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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/741873-This-ones-about-the-appropriate-inappropriateness
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1762035
A little bit of everything, colored my own way.
#741873 added December 15, 2011 at 9:41pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about the appropriate inappropriateness.
Well hello friends...So, you've heard me say once or twice around these parts that at work we're like a family. If I may, ahem, expand on that description a little, we're, ummm, that family.

If you're easily offended by sexual descriptions, vagina jokes, and general weirdness, please kindly hit the "X" in the top right corner of your screen and carry on with the rest of your evening....NOW. Thank you and have a nice night.

See, there's a few of us around the building who are comfortable enough around each other that can make obscene jokes with no fear of offending the other party. A typical day's events can trigger at least a few moments of hysterical laughter. Even the mere verbalizing of putting anything in a box can lead to snickers and hysterics.

I'm totally ok with this. And I'm ok with the people that aren't. I'm pretty good like that...knowing who I can joke with and what I can get away with. In retail, when you see your coworkers as often (if not more) than your own family, you need to be able to find the humor in your job. Our way of finding it? Basically by becoming walking, talking versions of harrassment training modules.

Case in point: after lunch, my manager, the manager below her, a regular employee and myself are sitting in the office. The employee and the manager below the store manager are talking about running, and pain, and taking a shot to the knee for the pain. The dialogue went something like this:

Employee: "You ever get that shot in your knee?"
EXA: "Yeah! It hurts like fuck!!"
Manager: "That's not supposed to hurt."
Me: "Yeah, maybe you're doing it wrong?"

I didn't think it was that funny, until my boss started laughing. And when I noticed her laughing, I started laughing. That made her laugh even harder, which sent me into a fit of laughter. That caught the attention of the other two, who were still into their conversation and couldn't figure out what was so damn funny. And neither my boss nor myself was in any shape to even speak, let alone tell them. I was laughing so hard, I had to take my glasses off because I was getting tears on them. It took a good five minutes to regain enough composure...and sure enough, I forget what was even said, but the one manager said something and I nearly choked on my coffee from trying to stop it from coming out of my nose.

I may bitch about my job from time to time, but it's moments like that with people you enjoy that make punching in every day all that much better.


Well, may as well keep up all of the inappropriateness. I was gonna save this song for the week of Christmas, but is there no better entry available in the entire world that I can safely attach this song to. And it's not really a Christmas song, but then again, when a song has "happy" and "holidays" in the title, how can it not be a Christmas song? And if you've made it this far, you have no right to bitch about how disgusting you think it is. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1fECcM0cS4


*Burstb* So I'm kinda not hungry for any kinda dinner now that justjessica1 is into round 2 of cookie making, and I'm ok with that. Why, might you ask? She made these amazing cookies from a recipe she found...Potato Chip Cookies!! *Smile* Cuz I had four and I'm full and don't have the energy for a *Bigsmile*. They've gotta be decent for you, right? I mean, potato chips are made of potatoes, and that's a vegetable. And the pound of butter is made from milk, and that comes from cows, so that's healthy, right? Oh, and by the way, these cookies are nicknamed "Did you hear that? That's the sound of my arteries clogging." But they're sooooooooo goooooooood...they taste like Pecan Sandies almost. Stop me before I run upstairs and get more...

*Burstb* Honestly, outside of all of the playful offensiveness, it's been a boring day. See how some foul humor breaks up a boring life? *Laugh*

Ok, I'm gonna go...my stomach's still acting up (thank you, Potato Chip Cookies and Taco Bell), and I have to be up at the butt-ass crack of dawn for work tomorrow, so I need to make this an early night. But I'm gonna take the low road and slide in one last utterly offensive smack while I can....GOODNIGHT NOW!!


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