A little bit of everything, colored my own way. |
THE PROMPT: "If you were to write at the top of a piece of paper: 'What I Know About Myself....', what would you say?" Good evening friends. Allow me to immediately speak to this prompt, and bear with me while I stare at my laptop's screen for something just short of for-ev-er. Well, here goes nothin'. What I know about myself... Hold on...gotta turn the radio down. I can't be listening to http://www.wgr550.com/ and try to imagine just what it is I actually know about myself. I don't do it often enough anymore, but I love strapping on a big, thick pair of headphones and just falling into the music pumping through them. I love me some pistachios. I'm eating some right now, even if it's dinnertime and there's chili waiting for me. I can be very selfish at times. I can be very giving at times. Pick a topic...any topic...that you can use to associate with me. I won't give myself enough credit regarding it. I'm equal parts humble and arrogant. I'm not where I wanna be, but I'm close. I know that you don't really know much about yourself until you see how you respond in certain situations, and you won't really know until they actually happen. MUSICAL BREAK!! If I were to ever compile a biographical soundtrack to my life, I'd be foolish not to include this gem. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lyu1KKwC74 VITAL STATS: I know that any day I spend laughing more than swearing is a good day for me. I know I hate cold, snowy weather. Today it was in the 40's and rainy, so most of the snow's gone. I know it's been a great winter in that respect. I know it's also time to get me some chili and kill a coupla' hours...not a real eventful day otherwise. Im sure you know yours was probably better. Peace, and GOODNIGHT NOW!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOHDAuHHhws&ob=av2e |