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This is my character sketch book about Vandy for the Sketchers Guild Challenge. |
Vandy vowed that she would never let herself fall into that trap again. She had only fallen in love once. What was she thinking? A handsome man named Lucien Voltross came along who dealed in antiques. He came to Vandy's store and offered Vandy some 1800's antiques and she was interested. Lucien knew how to get more 1800's antiques and asked if she was interested. She was. He spent a lot of time at her store and had a suite in town. They would be at her store late and they would take walks along the ocean and in the woods. This wasn't normal. Humans didn't go in the woods after dark. They watched movies at her house like: "Breakfast At Tiffany's", "Titanic" and "Twilight" Movies. Vandy felt a connection to "Twilight" since they were vampires and she even admired the werewolves in these films. Lucien asked her if she believed in vampires. She laughed. She was careful to hide her fangs. Vandy answered that maybe vampires weren't all bad. Just look at the Cuellen vampires. She loved them. She loved Bella, too. She thought the werewolf Jacob was neat but she wouldn't admit to that one. Maybe they could live peacefully among humans and hold down jobs and just attack victims enough to survive but not do any major harm. Lucien was handsome and he shared the same views about vampires as Vandy did. She felt comfotable talking about vampires with Lucien. She was happy she was one at this moment. Lucien was a "Twilight" fan and she loved that she could talk about the "Twilight" movies and vampires with him. Lucien and Vandy started to fall in love. Lucien gave Vandy space and didn't push their relationship. Vandy consulted her crystal ball and saw that Lucien was a vampire. At first she was angry. The crystal ball told her that Lucien loved her and would do anything for her. He wouldn't hurt her. There was a wolf in her crystal ball and the human who was a werewolf. Diane appeared and Vandy found out she was a witch. Diane was a good witch and would protect her and Lucien. There were two vampires that appeared. Gabriel and Miranda. They were evil. Vandy shuttered. The crystal ball held nothing back. Vandy went to Lucien's suite. Lucien was so glad to see her. He kissed he and embraced her. "We have to talk. There is no easy way to deal with this. I know you are a vampire. I am a vampire as well. I was turned into a vampire by someone I loved and I vowed I would never fall in love again. I love you. You mean the world to me. I have a crystal ball and it told me that you are a vampire and you love me. I trust the crystal ball. Two evil vampires appeared in my crystal. Gabriel and Miranda. Are they after you and me?" Lucien sat on the rose patterned couch in his suite. "I am a vampire. I love you, too. I suspected that you might be supernatural but I am glad you are a vampire. This makes our relationship easier. Gabriel and Miranda are after me. Miranda killed my human sister and turned me. I vowed to avenge my sister's death years ago. She and her mate Gabriel are evil and they are after me. If you don't want to get involved, I understand. I love you dearly and I don't want you to get hurt." "I have fought evil vampires before. I am not afraid. I also saw a wolf in my crystal ball and a human. I know he is a werewolf. My employee Diane is a witch but I didn't know this until tonight when I looked in the crystal. I will fight your enemies with you and I have a witch in my corner and she is my only friend as well. We can defeat them." "I love you, my Vampire Princess." Lucien kissed Vandy and took her to his bed as he gently made love to her. Vandy was so glad she had waited all these years to love again. Lucien was the best lover any woman could ask for. He loved Vandy so much. She was just perfect and they were good together. Vandy stayed at Lucien's and she went home the next morning to get ready for work. She dressed in a purple slack outfit with a lot of make up. Diane walked in wearing hippie clothes like she always did. "You look different. If I didn't know any better, I would say you are in love." "I am. We need to talk. I know you are a witch. Don't look so shocked. Time to come clean. I am a vampire. I know you are a friend and a witch who is in my corner." "No crap." Diane sit down on the blue velvet couch. "I have always known that you were a supernatural creature of some kind but I didn't say anything. Like your diabetic attack that time. I knew it was more then that. I have never met a vampire before and I have dabbled in witch craft for years but never for evil. I do good things. I swear it. You are my friend and you being a vampire, that is cool." "Thank you. I have fallen in love with Lucien. You have met him. He has vampire enemies and a werewolf. I know that you are a good witch. Are you up for a challenge?" "You bet, Mistress. I can put my magic to the test." "Thank you, Diane. Outside of Lucien, you are the only one I love." Vandy hugged Diane. "I love you, too. Mistress Of The Dark." Diane laughed. "What is with this Mistress, crap? I will bite you!" Vandy laughed. It was great to finally come clean with her friend Diane. They had four customers that day. It was getting dark and Lucien showed up. Diane smiled at him. He kissed Vandy and hugged her. "A quiet day?" Lucien asked. "You might say that. Diane knows everything. She is on our side." Vandy smiled. Just then the lights went out and a crash was heard and Diane lit some candles and Gabriel, Miranda and a werewolf appeared. Two 1800's vases were broken but this was the least of Vandy's worries right now. "We have come to kill you and your friends!" Gabriel hissed. "We will start with the woman, Vandy. Watch her die, Lucien!" Miranda hissed. "Bring it on!" Vandy yelled. The werewolf went after Lucien and he tried to fight him off. The werewolf growled and bit Lucien's leg and tried to crush his body. Gabriel and Miranda went after Vandy and knocked her to the floor and tried to bite her. They had pinned down but Vandy was strong enough and fast to keep them from biting her. Diane had some dust and wolf bane she threw on one of the candles.She flung the candle on Gabriel who fell on Miranda as they screamed out in pain and were reduced to ashes. The werewolf started to run out the door but Diane threw the candle at the werewolf and he disappeared into flames. Lucien was dying. Vandy ran to Lucien and hugged him close. "No. You can't leave me. I love you. We just found each other. Please don't leave me. Fight for us and our love." Vandy cried and her heart was broken again. Lucien's throat was bleeding. His voice was raspy. "I love you, Vandy but I guess it is my time. Cherish our memory. You are a survivor. I will always be with you and love you." Vandy cried as she hugged Lucien. "Step aside." She gently pushed Vandy aside. Diane had a bottle of pink liquid. "It isn't over. I am a good witch and great at what I do." Diane poured the pink liquid on Lucien's throat. A candle was burning as she did chanting and flames of all colors appeared and Lucien's throat quit bleeding. He sat up and he was going to live. He hugged Diane and kissed her cheek. He thanked her. "It was nothing. I am glad I have nice vampire friends." Diane smiled. Vandy hugged Diane. "You are the best. You are my best friend." "You are mine. Oh, by the way, there is a side effect to my spell. Your life and Lucien's will change in a nine months." "What? How?" Vandy asked. "The next time two made love, you will get pregnant." Diane giggled. "What are we waiting on?" Lucien grabbed Vandy and started to ravish her as he undressed her. "I will show myself out." Diane shook her head and left. Vandy got pregnant and she and Lucien were married two weeks later. They had twins, a boy and a girl. Diane got married to a human and they had two girls. Vandy and Diane still have the antique shop. They are still best friends. Vandy and Lucien have nice vampire friends. Vandy is happy and she loves humans and life. After a little over 300 years, life is good. Vandy is more happy then she is a vampire. There is life after for supernatural cretaures. Thank goodness. 1,548 Words ** Image ID #1807010 Unavailable ** ** Image ID #1807011 Unavailable ** |