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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1762035
A little bit of everything, colored my own way.
#745040 added January 29, 2012 at 2:15am
Restrictions: None
This one's about...it's not gonna happen.
THE PROMPT: "Tell me your favorite birthday story! It doesnt have to be your birthday, but some funny or interesting story related to someones birthday!"

A late good evening friends...sorry it's so late. We had a post-Christmas get-together tonight that ran a little later than I had hoped, seeing as we have to be up mega early tomorrow. It was a blast though, and I'm glad we stayed! On to the prompt...

My favorite birthday story has to be from last summer...justjessica1's 40th birthday party. Her sister and I coordinated a surprise party for her, and we pulled it off stunningly.

See, we're not big birthday people when it comes to our own birthdays, which are three days apart near the end of July. But because this was her 40th, she wanted a party. And we made it happen. Her sis and I communicated through text, email and Facebook to see who was going to invite who, who was bringing what, and where it was going to be. I got in touch with friends and co-workers, and her sis got in touch with family, as well as offering her home as the venue when we couldn't get a park shelter. We split up the food and costs, and made it happen.

Here's where we got really lucky...Jess spent the summer working on a team that was redesigning all of the local Walgreens stores. During our birthday week (which we usually spend taking a short vacation), all store managers were sent to Las Vegas for a "conference" (whatever that means in Vegas terms), so she got sent back to her home store for the week, and was stuck working 7:30am-3:30pm the Sunday we planned her party for. This was supposed to be a favor, working at the home store for a week, but when you're used to working a set schedule with weekends off, working Sundays is a bitch. However, since we barbecue a lot with Jess' sister and her husband over the summer, and Jess' home store was about five minutes away from them, it was perfect.

I dropped Jess off at work, and shopped for the things I needed to make pasta salad. Then I picked up the 3lbs. of sausage, which I left in the fridge very inconveniently when I left for her sister's house to help with the set-up. I was 15 minutes through a 20 minute drive when I realized this. So I ran in, dropped off the tables and chairs I managed to stuff into the Saturn Ion (quite the feat, I must say), turned around, came back home for the sausage, and went right back.

I arrived just in time to gather the guests in the garage...I decided at the last minute to do that, instead of leaving the house open and walking in...see, Jess just thought we were going over there after she got out of work for a quiet barbecue dinner with her sis and bro-in-law. But I figured that if I could get everyone in the garage for the few minutes it'd take for me to pick her up, I'd stick the garage door opener in my pocket. *Wink* I even grabbed the tub of pasta salad to make it look like I came from home...I'm such a sneaky bastard.

She changed at work while I waited for her and grabbed a few last-minute things before hurrying her out. We made sure everyone parked down the street at least, to throw her off...even then, there were cars all over the place. I snarkily suggested that someone must be having a party (and mind you, it was about a week before her actual birthday).

As we walked up the driveway, rather than gravitate to the front door like we usually do, I stuck my hand in my pocket and opened the garage door...SURPRISE!! We absolutely shocked her...she was so overcome with emotion and joy. She loved every minute of it.

The best part? It was setting her up all along to believe that she wasn't getting a party. If you know me, or anything about me, it's that I'm not a fan of my birthday, and think that all people should be treated like how we treat them on their birthdays...and I don't need special treatment on my birthday. I had her entirely convinced (short of being absolutely cruel) that there was to be no party. I had to be a dick about it for as long as we were planning it, just to sell her on it. I had the perfect foil and the best help from her sis, and we pulled off the best surprise pary ever.


Happy first WDC birthday to the prompter, thrdeyeopen!! How exciting! Make them give you a cake! Or just add your address to your profile and receive a proper card and a thank you. Some day you'll be 10+ WDC years old like me, and maybe you'll act a lot older than that. Unlike me. *Smirk*

I'm going with the obvious again, because I can. I'm sure this on about half (or less) of the eligible entrants' entries too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjF1bG5LUcs


*waronhockeyemoticons* Sabres drop another one. This team is done. Blow it up. I'm ok with firing Darcy, because his trigger finger sucks when it actually works. He had the approval to make deals last summer and this year, but the ones he made have sucked, and I doubt he'll do anything this year. #DosomethingDarcy has become #GetanotherjobDarcy.

*Delight* Had a great time at that work party tonight! Low-key, no pressure, $20 for drafts/well drinks and pizza and wings. Not your typical crazy office party, but not a crazy night gettin' sloshed either. Still, the morning might be a bit of a bitch, especially since I was informed by two parties that it's going to be a little earlier than usual.

*Clock2* I was hoping to be home in time to have this done by midnight. The whole "Blue Month" thing, ya know? But once I realized that wasn't happening, I was hoping for 1am. Didn't happen. Now I'm just hoping that life isn't hell tomorrow. But I get that it's my fault...I coulda banged out almost the same entry at 5pm, but I didn't. So much for that kind of thinking. *Rolleyes*

And with that I will set the wheels of ending this tonight in motion. Thanks for stopping by, and I hope to see you soon. Peace, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!


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