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Rated: 13+ · Book · Fanfiction · #1819562
a short naruto fanfic written after i watched one too many episodes...
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#737301 added October 18, 2011 at 5:03pm
Restrictions: None
a love to remember (part 10)
Why wait when now is the right time? Today will just pass you by…why wait it’s your turn, its your life, the future is what you make….so why wait?

There was no sound but the rhythmic beat of my heart ringing in my ears. It was tournament day…and I was awaiting the name of my opponent. Hopefully I don’t get beat up too badly, I want to support Sasuke during his match too, his fight is right after mine…

“Hey, relax. You’re going to be just fine.” I gripped his hand tightly, maybe even cutting off his blood flow.

My eyes were locked onto the green letters that will soon spell out my future.


Why wait, we’re ready to do this. No way we can ever be stopped...

I took my time as I walked to the arena, gaining confidence with each stride. I’ve worked hard for this. I won’t lose.

I tried my best to gain the upper hand from the moment I stepped into the ring. But it was as if my mind was on in telegram mode. Each of my moves was predetermined.

Turn around. Kick. Charge. Land three punches.

Unfortunately, my opponent has a mind of their own; they did not always stand still.

Damnit, how could I have forgotten about the substitution jutsu? It was ninja 101.

Relax Mia. Try again. It is your move.

Yet again I turned around, trying to kick at my opponent, but failed once more.

Aggravated, I ran up the wall, gathering the chakra in my feet so that I won’t fall.

Maybe I should strike from above? There was no time to scheme…what I wouldn’t have given to use the shadow bind technique right now…

I jumped from the wall, taking my aim, and punched down with both fists. The blow to the head seemed to work, as my opponent staggered about. Now was my chance. I was way too distracted today, maybe it was because of yesterday’s events…

No matter what the reason, even this opponent can end me if I’m not careful…

I charged at him from behind, doing a somersault in midair and landed a strong kick against his jaw.

When I landed though, it was clear that something was amiss. Clouds of purple smoke surrounded me, making it hard to see.

I thought Kiba was the only one who used smoke bombs?

Who is this Taka? He’s not from our villiage… And clearly I underestimated him…

“Come now Mia, I expected a bit more from you…even your parents put up more of a fight!”

His words caught me off guard. “What do you know about my parents?!”

“I’m just saying that it was much harder to kill them than it will be to kill you.” Could it be? Was he part of the Akatsuki?

I felt the air being cut off … he had his arm around my neck, squeezing the life out of me. The bastard! Why does he have to be so fast? And what is he planning?

“Your mom also had such a beautiful neck…and such pure, white skin…Red looks nice against white skin….”

He was a total freak, that was for sure

“ See this kunai?” he waved it in front of my eyes. It had an odd smell and the tip seemed stained. But not with blood. “It’s a special kunai… it has been soaked in a very potent poison, the same I used against your clan. But you ruined that night, you were the girl that got away. I spent years tracking you down Mia. Now, finally, my mission will be complete.”

The lack of oxygen made my body go numb. I couldn’t scream. I could hardly move, but I knew I had to get away. How much time has passed? Why hasn’t the smoke cleared already?!

I felt the kunai pressed against my throat. Instinct stepped in.

I elbowed him in the stomach, causing him to release me. Enough time to run.

Bad move, pulling away caused the kunai to slice through the skin in my neck.


That was the only way to describe the sensation. It was like a whole bunch of flaming tongues licking at my flesh. And the feeling didn’t stop in my neck. I could feel it moving….spreading….

My mind started to slip in and out of consciousness.

I had to blink to get rid of the tears that welled up.

Air. I need air.

Struggling to breathe…




Mom, dad….why aren’t you helping?

What is happening to me?

I staggered around for a while. My head felt completely disconnected from my body. I could still order myself to move, but the actions felt…wrong. As if my body is being stubborn.

“If I were you, I wouldn’t struggle too much. There is no use in trying to fight it. It will only make it spread faster.

So, this was the poison? Apart from the ache in my chest, it wasn’t too bad. I could still fight. I won’t give up here. I grabbed a few kunai of my own, intent on hurting him, and started to charge at him, swinging the weapons blindly. The flames started to spread through my body…traveling to my head, setting off a major headache that caused my vision to blur. This is bad. I hate not being able to see properly.


There was no use in denying it. Even if I want to prove my strength, I can’t go on like this. I need to end this fight. If I can win, they’ll stop the match and I can get medical attention.

There was one move I could try. I could use Sasuke’s move… Ultra fire Bullet, it ought to at least knock him out.

Just as I gathered chakra, I was overcome with nausea. My throat felt raw and, without much warning, I felt something pushing up from my stomach to my gullet.

(Sasuke P.O.V)

What is happening to Mia? She looks sick. Was there some king of strange gas in the smoke? I couldn’t see what happened in there. She doesn’t seem to be wounded, apart from the small cut in her neck.

Wait, what’s going on? She has fallen down on her knees. She seems to be grabbing her stomach…Something is terribly wrong.

(Mia P.O.V)

Before I could swallow, the upchuck reflex kicked in. I wasn’t looking forward to losing my breakfast, but I didn’t have a choice. I just let the feeling come. The sooner this happens, the sooner I can get over it.

But it wasn’t my breakfast I lost. The taste was metallic, salty and it was incredibly warm.


Lots of blood.

There was a huge puddle of crimson at my feet, and the red still trickled from the side of my mouth, staining my shirt. Just seeing it made me sick again. And what did my opponent do? He laughed. A deep, rumbling laugh. Fine. Two can play at this game. If he took pleasure in my pain, I can do the same.

I took a deep gulp of air, ignoring the burning sensation it caused in my throat and chest, and slid past my opponent, kicking him from beneath. Obviously, this was a surprise. He didn’t have time to counter my strike, so he was sent straight up in the air. I gathered the last of my strength and chakra, using it as a springboard, like I did in that training match against Sasuke. This was it. If I was about to die, at least they wont remember me as weak. At least I put up a fight ‘til the very end. I gathered the chakra in my chest, waited for my opponent to hit the floor, and blew. I wanted him to experience the same fire I did. The attack went quick and I landed clumsily on my feet.

“And the winner is, Mia!” I could hear cheers…I tried to smile, but failed.

My legs couldn’t hold my weight anymore, they gave in under me, and I fell down.

So this is what it feels like to die? I thought it would be more peaceful, but I can only hear people screaming. Cheering? And then I can feel hands, touching me. I suppose it’s the medical crew. They are too late. I know it. I can feel it. It was my last fight.

“Mia, oh no Mia. Are you okay, can you hear me?”


“Sasuke…I’m dying.” Great, my last moments on earth and I couldn’t do much more than state the obvious. How pathetic.

“No you’re not. Sakura and the rest of the team are all here. Even Tsunade. They will fix you up. I know they will.”

“I must look so horrible right now…” I know it sounded strange to make small talk like this, but with him here, I felt better. I felt safe. I couldn’t see his face properly, but his eyes seemed to glisten

Another wave of pain pulled me back to the present. No matter how badly I wanted to believe him, I knew I was a goner. And before I go there is something he had to know.

As if fate conspired against me, more aches and cramps followed. The poison was working fast now. There wasn’t much time left.

All I want to tell him was that I love him and that I’m not afraid of dying. He shouldn’t worry about me.

I opened my mouth to speak…but no words wanted to come out.


(Sasuke P.O.V)

I shouldn’t let her see me cry. I need to stay strong, for her sake. Against all odds, I want to be able to tell her that she will live. How can this happen? She can’t leave me… not yet. It is just too unfair.

It is hard to see her like this, so broken… her eyes are still as piercing as they always were, but right now they were different somehow….wild. She gently tugged at my shirt. Was she trying to say something?

“Yes Mia, speak to me…”

“I…Sasuke…I…” her voice was hoarse, it almost didn’t sound like her. I gently nudged her to go on. Whatever she wanted to say must be important, or very urgent.

She never got to what she wanted to say. A piercing scream broke through her lips, her whole body went into a spasm…. I wanted to hold her close, to stop this from happening…

I loved her. Yes, I, Sasuke Uchiha actually cared about someone other than myself. She will always be the greatest love of all. She took my weakness and she made me strong. Her memory will stay forevermore.

I pressed her now limp body to my chest.

She is the one who gave me a reason to be and al she had to offer was a lifetime of love…

And now, just like those final, heart wrenching screams, her life is over.

With her, I was happy. She held the secret to a smile: a guarantee of her loving me.

This is the last time I will hold her near.

Oh, sweet ruptured life…it ends here today.

© Copyright 2011 Aralynne (UN: aralynne at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Aralynne has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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