything, but if you're not a Catholic, I'm sorry in advance. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZQuIeK59To


*Cart* *Sick* When one of the few highlights of your day at work is a slightly overweight woman in her early fifties returning a $50 electric razor designed for trimming the "bikini zone", it's time for a vacation. A vacation where you look for a new line of work. And that line of work doesn't involve the dregs of the general population.

Ladies and gentlemen, that's all for me for tonight. The exits are in the rear, and mine's upstairs. Happy Good Friday, Happy Passover, Happy Whatever-You-Call-It. I'm outta here. Peace, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!


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