Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/749026-SL-TLZ-Chapter-9-Varu
by Tol
Rated: 13+ · Book · Sci-fi · #1769582
Onna Tal escapes from prison to free her infant son from the hands of the evil Akrons.
#749026 added March 22, 2012 at 9:04pm
Restrictions: None
SL-TLZ Chapter 9 Varu
Jal finishes a system check on the Scowl. There is damaged but nothing too serious to keep him down. The engine is back on line and warm enough to leave quickly if they had to. He still can’t figure out how the boys flew this far out from the fleet in such a short time. The ship is just not that fast. Somehow they told the engines to warp and they did it without exploding. He’ll have a science team go through the computer when he gets back.

The asteroid is too close to the apex of the red cloud for his comfort. There is definitely something inside that he doesn't want to discover at this time. He prepares the engine for launch and says a silent prayer so that it doesn’t stall and then, in the blink of an eye, they are on the other side. The edges of the cloud are thinning and he can see stars in patterns he cannot recognize. This must be a gateway but not like any he has ever been through.

James picks out strange star patterns and Johnny points out the crescent of a nearby planet. Even more excited than his boys, Jal looks at the larger bright stars and wonders if they can be seen from home. Not since he was a child did he dream of space exploration, the endless possibility of discovery. He has never traveled too far beyond the part of space he was raised in, and here he is somewhere else entirely.

He looks down at the crescent of the gray planet and catches a flicker of movement. He sucks in his breath real quick and holds it. Two ships are coming from the planet on course for the cloud. Within minutes they are closer, two ships as black as space. He can’t believe how fast they are and the size of their ships amazes him, at least four times the size of his ship. His amazement turns to concern when he gets a clear visual of them. They are shaped like bats. In most cultures of the outer Alliance territory, bats represent evil. With this in mind, he takes precautions. He breaths easy when ignore the asteroid. He takes a good look when they pass by. Even from this distance he can see large guns. They are warships.

Suddenly, he hears a rumble accompanied by a growing vibration. A third ship come over the horizon of the small asteroid one hundred feet above the surface emanating a green light that washes over the surface. Jal suspects they are scanning the surface as they get closer. He is sure they will be discovered, even buried under various sized rocks. His scanning equipment is always on, set to a low frequency. He puts his fingers to his lips to shush the boys and forces his lungs to work as the green light passes over them. It stops scanning; Jal is suddenly afraid they are coming for them. He is relieved when it picks up speed and flies from the surface to join the other two ships in the cloud.

A low level scan can’t penetrate the shields. Just like the first two, the shield strength is off the chart. There is an odd energy reading from a dome on the underside of the wing. The power fluctuations are sporadic. Could it be an overlapping modulating shield generator? He appears hopeful. What does he have in the forward hold that can be used for a projectile? He remembers a job Vicky did not too long ago and pans the camera view until he finds the remote drone that she had him retrieve for her. He smiles, remembering just how dangerous his wife can be. The tip of the drone is armed with a warhead.

He calls the twins and asks if they are able to do one more job for him. Po sounds upset but agrees to do the job alone. His grumpy brother Mo, whom he argues with, has tended to his burns and wants to get out. Several people are needed to work this ship properly and most of them are dead so he doesn’t want to stay in bed while there is work to be done. Together they will go to the hold and get the drone ready to launch.


Aganon T’Vorlek has seen many wonders in his five hundred year existence that truly amazed him. He has seen liquid clouds on gas giant planets thick enough to swim in if the conditions were right; he has seen collapsing stars turn to nebulas and then to super nova; He has seen the inside a quasar with its high electrical content that fried the entire electrical system of his ship and stranded him there for some time until help arrived; he has weathered space storms of many forms and survived the worst of meteor swarms.

Never in his life has he seen such a phenomenon just appear like this has. The cloud started from the nucleus and swirled out in beautiful colors that range from red to dark blood red in the outer reaches and purples and violets to pale yellows in the nucleus. It’s not a storm or a wormhole as was suggested. A wormhole bursts outward; It will move and pulse and oscillate until its energy is spent. It could be the start of a black hole, but he doesn’t think so. There is light in the nucleus but the cloud layers radiating outward have no mass. It has gravity pull enough to draw stationary objects inside the nucleus but it does not have the destructive nature of a black hole. No. It’s not a black hole. It seems to be confined to just this area. Confined...

On a hunch, he confers with various ships around the open. He nods and hums while he draws a partial scenario in his head. “I don’t know what it is,” he says finally, “but apparently this has happened here before. As you all know, the Great Open is a giant oval of nothingness inside a dense section of the asteroid field. A giant stadium if you will. No one could ever explain why there were never any stationary asteroids ever inside the open. Not until now. This phenomenon has happened here before. The red cloud fills the entire circumference of the Great Open. It doesn’t go beyond the border of the oval. Therefore, this red cloud created this open space!”

He can see Jolan taking in every word. The wise Empor of the Alliance is coming to terms with his explanation. An age old mystery is solved and a new one is just beginning. Then, his old friend’s face goes blank. What is causing this?

“There’s something happening inside the nucleus,” Jesta brings to their attention.

“There’s a black speck in the nucleus.” His father gives him a questioning look. “I’ve been watching it. See the black speck there? It contrasts against the bright center of the nucleus.”

Jolan compliments his son’s eye sight before he orders the main view screen set to full magnification. The image is distorted but the dark spot is indeed there, a shape hiding in the middle. What is it? Is it alive? Is this a trap set by some carnivorous monster that lives here? The image is unfocused but it kind of looks as if the shape has wings. "Can you clear this up?" He asks his sensor officer.

"That's the best I can do."

Aganon steps forward and rests his palm on top of the console. The image clears into a terrifying picture. This is a metal bat. From curved pointed wings in the back to a long neck with a misshapen head in the front, it is covered with large gun turrets. This is a warship created to resemble a bat. In many cultures, the bat figure is used to intimidate a foe. Well, if that's the case, Jolan Oakraider is intimidated.

As it moves into the open, it scans the second asteroid, bathing it in green light. The light fades and it destroys the asteroid with one powerful shot. They stand with their mouths wide open. It would take at least three of their ships to destroy an asteroid that size.

A second ship appears from the cloud. It flies parallel to the first, spaced two hundred yards apart. A green light from a post on top of the dome circles the entire area. “They’re scanning us,” Jesta says quietly. The green light changes to red and they scan again. Before they can be warned, massive gun turrets take aim and shoot bursts of molten fire into the invisible ships sitting just outside the cover of the rocks. Jolan slaps his forehead. The Magorr!
"Malak, I told everyone to get inside the rocks!"

The other battleship fires on various targets around the circle in rapid succession.

Malak turns his annoyed head toward the screen. "I don't work for you, long nose!" Malak snorts.

“You stubborn fool! They wouldn’t have even known we were here!” Malak shrugs. "Anyone who can create a gateway such as this should be given consideration as to their intentions."

"Well why don't you try to talk to them," Malak says with a demeaning tone. "Yes. Why don't you call and ask them to leave."

Jolan takes a deep breath, holds it, then releases it. He won’t be provoked.


Out of the line of fire, the Kresna drifts helplessly in the outskirts of the cloud. The darkened ship spins slowly on a trajectory that will soon send it crashing against an asteroid. Four bright yellow lights circle the hull. The Varu are on patrol to protect the ship against stray rocks that come too close. So far the dark ones haven't found them yet but it is only a matter of time.

Inside the damaged ship, the rest of the Varu hover around and protect the young prince from the dangers still posed by internal damage. Even though he is safe enclosed behind an energy shield, there are still sparks, flying debris and weakened supports that can hurt or even kill the baby.

Yet the real danger is yet to come. A single Varu ascertains the situation and knows it isn't good. It's whole existence is devoted to protect the young prince from harm and it will do just that to the very end. It flitters with the majority and takes two of them into itself, expanding itself to an inch larger than the rest.

It passes through the hull and hovers, first looking at the rocks slowly getting closer and then at the bright lights in the distance, near the bad ones' ships.  It calls to the others on the hull, gathers two of them into itself and then takes off across space.


Malak orders the second phalanx of the Magorr fleet into battle. The group consists of twelve ships full of enraged beings who just watched their brothers destroyed from a distance by superior weaponry. They fly straight at the invaders ships expecting a fight as soon as they broke from cover but the lead battleship does nothing to stop them. This is very peculiar. What are they up to? As they get closer, the ship grows larger; it is at least three times their size.

Once they are within range, they attack in frenzy. Twelve leafless trees climb all over the bat ship with every weapon they have. They soon learn that their lasers have no effect and their missiles detonate on the shields. From bow to stern and top to bottom, they strafe the ship with absolutely no results. They find it peculiar that the enemy isn’t fighting back but they aren’t causing them any damage. Yet! Instead of breaking off, the frustrated Magorr make another pass. Beneath the shields they cannot penetrate, gun turrets move into position. Each ship is targeted and shots are fired, ending all of their lives in three seconds.


Jesta stands silently at the main star port. These beings, whoever they are, just dispatched twelve capital ships as if they were nothing more than toys. Their technology is truly amazing...and deadly. What is the source of their power? It is different than anything any of them can dream of. They allowed the Magorr to attack them to study their attack strategies and feel out their strength which was in no comparison to theirs. When they had enough data, they squashed them as if they were nothing more than insects. How could we possibly beat them? If we had that technology...we would probably destroy ourselves.

Where do these beings come from and how did they get here? The red cloud is impressive to say the least. Dad now thinks it is some kind of gate. Aganon thinks that maybe it is to another dimension. How can they create such a device to travel through? He tries to wrap his mind around the many possibilities but it threatens to fold in on itself.

The sound of his father's voice brings him out of his reverie. The Felline empor's calm voice gives him hope for peace but the Magorr empor still argues. But at least they are talking. It is his belief that Malak is scared and afraid to show it. In his eyes, to show fear is a weakness.

“There are two options: fight them or run and I do not run!” Malak states.

Hsst rolls his head, the Felline equivalent of rolling one’s eyes."We can’t just go out there. They'll cut us to pieces before we get halfway there. You've seen that already you hairy fool."

Malak glares at him. "I suppose you would hide in the rocks until they left?"

"Yes. I would study them until I find a weakness."

"You are a weakness!" Malak roars.

Hsst waves a frustrated hand at him. "The data your ships sent to us is impressive but incomplete. Do you know how to penetrate their shields?"

"No but I would ram their ship in different spots simultaneously until I found the shield generator."

"Spoken like a true barbarian."

“Well, I am not just going to sit here and wait to die!"

“It’s your fault they noticed us in the first place!” Hsst growls at him.

“Both of you stop it!” Jolan yells above them. “It’s too late for blame. As you stand here and bicker, they are firing on the asteroids. They know we’re here and they’re coming for us.” He holds their glares a moment longer. “Malak's right. A combined attack on their shields might be our only chance."

Malak moves closer to the screen so only his face can be seen. He looks surprised then quickly changes it to disgust. "I will not work with the planet killers."

Hsst fills with rage anew. “Nor will I work with butchers!”

Malak roars something unintelligible back at him.

"Enough! Banding together is our only choice!"

Jesta has never been more proud of his father as he is right now. He has got them listening. Peace between the Magorr and Felline is a long way off but a truce has just been called until they are successful or dead. They don’t have to be friends to work together.

The way the fleets are positioned right now, the Magorr are on the right side and the Felline are on the left. The Akledians and Tiaran’s will go in head first while the Valdan’s approach from the rear. Together they should be able to score a victory against these trespassers.
As he listens, a small yellow light catches his attention out in space. He squeezes his eyes shut to erase the after image of a console light but it is still there and growing larger by the second. Filled with sudden fear, Jesta's thinks it is a missile coming straight at them. Before he can call an alert, a tiny ball of energy passes right through eight inches of tempered glass and flitters around like an insect. The yellow light stops and hovers within inches Jesta's face. It is no bigger than his eyeball.

He feels intelligence as the unidentifiable entity studies him. The yellow ball of light then flies at his father. It circles his head rapidly eight times and then takes off across the bridge, bouncing from person to person and then it stops before Aganon. It seems to stare him straight in the eye. Aganon smiles and he extends a finger to touch it. It backs off and slowly circles behind him. Jesta has the feeling it is taking extreme caution around the Psyen.

Suddenly, it flies back at him. On instinct, Jesta sweeps his hand at it. It passes harmlessly through his flesh and bones and leaves it tingly feeling and flies straight into his forehead. It penetrates his skin and skull and into his brain. He cries out from the invasion and his body shivers.

In spite of the terror building up inside him, Jesta smiles from ear to ear. Whatever this thing is doing, it tickles! His left leg kicks out and then his right; he looks surprised by the involuntary movements. His right arm twitches and then his left. He breaths in; he breaths out. He is starting to worry that this thing will take him over and force him to do things against his will. Instead, it turns him toward the star port forty eight degrees to his right. He involuntarily raises his right hand and points in that direction. He feels a deep sense of dread, someone is dead or dying. Urgency is required.

Help us! A voice suddenly screams in his head. It is so loud and painful that he flinches and grabs his head at the temples. “What are you? What do you want?” he screams out loud. Help us! We are the Varu! We need help! The young prince will die! Help us!

Jesta again raises his arm and points out the star port. The Varu shoots from his fingertip right through the star port. He stands and stares in surprise and amazement. What kind of creature is this? Back and forth through the glass it goes in the direction it pointed his finger.
He becomes aware of his father standing next to him. “Are you alright?”

Jesta nods, feeling slightly violated and queasy. “It was the only way it could communicate. Ugh! It felt weird. It needs our help.” He looks from his father to Aganon and then to the sonar worker. “Give me a scan of seventy two degrees off the bow. There’s a ship out there.”


Within minutes they find a three chambered cylindrical ship spinning slowly out of control. It is a mile out on the other side of the rift, damaged and smoking. “Give me a full report.”

“The cloud is interfering with our systems. I’ve had to compensate for magnetic flux. The alien ship is heavily damaged. It has power though I’ve never seen an energy signature of this magnitude. Systems appear to be fluctuating all over the ship. I detect heat levels way above normal, probably due to fires all over. There are two faint life signs in the forward chamber.”

Jesta looks to Aganon. “That’s what they’re here for.”

“In view of all the damage, they want someone or something taken alive.”

“I need to go over there.” The light bobs up and down and takes off across space. Taking hold of Jesta’s right arm with his left, Aganon sweeps his right arm through the air before them and together they vanish, leaving everyone who saw them feeling uncomfortable.

© Copyright 2012 Tol (UN: talus4 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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