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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/740190-The-BMFIC
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#740190 added November 23, 2011 at 3:35pm
Restrictions: None

Where was I yesterday….On a rant or what? I am amazed by the response these blogs get… mostly ambivalence but everybody seems to respond differently. I affect people. Some laugh, some cry and some would like to see me returned to the dust from whence I came. But I’ll get the last laugh. Someday somebody will read these blogs and realize that everyone in these times wasn’t some pie eyed liberal who believed the problem with our Republic was the slow cyclic rate of the OMB printing press. Oh yeah… The March of the Ten Thousand.

Well it’s time to tell my astute readers something they already guessed. At the cocktail party the Sultan murdered and/or put in chains all the dumb-assed Greek Generals. He incorrectly assumed that by doing this the Greeks would no longer be able to function. The reason he believed this was because that is what would have happened in a Middle Eastern army. These Middle Easterners believed then and still do that a society is a hive and if you kill the queen bee everything else comes to a screeching halt. What they never understood was that their Greek enemy, a short 500 years earlier, had led humanity down out of the trees.

Now pay attention, ( I know, I know) everybody didn’t come down to earth and run with this notion like a bunch of lemmings…There are still plenty back in the trees swinging clueless from branch to branch. What happened was that a few came down out of the trees. The revolution was in the way some people came to think about things, but most folks then and to this day are still old school thinkers. What it boils down to is how you define “Good.” To the Middle Easterner, “Good” is whatever the Sultan (Mullah, Iotola) says it is. He had the power then and now and what he said was how good was defined. This is how they think. Just because the jungle dried up don’t believe for a minute that these clowns are operating with any other than a prehistoric mind set.

What the Sultan couldn’t grasp was that the Greeks had transitioned from hive thinking to a distributed data base. Greek Society was no longer a main frame but a sea of laptops. Once word got back to the Greek camp that all their generals had been put to the sword, guess what happened? Did they all fall to the fetal position and go into a catatonic stupor of terror, frenzy and anxiety? Did they gnash their teeth and cry out “Woe is Me? NO! Of course they didn’t… The held an election and appointed new Generals. It was about as non a problem as it gets….that didn’t cause much more than the ripple of a second thought. Then they went back to business as usual and the military machine didn’t slow down by a hick-up… BECAUSE the Greek mind no longer thought like a Persian mind…The Greek mind defied GOOD using reason, (The Scientific Method) while the rest of the world continued to blithely use the outdated, historical model that held that all wisdom resided in the pee brain of whatever Grand Wizard had the biggest biceps.

The Greeks decided to go home and they did. Their epic journey back to Greece is known as the March of the Ten Thousand and despite that fact that everything the Sultan tried to do to stop them, it was all for naught. If you don’t believe me read about it and while you do pay particular attention to the speeches given prior to the many battles they fought. If you don’t see the problem solving model being used in selling “Good” then you aren’t paying attention. (Good is a powerful motivator when your ass hangs in the consequence) Except for some extremely modest combat attrition almost every soldier returned home…And let me remind everyone that it’s a long hike from Bagdad to Athens pursued by a numerically superior and supported enemy.

Now before you brand me some sort of pot smoking, bleary eyed idealist, be advised that I am well aware that everybody didn’t come down out of the trees. Even where the science of collective thinking and the networking of minds didn’t quite catch on in a homogenous way…with everybody in a given Western Society, enough did to take us to a whole new level. In almost every contest since, where the West has been pitted militarily with the East smaller well trained armies have triumphed. It continued with Alexander the Great down through the Crusades and into the present. They still don’t get it. We can send them to our Universities and they can get degrees in medicine, engineering and Nuclear Bomb making but they still don’t buy into the fact that a small group of Westerners came down out of the mountains over five thousand years ago with a fierce and independent spirit and said “Anybody has it in them to be a GENERAL.“ Some might have more than others, but collectively, following the science of an optimizing model, (at least in part) an enlightened society is capable of so much more than a strong man who tries to run everything with his individual lamp.

Tomorrow I’ll talk about Iran and Nuclear Weapons.

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