Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/737300-a-love-to-remember-part-9
Rated: 13+ · Book · Fanfiction · #1819562
a short naruto fanfic written after i watched one too many episodes...
#737300 added October 18, 2011 at 5:01pm
Restrictions: None
a love to remember (part 9)
Sasuke P.OV)

What is up with Mia? The tournament starts tomorrow, but she hasn’t put any effort behind her attacks today. It is as if she just doesn’t care anymore. And tonight is the dance….I want her to come as my date. I want to show her off to the world and dance the night away.

I have wasted so much time these past few years, and I don’t intend on wasting any more. Finally, we can be together.

If that is what she wants…

Without even trying, I stopped her punch, and held her fist in my own.

“Come on Mia, how can you expect to win if you don’t try? Do you want to stop?”

She didn’t answer. Come to think of it, she has been quiet all morning. She has been ignoring any comment I made, and just kept on punching. Maybe I should change the subject.

“So, last night was….different.” I said with a smile. It seemed to grab her attention for a while. Our thoughts must have been at the same place….dwelling on the sensations, the emotions, all the things we experienced last night.

After a moment of silence, she just kept on punching. She seemed angry, there was a bit more force behind her punches than before.

“Come on, am I THAT terrible at kissing?” I joked. She didn’t take notice. I had to put a stop at this silly game, so I grabbed both her wrists and held them tight.

“Mia, stop this childishness, we have to talk. What has upset you so?”

“Let me go….” These were the first words I heard from her today. Even if her voice trembled, signaling danger, it was still beautiful. How did I never notice it before? Was I so locked up in my own mind, reliving that day?

“No. I won’t let go until you tell me what is bothering you.” I hesitated, but asked anyway. “Is it, something to do with last night?” her gaze faltered for a moment, and she looked back up at me. So it was the kiss…. Maybe I was too forceful, maybe she doesn’t want me. Even if I didn’t want to hear it, I know I had to.

“So…I guess the dance is out of the question huh?” I tried to make it sound like a joke, but I know I failed miserably. This isn’t what I wanted. Those moments of happiness I experienced last night...they didn’t mean anything to her.

“Do you still, care about me?”

Her eyes closed, she took a deep breath and then spoke a single word that tore at the hole in my chest.


“I don’t believe you Mia.” I was being as stubborn as she was.

“Do you want me to repeat it? I don’t love you Uchiha, if anything, I hate you.” She spoke daggers, and every word stabbed.

It was then that I noticed something. Tears were forming in her eyes, as if the idea of losing me, or hating me, hurt.

She wanted to cry at the thought of losing me…

The idea was unlikely, but not extremely impossible.

I let go of her hands, and watched her storm off.

I wasn’t going to stop here. I will give her some time to cool off… and then move in for the kill. I know she loves me, she just doesn’t know it yet.

I’ll show her that we are meant to be together….


(Mia P.O.V)

Even though you are near me, I need you far away, to be an ocean, to build another way… I’ll be broken and I know it, but this is what is best for me. Though you want to, though you try to, you can’t stop the rain…

For the first time, it’s not you who can heal me.

I had to get away. Seeing the hurt in his eyes…it was just too much. I could take t no longer.

‘I hate you’, I guess that was the biggest lie I have ever told in my life. Those words are anything but true. But I need to get away from him. I don’t want to get hurt…I don’t want to….

I need some distance to find another road. It’s not so easy, it’s a heavy load. I’ll be broken and I’ll show it, but I have to find a way to live without you.

A loud bang grabbed my attention, my door flung open and a figure rushed inside, knocking into me full force, pinning me against the wall with its body. Words can’t describe the fear that overwhelmed me that moment…that is, until my attacker did something unexpected…

Warm lips enclosed mine; kissing me hungrily, passionately… it felt, familiar but also strange at the same time. It wasn’t the same as last night. It was more…rushed. The rush of feelings, swift and following as water were enjoyable to say the least.

As if hypnotized, I allowed it…letting his fingers trace my spine, and run through my hair….

“So, do you still hate me?…” were the next words I heard.

So it wasn’t my imagination…it was Sasuke…

I didn’t reply. I tried to break his hold instead…ktsa, he caught me off guard! How will I keep up my charade if I allow him to continue?

“Relax Mia…you need this. You need to allow yourself to experience all these emotions…you need to know if you love me…”

What endless longings echoed in this whisper? Does he actually care about me?

No, I can’t be fooled. Think back Mia, think of the times he has hurt you before.

Now he was kissing down my neck…leaving goosebumps behind.

“Too long you’ve wandered in winter, far from my far-reaching gaze…”

Why was my mind so against this?

“I still hate you Sasuke…now, let me go.” Disappointed, he stopped. He took a few steps back, and let out a deep sigh, waiting for me to continue.

I suppose I owed him an explanation…

“I hate everything you have done for me. Every time I allow myself to care, I end up getting hurt. Remember when we were little? I was still supposed to be in mourning after the death of my own parents, but I stood by you instead. And what did you do?” I didn’t stop. All my emotions and fears just came bubbling out.

“I gave you my support, made your dreams take wing….I allowed you to train with me and beat me to a pulp so you could become stronger to defeat your brother. And then, how did you repay me? You denied me and betrayed me… For these past few years, you have ignored me. How will I know that this time you have changed? As much as I want to be with you, I can’t. I can’t allow you to hurt me once more.”


I noticed the warm tears that were running down my face, and turned around. I didn’t want him to see me cry.

“All you ever care about is revenge. I will never be a part of your life. So it’s better to just….leave things like this, or go back to the way we used to be.”

I felt a warm hand on my shoulder…comforting me.

“Revenge isn’t everything Mia, not since we’ve become friends again. You are the true reason for me living. There is much to be afraid of in this world…but loving someone who cares about you isn’t one of them…and you mean more to me than you think”

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