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Bart is an average kid amongst his family of overachievers, until they go on vacation..... |
War on Nimbus Bartholomew Jenkins, son of Beatriz and Eugene Jenkins, and brother to Humphrey and Gregward, is an average kid who just wants to fit in, unlike the rest of his family. Beatriz, the Director of Space Operations for NASA, Eugene, who is the developer for the newly found research and development firm known as P.O.O.O.O.P. (Placing Old Observatories Out of Oklahoma Permanently), and Bartholomew’s two brothers, Gregward and Humphrey, who have accomplished just about every achievement that one could possibly take on at their age plus more, all completely outshine and excel excessively past Bartholomew. Bart thought it couldn’t get any worse, until he found out that they were going on a family vacation to a small rainy town at the beach called Floodfarm located at very bottom of Florida. Bartholomew had never left Oklahoma in his entire life and wasn’t looking forward to the trip ahead of him. He stayed awake all night before the trip unable to sleep a wink. Meanwhile, Bart’s family was fast asleep, not worried about a thing. The trip wasn’t the only thing that bothered Bart but the fact that he was getting ready to graduate high school and had no idea what he wanted to do with his life put a great deterrence on his ability to function normally. He was always average at everything he tried to do and never felt that he could achieve greatness in his life. The next day the family woke up four hours early just to be a safe Sally, as Beatriz always says, and had to wait in the airport for quite some time. As Bart sat in the waiting lounge pondering his not so positive future, he couldn’t help but admire the vast culture variety of the population that fled in, out, and about the airport. Bart thought to himself, “Maybe I would like to do something that required travel” Once on the plane ride, which was utterly unbearable for Bart because it consisted of his twin brothers bragging about their week at school and his parents boasting about their soon to be accomplishments, Bart noticed something out of the ordinary. The only positive thing Bart achieved from the plane ride was his seat next to the window. He had always wanted to view the sky from up high. While the plane drifted in and out of the clouds Bart noticed something interesting, but quite odd. As the plane neared a large cloud, it looked as if some sort of small puffy creature was cranking some sort of propeller at the rear of the cloud. Bart tried to acquire the attention of his family members, but all of them were too tied up in themselves to take a second in order to comprehend what he meant. Even if they did they wouldn’t have believed him anyway, for he was no scientist nor was he an engineer. Not even an athlete. Bart soon let the thought of this escape him and began to stress the family vacation that was soon to come. As the plane landed the family piled off and immediately pulled out the map of Floodfarm. The family had heard of Floodfarm and knew that it consisted of a beach and a few small restaurants. They also heard about the terrible storms that occurred quite frequent. Floodfarm had been labeled the flood capital of Florida. No one could quite understand why it was or why they booked the vacation for that matter. Little did the three sons know that the parents received a large discount through a co-worker whose aunt’s brother’s cousin’s sister in law’s nephew had a time share only a block away from the beach. Beatriz and Eugene did make good money, but it was all tied up in Eugene’s new P.O.O.O.P. INC. They really needed to get away from the stress for a week. Upon arriving at the beach house the family walked into the house to receive a very peculiar surprise. The house was a mess, there was music playing, and young teenagers were all over the house partying. Apparently the co-worker’s aunt’s brother’s cousin’s sister in law’s nephew had made a tiny mistake and had booked them during the same week. The parents spoke to a few of the teens, but they were young, having a great time, and did not care about what the parents had to say. They offered for the parents to stay in one of the rooms, but they would not accept out of pride. The Jenkins family drove around Floodfarm for hours looking for a place to stay, but every single place was non vacant. Finally, the family came to an agreement and decided to take the young kids up on their polite offer (Eugene was a man of pride and would hardly ever accept anything from anybody. He started the new P.O.O.O.P. company only because he wanted to be his own boss). The family had to shove themselves and all of their belongings into one tiny room that was available in the house, and they were not very fond of this. Once settled in, the family decided to go out to eat. The kids had always wanted to go to an all you can eat seafood buffet with crab legs and shrimp and all the other delectable ocean treats, but were never able to prior due to their Midwest location and the soaring seafood prices. Eugene agreed to take them out that night, mainly because he wanted to escape the adolescent atmosphere that lingered throughout the house. As they were leaving the house the TV had been left on in the living room and Bart caught a glimpse of the evening news. Apparently the storm of the century was brewing and would hit Floodfarm that week, but this intrigued Bartholomew. It only rained occasionally in Oklahoma, and he thought maybe this may be something that could spike his interests and push him to find what he truly desires. As the family drove they thought it would be fun to sing pirate songs in the car which was fun for Bart, but the song eventually turned into an intellectual conversation about the science of piracy and the scientific chemicals that can be used for geo-thermal fuel found in the ocean. As the car ride progressed Bart noticed dark clouds in the distance and a small adventurous excitement that he had never felt started to grow inside of him. If only he had someone to share a nice average conversation with him in the rain on this trip, but he knew with his family that this wasn’t very probable. They pulled into a parking lot off the side of the road, and as they pulled up to the front Bart noticed the decaying sign in the front which read, “Shipwrecked Fanny’s Feast”. “Fanny’s Feast?” Bart thought to himself, and began to snicker a tiny bit with the thought of one feasting on someone’s fanny. Once the family entered Bart thought to himself, “This doesn’t look like a feast, but it does resemble a shipwreck.” The place was decorated dreadfully, and the family could tell it was full of locals. Apparently Floodfarm was not a popular tourist spot, but it was a popular place to eat. The family was seated dead center in the restaurant with almost no room to breathe. To get up and even make it to the buffet table seemed like a journey all on its own. Bart was lucky enough to be seated next to a smaller table with only a father and son. As he began to order his drink from the waiter he felt moisture on his head and his back. He thought to himself “I suppose this is a shipwreck, and it’s going to be full of leaks.” The moisture did not stop hitting him and he turned to notice the morbidly obese father, and his son who by the looks of it was training to follow in his footsteps. The father and son had at least a dozen plates on the table with crab legs stacked as high as the ceiling. As a matter of fact they literally were getting ready to tough the ceiling because the fan blades up high were cutting into the crab legs on the top, naturally causing the moisture to circulate around the room. Bart kind of thought it was funny, and figured that once the man started eating, the crab legs would start to decrease in height and this would not be a problem anymore. A few minutes later huge splats of water began to smack Bart in the neck, and as he turned around to see what it was a stinging sensation hit him in both eyes temporarily obscuring his vision. As he wiped away the lemon and buttery liquid he looked ahead to see the father and son cracking away at crab legs faster than a jackhammer chipped away concrete. Although Bart was quite annoyed by this, he did think it was kind of funny. The family was only able to make one trip to the seafood buffet before the restaurant closed, and by the time they got to it there was only one pound of crab legs left, which they all had to split. As you can imagine they left the restaurant with their stomachs on empty, which led them to a gas station to pick up some snacks on the way home. The family wasn’t very polite to Bart, and sent him in with the P.O.O.O.P company card to buy all of their food. As Bart staggered to the front of the line carrying a giant mound of assorted treats, he saw a glimpse of a TV playing the news once again, but instead of it being in their beach house it happened to be behind an 60 year old man wearing a beard and a patch with the tattoo of a giant crab on his right cheek. As Bart drew closer in line he noticed a “clack clack clack” sound behind the counter, and the sound of some old classic rock playing from a small boom box. Out of curiosity Bart pretended to view more snacks around the side of the aisle, and when he snuck a peak behind the counter he noticed that the man had a peg leg and was tapping away to the music. This made Bart laugh hysterically and naturally he couldn’t help himself and dropped all of the food. The old man saw this and tap tapped his way over to give Bart a hand. The man helped him up, and asked him where he was from (he could tell he didn’t look like a local). The old man let Bart in on a little secret, and told him that the storm of all storms was heading their way, and it would put Floodfarm under the sea once and for all. The news reporter on the TV was speaking simultaneously with the old man, and his story seemed similar, but the reporter claimed that everything would be fine and not to worry or evacuate the city. The old man disagreed, and there felt like a warm truth to his voice. A man behind him waiting impatiently in line shouted out, “Don’t listen to that old man he is a fool, he has been jawing off at the mouth about the storm of all storms since I can remember!” Another lady in the back of the store chimed in, “Yea he also claims that he found an animal from the clouds, he is absolutely insane!” Bart didn’t know what to think about this, but his parents were honking the horn outside and he figured it was time he should go. He received his change and fled out the door with the bags of groceries. As the family returned home, they noticed that the other renters of the home were throwing another “get together”. The parents were extremely annoyed, and decided to call it a night early. The parents claimed the small twin bed while the three brothers were all designated to the floor. With only 2 sheets and 2 pillows at hand, Gregward and Humphrey naturally took first pick, leaving Bart with the comfortable hardwood floor. Bart sat and pondered his unusual night, and waited to hear the snore from all four of the Jenkins. He began to rise and observed his surroundings, realizing that everyone in the room was fast asleep. Bart decided he would slip out and take an evening stroll in hopes that he could discover something fun to do. As Bart passed through the crowded home of young adults, he saw that the weather actually looked decent outside. He decided that he would go for a stroll and clear his thoughts. Bart headed towards the beach and took a whiff of the ocean breeze as he neared the sand and shells. He saw that there was a small inviting path ahead of him and decided he would take it. As he caught view of the beach he realized just how bad the rain there was. The sand was soaking wet, and resembled that of quicksand. The only thing he was able to walk on was the small path made out of concrete, and guessing by the looks of it, it was put there for that reason alone. As he continued to walk down the path he noticed a series of huts that resembled that of a canopy. They were scattered all over the city, but down here near the beach there was a tremendous amount. “The immense amount of constant rainfall must be the cause of this,” Bart thought. Bart walked for what seemed to be a lifetime, and decided to sit down and relax. He picked a cozy spot in the corner of the trail that mocked that of a hammock. As he rested he began to doze off, and was soon awoken by a shadowy figure above him. It was a local, and apparently he wasn’t happy. He was a stumpy figure a little shorter than Bart, and was waving some sort of piece of paper in front of him. As Bart came back into reality he started to compute what the grumpy man was shouting. “THESE IS THE MAP OF HERE AND THIS IS WHAT THESE RULES CAN SAY!!!” The man began to shout. Bart was puzzled by the word choice of the man, but he assumed this quite possibly was the highest education level on the island. The man continued to shout at Bart, “YOU SLEEP ON HERE YOU WON’T RULES I AM RULES DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT MEANS OK!!??” Bart wasn’t quite sure if he should yell for help or cry, but out of nowhere he heard the voice of a sweet young lady. “Elroy you know you aren’t allowed out of the house past 4 P.M. What did grandma say??” Bart was extremely confused at this point, and thought he would just sit and wait until it made sense. “Elroy get over here now or grandma is going to have your tail!!” The girl continued. The stumpy man turned around and whimpered,” Okay okay okay OKAY you know,” and began to walk back the way he came. Bart began to stand, and the girl approached him quickly. “Relax!” She exclaimed. She started explaining herself quickly, “That was my cousin Elroy; he gets a little loopy without his medication.” “Oh that’s ok, I read the situation perfectly and I knew what was going on,” Bart lied. “Well I am Marilyn. It is very nice to meet you. You don’t seem like a local, where are you from?” Asked the newfound friend. “Yea how could you tell? I’m Bartholomew.” Said Bart in an uncertain voice. Marilyn began to snicker. Bart explained, “Yea I get that a lot, just call me Bart. Marilyn isn’t exactly a common name either. Were you named after Marilyn Manson or something?” “Um NO!!!,” She exclaimed in a disgusted voice. “I am named after the beautiful and elegant Marilyn Monroe. I can sing I can dance, and I have been known to model from time to time.” Bart thought to himself in annoyance,” Oh great another person in my life who can grace me with their personal accomplishments.” “So what are you doing out here anyways?” Asked Marilyn. “Shouldn’t you be with your family it’s late and there is a storm coming soon. I heard it’s gonna be one of the worst we’ve had all year, or maybe all century!” “Yea I heard that too, I am kind of looking forward to it. I think it’s relaxing to sit and vibe out to the sound of the rain.” Said Bart “Rain isn’t the only thing we get down here, the lightning and thunder is horrible. A lot of people have died out here because of how crazy the lightning gets. I have never seen anything like it. I stay down here with my grandparents in the summer, but when I do I always worry that if I stay outside too long I’ll get struck!!” Stammered Marilyn. Little did the two kids know that while Marilyn was telling her story to Bart, a different story was brewing above them. The clouds were pushing faster, and the sky was getting darker. The winds began to blow, and the electricity in the sky was so intense that the hair on both of their necks began to stand. Out of the corner of his eye, Bart noticed something very unusual, something falling from the sky. It looked like lightning, but with a parachute attached to the end of it? He tapped Marilyn on the shoulder, interrupting her speech. He pointed over in the distance and explained what he saw. She didn’t believe him, there was no way anyone would, but she liked Bart, and decided they would go check it out. What they found wasn’t even believable once they saw it. A new adventure began to stir, and both kids were in for a long week that neither of them would ever forget. End Part 1 Part 2 Heap was a lonely Cumu that lived on one of the lowest cloud formations that hovered over the city of Floodfarm. Heap had his parents, Alto and Rain, but no siblings or friends. He was constantly alone due to the recent battles that had been fought in the sky. His parents had always warned him about the Nimbus family. They had harmful intentions since anyone could remember, but more recently their attacks on the people of the ground had increased at an alarming rate. Power was given to Cumulus and Nimbus quite some time ago, and it was meant to be harnessed for energy and good. As long as they used their resources to replenish the Earth and the rest for themselves they would prosper. Nimbus became tired of giving to the people of which whom never helped them, and decided that it was time to take away that amenity. The power of electricity, thunder, ultra violet rays, and rainfall were manipulated by Nimbus and used to destroy the people on the land so that one day they could claim the Earth for themselves. The Cumulus civilization knew this was wrong, and agreed to wage war until they put an end to the evil and greed that poisoned Nimbus. War constantly erupted in the sky above Floodfarm, and the storms and destruction increased. Houses were washed away. Lightning struck in a harmful manor. They used their clouds reflection to increase harmful rays and cause horrible burns to the skin and thunder rang throughout the days leaving the people with minimal rest. The people of Cumulus fought against this around the clock doing anything they could to slow their wrath, but they knew they weren’t strong enough. They built shields to reflect the rays back towards Nimbus. They tried to collect the excessive rain, and they were even able to catch the lightning and use it for their own resource. This was good, but it was not enough. Nimbus was getting stronger, and was changing Cumulus clouds into their own. It seemed as if their world and the world below would soon be coming to an end. Heap understood this, and as he sat at home during the day not being old enough to help with the resistance, he imagined himself being thrust into the battle side by side with his family to stop the evil that surrounded them. He would think so hard that he would become overwhelmed and his tears would drop down through the clouds causing a misty rain below. Heap was far enough down in the sky that most of the time he could observe what was happening on the ground. He used to see people swimming and playing on the beach. He would love to watch the birds fly and the animals that couldn’t. Heap admired the people on the ground and he dreamed about one day venturing down and making friends. Heap had no friends of his own, and his parents were rarely around to talk to. When they arrived home for a short period time Heap would jump off out of his peek hole in the floor and run to his mother. “Mom I think I’m old enough to help, I have a ton of-“ His mother would stop him mid-sentence, and with a warm beaming face would look down to her son and reply, “Heap you know I want you by my side, but I could never live with myself if something happened to you. Your father and I love you so much, and there will come a time when you will be able to help us. You keep dreaming son, because that time will come sooner than you know.” A tear would trickle down Heap’s cheek, and he would crawl sluggishly back into his peek hole to escape from reality. He felt trapped, but worse, he felt useless. Heap knew he was never allowed to leave his home, and if he did he would be punished greatly. He feared his parents scorn, but something deep down told him he was meant to help out in the great fight in an amazing way. One day as Heap was watching the dark Nimbus covered surface of the Earth, he noticed something very peculiar. A new car pulled into town, and this was very unusual. “No one ever comes into Floodfarm,” Heap thought to himself. It was a large van with lots of luggage on the roof. Heap knew all of the residents of Floodfarm, and knew their stories very well. A person does not need sound to understand what is occurring. Heap would watch everyone, and he could read their stories through their actions. He watched the new van roll into town, and saw that it was staying at the Finnegan residence. He knew of the old couple that lived in that home, but rarely saw them for they were only outside on occasion. Mr. Finnegan and his wife had retired some time ago, and both of them had been outside only once or twice a month to go grocery shopping every since. Heap saw the van pull up to Shipwrecked Fanny’s (one of Heap’s favorite places to view because of the silly locals that would pour in and out) and watched a man and a women with three boys flock out of the car and into the restaurant. It was nothing too out of the ordinary, except for the look on one of the boy’s faces. Although these three boys looked very similar to Heap, he noticed something in the boy’s eyes that he understood, a look that he was familiar with. It was a look of confusion and loss, the same helpless look that Heap felt throughout the day. Heap immediately felt that he and this lone person of the ground shared something great, emotion. Of course Heap knew that he could never contact someone from below. His parents had warned him of that since the day he was created. This was one of the greatest rules of all. Heap understood this, but he also understood that he needed someone, and someone needed him. If he didn’t get help, Nimbus would overcome his family, and everything that exists for that matter. He knew he had to get down there, and fast. Heap had invented many different things while he wasn’t watching the people below him. He created objects that helped around the house while his parents were gone, he created toys to play with, and most importantly, he drew up a design that could perhaps one day get him to the ground. Heap knew that electricity was only supposed to be used to power all of the family’s essential needs, but at the time he figured that this was essential. Lightning is not always harmful, if not aimed towards a living thing that is. Heap knew how Cumulus harnessed electricity, and had heard stories about it being used on Nimbus. The people of Nimbus surged the electricity and used it as a weapon. It resembled a very long, thin cannon, and could be attached underneath the cloud. The crank on the side of the cannon would be turned clockwise until it pulled enough electricity inside of the chamber. Once it was ready a button was pushed and the lightning was fired. Heap knew it was foolish, dangerous, and against his parent’s orders, but Heap also knew where his parents kept the confiscated weapons from Nimbus. As Heap fled into the storage room where his parents kept the confiscated items, he gaped at the vast amount of unusual, but somewhat intriguing devices. He rummaged through piles and piles of the sometimes silly looking contraptions, and finally found what he was looking for. Underneath it all was one of the biggest lightning cannons he had ever seen. Luckily for Heap, most everything in the sky was made from moisture, and wasn’t very hard to carry. Now Heap also had a parachute that he had acquired from a skydiver who fell through his home. The man was knocked unconscious falling through a Nimbus cloud, and then fell right onto Heap’s floor. Heap’s parents weren’t home, and he wasn’t quite sure what to do, so he figured he would take the reserve chute in case he ever needed it, and pulled the man’s regular cord. As the chute deployed Heap dropped the man through his peek hole and he floated safely to the ground. Heap knew this chute would come in handy for something, and today was that day. His plan was simple. He could parachute down, but he couldn’t be seen. He knew he had to go down fast and unnoticed by the public. He would aim the cannon down and attach his chute to the end of the cannon. He would ride the lightning down to Earth right above the surface, and then deploy his parachute so he would have a smooth landing on the remainder of the journey down. Heap knew that this would be foolproof because it sounded like so much fun. He began to write his parents a note, explaining to them that he had gone over to Gertrude’s home (Heap’s parents had been trying to get Heap to visit Gertrude for quite some time, they wanted him to find a girlfriend, but Gertrude was quite unbearable), and he hoped that this was believable. If anything, it would buy Heap the time he needed to get down to earth and get help from the boy he felt he understood. Heap began to drag the cannon across the floor towards his peephole, which was now designated an emergency hatch. He lowered the cannon and placed it underneath the cloud upside down, similar to a suction cup. He began to crank the wheel and the cloud immediately started to surge with electricity and swirl around at great speed. Once the lightning was ready, Heap jumped into the front of the cannon with the chute on his back and prepared to embark on his journey. He crossed his fingers, and thought about his parents. He knew that if they found out, they would be very angry, but worse than that, disappointed. Then an excitement began to boil inside of Heap, and he thought of the adventure that awaited him. He imagined putting an end to the evil of Nimbus, and being able to see his family every day. He knew what must be done, and without any extra hesitation, he reached up behind him, felt around for the button, and pushed GO. End Part 2 Part 3 “Whoa did you see that!?” exclaimed Bart. “Lightning struck right over that hill, and it looked like, a parachute at the end?” Bart said with question to his own statement. “I didn’t see it, but if you are trying to get me behind that hill so no one can see us then you aren’t very smooth mister” laughed Marilyn sarcastically. “Hah you wish. What makes you think I even find you attractive, after all, I might not be attracted to brunettes,” Answered Bart. “Well whatever the reason is, let’s get going now because it looks like it’s getting ready to storm and my grandparents would KILL me if they knew I was outside,” she rudely barked at Bart. Marilyn and Bart began to walk toward the hill, and as they got closer they what looked to be the top of a parachute blowing around right on the other side of the hill. “SEE!” Bart yelled. “I told you it was a parachute, maybe someone needs our help!” Yelled Bart. “Well why don’t we call for help, are you first aid certified? I doubt it. Plus it’s getting ready to storm bad and we need to get inside quick!” Marilyn replied. “What, and just leave whoever that is stranded in the storm. What if they are hurt? You could live with yourself knowing you didn’t help this person?” Bart asked. Marilyn began to open her mouth in rebuttal to Bart, but as soon as she did something begin to emerge from the hill. It something neither of the kids had ever seen before. It was puffy and grey, and resembled that of a stubby little human cloud puffball. Marilyn and Bart stood frozen, gawking in awe at the unexpected sight that stood only a few feet in front of them. The creature began to open its’ mouth, but before it could both kids were halfway down the beach running and screaming at the top of their lungs. Heap stood at the top of the hill with a heavy heart. “I’m never going to get someone to listen to me. They obviously think I’m some sort of freak.” He began to fold up the parachute and hide it in the tree close to where he landed. He then ran towards the woods so he wouldn’t be spotted. Heap knew that the only way he could convince Bart to believe him would be to corner him one on one and force him to listen. Then Bart would understand what was going on and he would help Heap with the problem that both of them faced. Heap slid through the bushes and trees with stealth hoping that no one would spot him. He knew if he was ever spotted that would not be good for him or for his family, and he was on a very important mission. As Heap continued to sneak around he became distracted with his surroundings. “Wow so this is what it’s like down here. It looks so much different from up above. Concentrate Heap, you are here for a reason. Don’t let this…….WOW A FLOWER.” Heap shook off the sensation and continued to push through the trees. His determination had him firing on all cylinders, and his mind was racing. He knew exactly where he was headed, the Finnegan house. End Part 3 Part 4 Bart’s legs were carrying him faster than he had ever imagined. “What could that have been?” Bart thought to himself. It was unlike anything he had ever seen. He knew it wasn’t his imagination because Marilyn was just as freaked out as he was. He had lost her somewhere along the path, but he wasn’t too worried about it. “She knows this place a lot better than I do, and I better get home before my parents wake up. They scare me more than whatever this creature could possibly be.” Bart slipped through the front door of the house. He inched quietly step by step, but the floor boards of which had been feasted on by termites for quite some time were singing at full volume. With every step a CREAK or MOAN would occur. Bart was sweating profusely and his heart was racing. “Please let me get back into the room unnoticed,” Bart begged. As he twisted the handle of the door to the bedroom, he heard a loud YAWN. “Eugene, I slept horribly last night, I’m going to get up and make some coffee,” Said Beatriz with a very annoyed tone. Bart looked around quickly. “What am I going to do!?” He thought to himself. All of a sudden, he noticed a couch across the room. He darted for the safe haven and leaped. As he landed the door handle twisted and began to open. Bart shut his eyes and pretended to sleep. Beatriz walked out of the room and approached her son. “What do you think you are doing sleeping on the couch?? We told you to sleep on the floor and that is where you will sleep. Do you believe you are some sort of king with special privileges? Your two brother’s work hard for what they have achieved, and what have you done? For the rest of the vacation you will sleep on the back porch. Consider it extra shower time if it rains. “Mom please wait there’s something-“Bart began to say until he was cut off. “I don’t want to hear your pathetic excuses Bart. Do something with your life, anything at all, and then I will appreciate you. Your brother’s-“Beatriz started until this time she was cut off. “I DON’T CARE ABOUT MY STUPID BROTHERS OK. DO I LOOK LIKE MY BROTHERS? I KNOW YOU ALL HAVE PERFECT LIVES, BUT THIS IS MINE. I WILL DO SOMETHING GREAT ONE DAY, AND IT WILL SHUT ALL OF YOU UP. YOU ARE GONNA BE SO PROUD THAT IT’S GOING TO MAKE YOU FEEL TERRIBLE FOR THE WAY YOU TREAT ME!” Bart screamed with tears in his eyes. He stormed outside and didn’t turn around. “What was that all about?” Eugene asked as he walked out of the room. Beatriz replied in a monotone voice, “Our son has some issues he needs to work out, that is all.” Bart began to run and increased his speed. He didn’t know exactly where he was running to, but all he knew was the farther away he was from that house the better. As he ran he recognized the path he fell asleep on earlier. He darted towards it, it being the only familiar thing around him. Once again he saw the place he rested at earlier. He had been up all night, and decided to take a nap. With Bart being distracted by the fight with his mother he completely forgot about the creature that he encountered earlier. He lied down and his eyes became heavy. Slowly he drifted off and escaped from his depressing reality. -Meanwhile on Cumulus- “Honey, have you seen Heap anywhere? He was right here earlier when I stopped by to pick up the UVR’s.” asked Rain. “No sweetie, I haven’t seen him!” Shouted Alto from the bedroom. “Alto there’s a note here. It says he’s gone to Gertrude’s. All this time I’ve been telling him to go get to know her, and he finally listens.” Rain yelled back to Alto. “Well Rain I always told you, he is his father’s son.” Laughed Alto. “Don’t get too excited, you weren’t so smooth. Remember when I used to date Cirrius. Oh Cirrius, the one that got away!” Rain said jokingly. “That’s funny, but I do recall you asking me out on a date when we first met. I believe it was my outstanding charm, or perhaps my freakishly huge muscles.” Alto replied. “Ha-ha you are such a joker sweetie. I love it when you try.” Rain replied with a smile. Currently on Nimbus The head of Nimbus was an evil Nimbi who had come to power by force. The people of Nimbus were once good and provided for all, but after Nimbutte took over (pronounced Nim-boot-ay by Nimbutte, but commonly mistaken as Nim-butt by others) Nimbus turned into a dark and evil city. The people of Nimbus’ hearts became dark and their motives sour. Nimbutte manipulated the city into believing that the people of the ground were evil and they used the clouds in the sky as a scapegoat resource until they were all sucked out of energy. Nimbutte’s real purpose was to wipe out the entire Earth, and anger pushed him to take over everything. Nimbutte tried to manipulate Cumulus as well, but had no such luck. The people of Cumulus were not easily corrupted, and would not falter. Nimbutte swore from that day he would wipe out the people of the Earth and anyone who assisted them including their own kind. Nimbutte harnessed the energy that was given to him for destruction purposes. He constantly shot down lightning causing injuries and power outages. He rang his cries of thunder throughout the sky. He manipulated the UV rays and they shone down on the Earth causing skin damage and excessive heat. He used the ocean to release thousands of feet of rain onto the surface of the Earth causing massive amounts of flooding. Nimbutte had become so powerful, that most had started to give up hope. The morale on Cumulus was starting to slow down, and people were looking for ways to escape. Floodfarm was going to be in for a bad storm. One of the worst storms that had ever occurred in the history of mankind, that is, if Nimbutte has his way be done. “Why haven’t my men been assembled?!? Where are they? BoomBoom I told you that I wanted every single soldier standing at attention in front of me immediately!!” Shouted Nimbutte. “But Nim-butt-“ BoomBoom began to whimper. “QUIET! YOU KNOW MY NAME IS PROUNOUNCED NIM-BOO-TAY. IF YOU EVER SAY THAT AGAIN I WILL USE YOU AS A LIGHTNING ROD!! Now, as I politely asked before, WHERE ARE MY SOLDIERS!?!?” Nimbutte shouted at the top of his lungs. “They are being assembled as you speak. They were doing some scouting from down below. Apparently a Cumu spy has been spotted on Earth. He must be working with them to initiate some sort of escape plan. Why don’t we attack now? If we wait they might escape.” “NO! I will not change my plan. It takes time. We need to save as much energy as we can so when the time is right, we will release more lightning and rain than the world has ever seen, and all on one small city. After that is done, WE WILL CONQUER THE UNIVERSE!” Shouted Nimbutte. “You mean the world boss? I don’t think clouds can float up that high do you think we could even breat-“BoomBoom began, but was quickly cut off. “SHUT UP YOU FOOL. You know what I meant, the World. Once we eliminate Floodfarm, we can destroy every person on the planet.” Laughed Nimbutte. “I like your style boss. Once it has all been done we can sit on the throne and command the sky and the land.” “Of course, but in the meantime I need to do something about this Cumu spy. How dare Alto try to send a minion down to destroy what I have worked so hard to achieve. I WILL NOT ALLOW IT!!!! Bring ZipZap to me. There is something I need him to do. QUICKLY!” Ordered Nimbutte. “Yes Boss, He will be here right away. Your soldiers have been assembled on strategy cloud. We will be waiting for you.” BoomBoom says to Nimbutte, and then quickly exits the room. Nimbutte speaks out loud to himself after BoomBoom exits. “Henry Sky should never have left me. He betrayed me and for that, I will wipe his species from the face of the planet. I will never forgive him.” Back on Earth “Bart, Wake up” |