Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/750046
by Tol
Rated: 13+ · Book · Sci-fi · #1769582
Onna Tal escapes from prison to free her infant son from the hands of the evil Akrons.
#750046 added May 8, 2012 at 2:23pm
Restrictions: None
SL-TLZ Chapter 10 Kresna
In the blink of an eye they appear on the alien ship. Teleportation is too much for Jesta’s body to handle. He is overwhelmed with dizziness and falls from the Psyen’s grip. He braces himself against the nearest wall. The white interior wall is too hot to touch and he cries out from intense pain to the palm of his hand. He pushes himself away but gravity pulls him back down. He tries to stand on the deck but can’t. His disoriented brain can’t understand what is happening to him. He starts to panic when strong hands grip him tight and pull him up. Wait a minute… we’re floating…at an angle?

Aganon mutters words in a language he cannot understand and then the room turns upright. “The ship is tilted. I placed a spell to keep us aligned with it.” Jesta stands perfectly balanced on the deck plating until vertigo drops him on his bottom. Aganon squats before him, grabs both of his hands and a recites a healing spell. He nods to the wall stained with Jesta’s blood and burnt skin. “The adjacent room must be on fire.” He meets Jesta’s eyes. “Forgive me for not telling you first the affect of having your body turned into molecules and back again. It is most unpleasant for the human brain the first time. “

He squeezes his eyes shut. “I feel like I’ve been awake for days.”

“It will clear. Focus on your surroundings.”

Jesta hides his face in both hands and breaths deeply. He studies the calluses covering his palms, earned by years of hard work. He places his left palm on the deck to steady himself while he climbs to his feet. The rigid metal is cool to touch. His eyes follow the three uniformed rows of plating until it disappears around a corner…or a curve, to the right. It clicks in his mind that they are standing in a corridor six feet wide with large windows along the exterior wall. The ship is in a slow spin so the movement outside makes him nauseous. He swallows the knot back down to his stomach and turns quickly away. He inspects the interior walls where he fell; this one is buckled and the next one is cracked, but all of the rest are undamaged. The opposite end of the corridor ends around a left side curve. “This ship was hit hard.”

“We must be in the center chamber. Are you alright now?” Jesta nods. Let's go this way.” He feels an arm drape across his shoulders and allows himself to be guided into the left curve.
Warning lights flash in the darkness and sirens wail throughout the ship. A panel ahead bursts out in a shower of sparks, and a small stream of fire spews out of the wall that blocks their path. Aganon aims his finger and dispenses it with magic. It is a flat panel device built into the wall, now destroyed. It looks like plastic, Jesta thinks. He reaches out to touch the smoking mess but Aganon keeps him moving. A whiff of the acrid smoke threatens to choke him. He laughs. “You put out fire with your fingers!”

The curve loops back around to the right into a dark corridor dimly lit by one flashing red light in the distance. He strains his eyes against it to see what lies ahead when the Varu appears from behind him illuminating an intense brightness that is too much for their eyes to handle. He blinks away the uncomfortable flash away until it is just an annoying after image.

As if reading his thoughts, the Varu turns darkens slightly as it flitters impatiently around the corridor. It flies a wide arc to go around Aganon. He finds it odd but quickly realizes it must sense his magic. It's afraid of it. It circles Jesta’s head and leads him the other way to a recessed stairwell that they missed in the darkened wall. They ascend quickly. Half way up he hears the cries of a baby who sounds desperate and in trouble. Jesta’s eyes go wide and he moves faster, throwing precaution the wind.

Something touches the outside of the ship with a metal thud followed by a hiss. He exchanges looks with Aganon and the Varu. A ship just docked. They are going to have company. Jesta drops his hand down to touch his fire arm, to feel safe with it at his side and curses himself. He didn’t bring it! Of all the dumb things you could have done! He scans the dark landing for anything he could use as a weapon and finds nothing. One thing he knows for sure: whoever attacked this ship made absolutely sure that it wasn't going anywhere. Someone on board is to be taken alive.

A single doorway leads into a close quartered room filled with rows of computer consoles with blinking lights. There is no mistaking the bridge ruined by fire and smoke however impressive. Toward the front of the cabin at the left wall are more Varu. Their guide merges with them. The way they flitter around reminds Jesta of a pack of flying insects in the Akledian wilderness. They surround a floating box and the source of the crying. Jesta is surprised to learn it is a cradle floating six inches off the deck on mini repulsors.

Inside is a six month old baby boy crying uncontrollably, his face red from lack of oxygen. He has got to stop crying or he’ll die. Jesta reaches for him but Aganon slaps his hand away and outlines a protective energy shield. Jesta’s guide bounces up and down on a red button on top of the unit. He presses it and the shield drops. With the flick of a finger, Aganon puts a calming spell on the baby and he falls fast asleep.

The seat nearest the cradle spins around with a near human cry and the remains of a human body tries to jump for the cradle. There is no mistaking the mournful cry of the baby’s mother. The entire right side of her body is charred and still smoking. Most people will wait for death to claim them but this woman won’t sit still. She reaches out to the cradle with her left arm and starts to lift herself, the movement causes her agony. Jesta cringes. He has never heard a scream like that and he will probably never forget it. He fights back the bile rising in his throat. This poor woman won’t last long.

Aganon is there in a second and gently pushes her back in her seat. "It's alright," he says with a soothing tone. "I'm here to help."

She sobs. “My son…Is he –?“

"…alive and well." He casts the calming spell on her. "He’s asleep. He’ll be alright and so will you once we get you off this ship."

Her body convulses when she forces herself to breath. "To-ungh! Too late for...me..." She sinks back into her seat and looks at Aganon with her good eye. “…Psyen.”

He is both startled and amazed that she knows his origin. “You know of us?”

“I had…one once!” she tries to hold in her pain. “I am Onna Tal…queen of Zomba.”

“Zomba…How did you get here?”

“Doorway!” she screams. “That’s all I know about it.

A panel sparks above the cradle. With the energy shield down, the baby is vulnerable. Jesta takes him in his arms and holds him close. Fatherly instincts kick in as he eyes the carnage rained down on this ship. “Who is chasing you?” he asks, slowly turning to look at her.

She is startled. She didn’t know he was there. His voice is strong and commanding, like that of a soldier. If it was a military group that attacked her, she has every right to be scared. Jesta is a trained soldier after all. He can see her strain to look at him with her good eye. He takes a step forward. A moment’s fear flashes across her eye but she quickly calms. He feels her looking into his soul. Her gaze falls to her son in his arms. He looks safe in his arms. “You’re not Akron…or Psyen. Who are you?”

He takes another step closer. “I am-” He becomes aware of the Varu sitting just above his left shoulder. “I’m Jesta Oakraider, heir to the throne of Akledia.”

She nods. "You stand with the Varu. They trust you…and I-" she is wracked with pain. "...give you my son!” He looks uneasy. “Fate brought us together for this…”

Jesta is stunned. His mouth moves but no words come out. The comm unit at his belt beeps. He brings it to his mouth and answers the call. “You have to get out of there,” his father sounds desperate. “The bat ship is advancing on you. We can't get through their shields. We can’t stop them so come back now.”

“Akron’s…” Onna Tal breaths in. “Strike the shield generator…domes on top or bottom between…the wings…shields overlap, one strong shot will take it out.”

Jesta repeats what she told him.

Onna takes a slow deep breath, in it can be heard a small gurgle. “Listen carefully…” she yells desperately, “He is Kamen Tal…of the royal house of Tal…heir to the planet Zomba…a great race…once.” She swallows. Her throat is dry. “The Akron’s will come for him…they can’t! They call him chosen.” She takes great effort to get control of the pain building inside her body. “Hide his symbol” she clenches her teeth, “…until he – until - !” She screams. “Never let him forget who he is!” she says quickly.

“I won’t.” Jesta assures her.

"I'm sorry Kamen..." her voice is but a whisper. “…I won’t be there for you…but this man feels good…be strong…You’re the last one." Her voice trails off and he fears she is dead. He stares at her without thought. She takes in a sharp breath and scares them both. “Be…ware Phinneus Khlaa…immortal…bounty hunter." She exhales and breaths in easy. "He came through before us…How we found it…” Onna Tal breaths her last breathe.

He has only just met her yet he feels he has just lost a good friend. Fighting to keep his composure, Jesta feels a tear run down his cheek. Aganon is not faring well either. He wishes her spirit a safe journey to the next life closes her eye. Aganon looks more distant than usual.

“How touching,” a male voice says from the entryway behind them. They turn to see a soldier in a black leather uniform with gold buttons and red stripes on both shoulders. The man with the clean cut dark hair slowly approaches with the air of an officer who gets results no matter what the cost. Beside him is a soldier in maroon and black jumpsuits with shiny black helmets that show nothing of the occupant inside. Jesta eyes the deadly looking rifle aimed at them. Before either of them can react, Aganon is shot by a powerful energy blast and knocked back into the wall. He drops into a crumpled ball; Jesta fears his is dead. A second soldier approaches with his rifle still trained on the Psyen.

Jesta starts to panic but if he gives in to fear now, he will die. The soldier in black slowly walks up and looks him in the eye. Jesta sees a career soldier like himself but this man is without compassion. He pushes all fear from his mind and holds his cold, staring eyes a moment longer with the same unblinking stare. Then his eyes drop to the baby and then to his mother behind him. This is why they destroyed this ship. They are here for the baby.

He begins a eulogy. “Here lies Onna Tal, my greatest adversary. She was a magnificent fighter and an extreme pain in the ass that has caused me a lot of trouble. I really enjoyed hunting her…and I suppose I will miss her.” He slowly changes position to take a good look at her body. “It’s a pity I couldn’t kill her myself though, but…” He draws a heavy blaster pistol and shoots her twice in the chest.

Jesta flinches. He is horrified! He forces himself to breath, to release the knot in his stomach. He looks at the cold blooded killer with a stone face. "What the hell kind of person are you? She was already dead!"

He moves his gun barrel to Jesta’s face. “They are escaped prisoners. I am her jailer. My justice is supreme."

Jesta looks up the barrel and tries not to show fear. "What could a baby possibly do to break your laws?"

“You are now my prisoner minion of Khlaa.”

Khlaa. “I don’t know who that is. And more important, who the hell are you?”
“I am Zetan, Dunnolt of the Akron Empire, a name your race will soon fear. I am here for the baby. Hand him over to me now."

Jesta refuses. He stands his ground. This man is a monster and has to be removed. Jesta calms his mind and abandons all reason; he lets his inner soldier take over. It’s the only way he expects to survive. He stands tall. “I am Jesta Oakraider of the Akledian Alliance. I am here with a mighty armada at my disposal. It is you who will fear us." Sweat trickles down his brow. “You are trespassing and will leave our space immediately or we will destroy you.”

Zetan holds his stare for a moment before he laughs in his face with emotionless eyes. “You call that band of peashooters a mighty armada? Your technology is weak. We will crush you.” His voice becomes more controlled. “Now...Give…Me…The…Baby!”

Jesta’s smile is grim. “No. You went through an awful lot of trouble to take this ship out without destroying it. He is the reason you went through all that trouble,” Jesta spits.
Zetan’s eyes turn venomous. “You don’t know what you are getting in to. Give him to me now or the Enforcers will shoot him dead.”

Jesta inches his head forward. “No. You need him alive. Come and get him.” Oh God! What did I just do?

Zetan raises his arm. The Enforcers take aim. He drops his arm. They discharge their weapons.

They’re bluffing! That’s what he thinks until the ends of both rifles light up and fire bolts of energy. He has no time to run so he stands perfectly still to await his death. A Varu flies quickly up in front of him. Before his eyes, the tiny ball of light runs into the fast approaching energy bolt that was meant for his face and both disappear. His face flushes with the heat of the blast.

“I’m still alive. How am I still alive?” Twelve Varu flitter in the air before him blocking every energy bolt shot at him. For every one shot, one Varu intercepts it. These balls of pure energy can cancel out an energy bolt at the cost of its own life. He has never dreamed of such a thing. He becomes elated by the truth behind his words. “You can’t touch me!” he yells to Zetan. “The Varu protect me!”

“Not you!”

He looks down at Kamen and the most amazing sight he has ever seen. The Varu enter and exit through the tattooed third eye in the center of his forehead. No. They protect him, this alien boy who looks human. They are his bodyguards who appear this way when he is in grave danger. For each one that dies another comes out to replace it. They will protect me so long as I hold him. Onna died because she put him down.

Very perceptive! The queen has chosen wisely. We protect the young prince and the one who holds him. The words of many voices speak in his mind. He is a special boy to have such love. He is destined for greatness. The large Varu weaves before his eyes speaking in his mind with the voices of many. He speaks for all the Varu. We will protect him to the last.

“How many of you are there? How long can you last like this?”

Run now and escape. The Varu will protect you.

Four Varu leave the circle and fly at the Enforcers. Overcome by fear, they shift their stances to shoot point blank at the fast approaching lights. All they get is one shot each. Two Varu intercept the shots while the remaining two attack the rifles first before both men disappear in blinding light.


Jesta is too stunned to move. What just happened?


“But I have nowhere to go.” The Varu hovers before his face and then flies out the hull again.

© Copyright 2012 Tol (UN: talus4 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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