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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/747944-This-ones-about-the-families-part-four--conclusion
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1762035
A little bit of everything, colored my own way.
#747944 added February 27, 2012 at 6:50pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about the families (part four- conclusion).
THE PROMPT: "RESOLVE all of the above ... CONCLUSION"

Whoa! No reason to shout! "All caps"? Really? Anyway, welcome back friends for the conclusion of the non-blogging portion of this month's challenge. Let's do this up right, shall we?

While The Dirtbombs and The Festoons were enjoying some time away from life as they were accustomed to for so long, The Floppositionists were attempting to take the Block Club to task.

"Vee vould li-ike to zee mour houzes on zee block be so fannn-zy, like owww-ahhhz," purred an overly made-up Fortuna. Not to be outdone, Paolo added, "Yes. Dis neighboorhood needs to reflect on owarhh fine tasties. Vee pay zee taxzes. Vee has owarhh rights, you knows?" Fortuna fawned at her husband's remarks; Paolo stood firm in front of his seat, waiting to bang on the table if anyone so objected.

The Block Club president, the seldom-seen in recent months Mr. Pantalones, acknowledged the couple with a nod, and proceeded to address The Flopportunists simultaneously while speaking to the crowd. "So, I don't get out much anymore, but it seems to the rest of the folks in attendance that you all are relatively new in town. Is that so?"

Paolo and Fortuna looked at each other. Fortuna nodded to Paolo, and he turned back to Mr. Pantalones. "Yezzir, vhile vee may be newww to this aria az rezzidentially, vee're very vamiliar vith zee aria." Paolo looked back at Fortuna, and after a mutual nod, continued. "Vee believe tis best interest of the community vee live in to share in owahhr tinkings."

Mr. Pantalones, not one to tolerate much in his community because, well, basically no one in his community was ever so adament about things the way The Floppositionists were, brushed it off. "Sir, you think that by movin' your fancy cars here and dollying up your house the way you did is gonna have an affect on this neighborhood?" Mr. Pantalones was starting to lose his democratic nature along with his breath. He continued anyway..."Now, what have you done with the people in this community, other than isolate yourselves from them?"

Paolo couldn't bother to look at Fortuna before jumping into his response. "Vee arrrh zee exzample uv vhat zee community zhould be. Vee arrrh zucesses een all vee do. I has it backed up to videotape, alls vee has done in zis vorld. Please vatch, no?"

Mr. Pantalones laughed. "Naw, fool. You've shown us enough already. Besides, VHS? That's the best you can do?" He couldn't keep himself from snickering at the thought...the Block Club hadn't even used a vcr in almost 10 years. "Let me tell you what...you people need to learn how to get along better with the people that were born, have lived, and will die here. Nobody- and I mean nobody- just comes along and throws their weight around without having to answer to the community. And the community comes before individuals around here. Got it?"

Before The Floppositionists could even rebut, the rest in attendance stood up, clapping, cheering and whistling. Mr. Pantalones smiled as he took his chair; his exhale was relief in part of the stress this placed on him, and just the sheer need to sit down. From his chair, he stated that no final motions were necessary, and while he hated to cut the meeting short, he felt it was best to leave it at that. The meeting, on that note, was adjouned.

Fortuna wasn't nearly as upset as she was angry. As they walked to their hybrid, many people noticed her slapping at the back of Paolo's head while she spoke quickly in a language no one seemed to understand. Some have blamed it on Paolo's choice of cologne. Others claim they've seen the couple grocery shopping, and saw Fortuna blow up at Paolo's choice of cookies. Nobody could say anything for sure, but for once, they didn't feel so ostracized and weird because of The Floppositionists' presence in the neighborhood.

A few days later, The Dirtbombs and The Festoons were on their way back home from their vacation. Ed cocked his head in thought, looked at Grace, and asked, "Hey, you really weren't gonna invite those wackos from across the street over for dinner or anything, were ya?" Arch laughed.

Ever living up to her name, Grace spoke very dilligently. "No, I just said that to get them out of our hair for a little bit. If they still persist, however, I may have to get a little kung-fu on them. They're just so...weird!" Everyone got a kick out of hearing Grace say something that didn't seem like it'd be something she'd say.

Itsa mentioned the Block Club meeting. "Did you guys hear anything about it?" she asked The Dirtbombs. Ed and Grace shrugged, and Arch was like, "Who cares honey? We don't live there anymore!" The cabride back to The Festoons was over, and they exchanged bro-hugs and pleasantries. As Ed and Grace got in the car, Arch ran over and knocked on Ed's window.

"Ed! Ed! ED!" That third "ED!" scared the shit outta him so much he nearly dumped his coffee on Grace, and Grace, in bracing for Ed to dump his own coffee, flinched enough to spill hers on the passenger side of the dashboard. Ed didn't even notice...he was still looking for the window button. "A week without being in your own vehicle kinda sucks," Ed thought to himself as he locked and unlocked the doors a few times, thinking he was opening the window.

"Ed!" Once he got the window open, Arch was laughing at all that had just happened. He needed a minute to catch his breath. "Hey...hey man...that $20 I owe you? I-"

In a rare mood of awesomeness, Ed said, "Man, don't worry about it. It all comes out in the wash eventually. Beers on you next time. Even?"

Arch didn't hesitate. "Even!"

And with that, The Dirtbombs pulled away.

The ride home was unusally sunny for The Dirtbombs, at least for this time of year. As they rounded the corner of their street, something wasn't seeming right. Something was missing. Gone was the hybrid across the street. The shiny adornments, also missing. There was only one thing remaining in its place. A sign.


Ed beamed. Grace was puzzled. "What's that smile all about?" she asked, with a smile sneaking off of her face.

He couldn't wait to shut off the car and fish for his phone. "I gotta call Arch and thank him," he chirped, "for sneakin' that letter under ol' Mr. Pantalones' door!"

Grace rolled her eyes. "Ohh, you boys."

That concludes this month's serial festivities.


A couple songs to attach to this tonight.





*Smartphone* Today was the NHL's trading deadline. Never in my brief existance on Twitter have I wasted so much time on it. You all know this is one of my most favorite days of the year. I managed to bang out a few decent tweets and re-tweets. But that's neither here nor there. The Sabres made two late spashes at the deadline's deadline. It was expected that we'd move Paul "The Goose" Gaustad, but nobody figured Darcy would get a first round pick for him. He was rumored to go to Detroit, but Darcy shipped him and a 4th-round pick to Nashville for...a first rounder in 2012's draft. Damn...I think all of Hockey Heaven would've been satisfied with that...seeing how Goose can resign with the Sabres over the summer if he chooses. But then Darcy shocks us all and trades Zack Kassian (a tough, hard-hitting prospect who would've been up full-time with the big club next year) and Marc-Andre Gragnani (a spare d-man having an up-and-down year) to Vancouver for Cody Hodgson and prospect Alexander Sulzer. Early reports say the Sabres had one of the top 3 deadline-day runs this year. I'm behind it. I'll miss Goose for what he brings, and I'll miss Kass for his potential, but to get a center that can score (and this team needs it), I'm all for it. Plus, the draft cupboard is restocked, as the Sabres now own two first round picks and two second round picks in the upcoming draft, which Darcy can spin into upgrading his forwards. It brings me great pleasure to hashtag... #Darcydidsomething

*Quill* Hey, I totally forgot about the Quill Awards! I was gonna watch them! But it doesn't matter. All that matters is while I didn't take home the Quill for "Best Comedy" in 2011, I did nab the Honorable Mention for "Best Blog In 2011"! *Bigsmile* That's quite impressive! Special congrats to our pal/twin Julie D - PUBLISHED! for taking the Quill in that category...it's an honor to take the second place behind talent like that. I hope you've all been as fortunate as I have to have read what she does.

And with that, I'm off to make some dinner. Just some pasta, nothing fancy. A deep breath and a side-note to all of the challengers in the 30-day blog challenge...it's nearly over. Congrats to all that have participated and made it this far. I think we're all looking forward to a break, finally.

Peace everyone...GOODNIGHT NOW!!


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