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by Julia
Rated: ASR · Book · Thriller/Suspense · #1840361
Set on a college campus. Kate draws the attention of the campus mugger.
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#744755 added January 21, 2012 at 11:43pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 16 - First Date
Chapter 16

First Date

The players ran off the practice field as Kaitlin watched. Jake turn to where she sat in the stands and smiled, he held up one finger to indicate he would be back in a minute. She showed up a half hour early for their date and enjoyed watching the team run through their paces. It relaxed her to see people doing normal things; throwing a ball, running bases, fooling around in the dugout. Now the field was empty and her mind wandered back to dangerous ground she forced herself to relive the safe part, waking in the hospital.

Kaitlin knew before her eyes opened she was back in the hospital. Voices from the hall, the steady beep of monitors and the smells were all the clues she needed.

“Hi, sleepy head.”

“Hey, Michael.” Kaitlin turned her head to look at her brother.

“How you feelin’?”

“Like I’ve been run over by a truck.”

“That good, huh?”

“What time is it?”

“Two in the afternoon.”

         “Where’s Mom?”

         “She went to get something to eat; she’ll be back in a little bit.”

She scanned the room, pink carnations; dozens of pink carnations filled the hospital room.

         “What’s all this?” she asked.

         “You have a few admirers.”

         “Who are they from?”

         “I’ll get the cards for you.”

         The first card read. ‘Your mother said these are your favorites, Jake.’ The second had said, ‘From all of us on the research team,’ with the signatures of all Jake’s friends. The final one only said. ‘Don’t plan anything for Saturday.’ Kaitlin smiled as she reread them.

Now here she sat after three days of anticipation waiting for Jake to come out of the locker room. He had given no hints as to what to expect. He only told her to dress comfortably for the first part of the date. It was as much of a hint as she could get from him that this date consisted of more than one part. Her heart beat quickened as she saw him come through the fence back onto the practice field still in his baseball uniform. He held a bucket of balls, a bat and two gloves in his left hand with his right hand he signaled for her to come down onto the field. She chuckled, if he thought he was going to teach her more about baseball he was in for a surprise. Both Michael and her younger brother Jeremy had played baseball in high school and she had played catch and batted a ball since she was five years old.

“You up for a little walk?” he asked.

“It depends on how little.”

“Just over to the stadium.”


The stadium was empty and soon he was slow pitching to her while she batted balls into the outfield. They switched places until the bucket was empty.

“Now comes the fun part.” A smirk turned up one corner of his mouth.

“What’s that?”

“It’s a race to see who can collect the most balls; who ever wins gets to make one request of the other person. Mark, set, go.”

Jake ran off to the outfield before she could ask any questions or protest. Kaitlin tucked in her shirt as she ran, she wanted to keep her hands free, as she stuffed balls down her shirt. Several times they nearly collided as they headed for the same ball. By the time they gathered the last ball and were running back to the pitchers mound they were both laughing so hard Kaitlin could hardly see through the tears.

She untucked one corner of her shirt and worked the balls around to extract them, which got them both laughing again. They carefully counted as they dropped the balls back into the bucket. He had collected four more balls than she did.

“I’ll save my request for later.” He said enigmatically.

“Wait right here.” He said.

She watched him jog off the field and then she lay down on the grass of the infield. She closed her eyes and the dark moments rushed back to her, she again forced her thoughts to Tuesday.

         Kaitlin’s mother came through her hospital room door followed by Sergeant Yeargin. He had come to take her statement and update her about Mitch who had been treated for a concussion and then transferred to the lock up infirmary. Mitch’s aunt was in a room on another floor. She was pressing charges against her nephew and threatened to sue the campus police department. Mitch had been linked to attacks on three other campuses. Sergeant Yeargin assured Katie Mitch would be receiving psychiatric treatment.

         The day was a steady stream of people. A representative from the college administration had come and assured Kaitlin the school would be picking up the tab for all medical expenses. They also assigned her a counselor that would meet with Kaitlin and provide trauma counseling.

         The firemen, paramedics and policemen involved with her rescue all trickled in. Even the guys from Jake’s research team stuck their heads through the door just to say hi.

         Her eyes darted to the door every time someone came in. A smile greeted them all but Katie felt a tiny pang each time the face wasn’t Jake’s. 

         The nurse shooed the last of the visitors out the door and sent her family home saying the sleeping pill they had given Kaitlin would have her asleep all night. Only a little night light sent a gentle glow from behind the bed as she felt the effects of the sleeping pill begin to take effect. Her eyes fluttered as she heard the door to her room open, a man’s silhouette was framed by the light coming from the hall. A moment of panic soon passed as she smelled a familiar cologne.

         “Hey,” she said with a deep husky voice of someone half asleep.

         “Hi beautiful,” Jake walked up to the side of her bed.

         “We talked about that.”

         “We have a lot to talk about but not tonight. I just wanted to come and check on you and make sure you didn’t think I’d deserted you.”

         “I was beginning to wonder.” It was becoming harder and harder for her to keep her eyes open.

         “Did you like my flowers?”

         “They are my favorites.”

         “I know.”

         She was losing the battle and now her eyes no longer obeyed her as they finally shut. She felt his finger tips trace across her forehead and down her temple.

         She felt his breath against her cheek.

         “Oh, Katie I was so scared.”

         “I’m okay, I’m okay…”she kept repeating as sleep over took her.

         “Are you taking a nap?” his shadow fell over her face.

         “No, just enjoying the sun on this winter afternoon.” She opened her eyes and looked up at him hovering over her.

         “Come help me with this blanket.”

         He set down a cooler with a blanket folded on top of it.

         “So is this the second part of the date?”

         “No,” he smiled.

         They spread out the blanket next to the pitcher’s mound. She laughed as he started pulling food out of the cooler.

         “When did you do all this?”

         “I’ve been planning this for a while and it helps to be on good terms with your friends’ girlfriends.”

         Grilled chicken salad, grapes and crescent rolls were the main meal but there were also California rolls.

         “One of my old roommates is a Sushi chef.” Jake said by way of explanation.

         “This is all really wonderful and what a beautiful day, did you plan that too?”

         “Special order, my uncle is a meteorologist.”

         “I was always led to believe they only predicted the weather, that only God could create weather.”

         “He and I are pretty tight too.”

         She laughed.

         “I’d like to call in my request,” he added

         They were sitting on opposite sides of the blanket but suddenly Kaitlin felt nervous and awkward.

         “Do I have the right to refuse?”

         “Don’t you trust me?”

         “Yes of course I do,” she said without hesitation.

         “Tell me something about your Dad.”

         “Like what?”

         “One of your favorite stories.”

         “You mean like the first time he took me fishing or him grilling my prom date when the boy came to pick me up.”

         “Sure either one.”

         She spoke as he picked at the food on his plate. She watched Jake’s eyes dance with delight as she described her date who sat with shoulders slumped, his hands between his knees on their living room couch as her father pummeled him with questions.

         “’. . . speaking for her future husband, I’ll come beat the crap out of you if you try anything funny’. ‘Thanks dad for making this completely awkward,’ was all I could think to say as we walked out the door. Needless to say the boy never asked me out again.”

         “Oh, that was hysterical.” Jake said through the laughter.

         “Trust me it was not at all funny at the time.”

         He wiped the corner of his eyes.

         “Did you save room for desert?”

         “I’m pretty full but I’ll try.”

         “Your mother promised me I’d be a hit with anything chocolate.”

         “You and my mom seem to have gotten awfully chummy.”

         “Why yes, yes we did. Anyway there is a little specialty shop just off campus that makes the most amazing deserts. I hope you like these.” He pulled a baker box out of the cooler and inside were two chocolate torte.

         The desert was heavenly. After they finished they packed up everything. Jake carried the cooler and Kaitlin carried the bucket of balls, bat and mitts. They only went as far as edge of the playing field and they set everything down. Jake had arranged for someone to come pick it all up later.

         He took her hand as they walked back to the practice field where their cars were parked.

         “I’ll pick you up at 7:00pm.at your apartment. That will give you time to take a nice nap and put on your nicest dress.”

         “To nap in?”

         “Yes, to nap in.” his voice dripped with sarcasm.

         Kaitlin couldn’t imagine how this day could get any better. Elizabeth had been waiting when she came back to the apartment and wanted to hear about every detail. Her sister moaned at the description.

         “That is the most romantic thing I’ve ever heard of.” She said.

         Kaitlin lay on her bed trying to fall asleep. The day’s events were getting jumbled up with the dark moments; lying face down on that bed, the feeling of smothering, the gag cutting into her mouth as he pressed his weight into her back. She sat up gasping. The counselor had promised her it would get better with time.

         Wednesday morning the nurse had promised her that as soon as the doctor arrived and did his final evaluation Kaitlin’s mother could sign her out of the hospital and take her home. Less than an hour later the doctor came and gave her a clean bill of health.

         “You’re doing fine physically, just a few cuts and bruises and they will all heal fairly quickly, but before you leave the hospital I set up an appointment with a clinical psychologist and I want you to talk to her. You’ve been through a severe trauma.”

         “I’m fine. Like you said just a few cuts and bruises.”

         “Miss Moore, you may not have been raped but you were terrorized, kidnapped and brutalized. The man meant for you to die. Your psyche needs care as much as you body does. There are people who are trained to help you get through this. There are steps that need to be achieved and if you try to do this yourself you could easily get stuck on one.”

         She spent the hour telling herself and the psychologist she was okay and this really wasn’t necessary. As she related the events leading up to and including the kidnapping she was flip and spoke matter-of-factly about the ordeal.

         “Denial is the first step.” The psychologist told her at the end of the session. “I want you to meet with a counselor everyday for the next two weeks. They have a good one with trauma training at the college. Kaitlin you’re not going to want to do this but I promise you the whole process will be easier if you do.”

         Her mother had driven her to her appointment on Thursday and when Kaitlin had come out of the session with a tear stained face Mrs. Moore had extracted a promise from Kaitlin that she would keep her appointments in the future. In turn Kaitlin made her mother promise the sessions would be kept secret from the rest of the family and friends.

         Jake stopped by once a day and called her several times a day but she was chagrined when he showed up Friday morning to take her to her appointment. She felt hurt and disappointed her mother would betray this trust but then she hadn’t taken into account Jake’s resourcefulness. Before her mother left to go back home she assured Kaitlin she hadn’t told him, he had a friend at the university counselor’s office that let Jake know when the appointments were; highly unethical and very infuriating. She had gone to the appointment angry at Jake but came out grateful for the progress the counselor said she was making.

         She hit the snooze button and realized it was for the fourth time when she looked at the clock. Instead of twenty till six it was now twenty after six, Kaitlin jumped out of bed. Instead of the leisurely bath she planned she now had to take a shower and a short one. She was dressed and had her makeup on when the knock came at the door. Her hair still damp. The black dress she wore had a v neck with capped sleeves and flared out to a full skirt, the kind you love to twirl in to see it fan out but that clung to you legs in repose.

         The sight of him took her breath away. Dressed in a navy wool suit with a pale blue shirt and a yellow tie he carried a bouquet of flowers in his arms.

         “I’m sorry I’m not quite. . .”

         “I’m early,” he interrupted. “You look beautiful.”

         “My hair.” She reached up her hand to touch the wet tresses.

         “We have time. Where do you want me to put these?” he said indicating the flowers.

         “They’re lovely. I think we have a vase.”

         “I’ll take care of it you go finish.”

         Kaitlin stood in front of the mirror brushing out her hair, the whir of the blow dryer filling the small bathroom. She wondered if it was a dream as she thought of the handsome young man waiting for her in other room. If so she hoped never to wake up. When her hair felt dry she added a little moose for body and then used the curling iron. Even if nothing ever came of this she would have these memories to cherish. Tonight she felt pretty, really pretty.

         When she walked out of the bathroom, Jake was sitting on one of the dining room chairs and he quickly stood up. He seemed nervous she realized.


         “Just let me grab a shawl.” She went into her bedroom and pulled the shawl, she had laid on the bed earlier, around her shoulders. It was a deep red with a black paisley pattern through it, very classy, a gift her father had brought to her from one of his business trips to New York. She fingered the soft fabric.

         “I think he likes me, daddy,” she whispered.

         Dinner was at an exclusive restaurant and dancing at a romantic night club. Then they drove down to the river walk. It was a chilly night with the lights of the city dancing across the surface of the slow moving river. They walked hand in hand along the river bank. The light shawl was no protection from the frigid air and Kaitlin couldn’t suppress the shiver that ran through her.

         “Are you cold?”

         “Just a little, I’ll be okay.”

         Jake pulled off his suit coat and held it out for her to slip on. It was warm from his body heat and she wrapped her arms around herself in the luxurious feel of it.

         “Have you had a nice time today?”

         “You will be happy to know this ranks as the most romantic date of all time.”          

         “That was my goal.”

Jake stepped around to face her.

“What do you think your father would say if I asked him if I could kiss his daughter?”

         “He would look you straight in the eye and say ‘son, you are asking the wrong person.’”

         Jake tipped back his head and laughed, a smile lit his eyes as he looked down at her.

         “Oh, Kaitlin you don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do this.”

         He put a hand on each of her shoulders and drew her to him. She tipped her face up to his as he bent down and kissed her. She melted into him and soon her arms were around his neck holding the kiss. He found the warmth inside the coat as he wrapped her waist in his embrace.




Please just drop me a note to let me know how you liked it. You don't need to do any editing unless you saw something blatant that pulled you out of the story. I know this last chapter is a little confusing with the flash backs but I'm still mulling over what to do about it. Anyway thanks so much for taking the time to read this. I hope you liked it.          


© Copyright 2012 Julia (UN: estuleen at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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