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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/735414-This-ones-about-access
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1762035
A little bit of everything, colored my own way.
#735414 added September 30, 2011 at 10:51pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about access.
THE PROMPT: "VIP Pass or Hall Pass? Write whatever comes into your mind."

Hold on a second while I cue this up, and there's your mood music so you can get a feel for which way I'm headin'.


What? Huh? Ok. If you're a little confused about this prompt, well, so am I (and are you really that surprised by now? *Smirk*). So I'm gonna speak to it as it is. Nothing more and nothing less.

VIP all the way, baby! It's plain and simple...why settle? Why not have preferrential treatment over a standard experience? You know it's a big deal to ride in a limo, so why not ride in one every day on the way to work? Why sweat with the rest of the crowd when you can watch your favorite musicians from the other side of the velvet rope? Who doesn't think they're a bigger fan of <you name your fun here> than anyone else and deserves the next opportunity at its next big thing before the masses? Damn right!

And before you haters wanna get your Debbie Downer on and try to tell me "Well, won't you get sick of it?", let me respond with a big HELL NO! It's not my favorite food we're talking about. The extra-special things are never mundane. The perks in life are always perks, and so what if you always get to enjoy them? Your experience is enhanced at a rate far beyond the regular experience. Who wouldn't want that? *Delight*

Compare that to the virtues of a hall pass, if you must, and I will just for the sake of discussion. Considering you're basically still in school to obtain a hall pass, I'll, ahem, pass. Do you really still want to be able to claim that distinction and glory today? No, I think I speak for most when I say so. And by school, I mean high school...not college, where by enrollment you're essentially given a hall pass on day one. Getting a hall pass to use the hallways when you're not supposed to be in them is pretty lame. You're basically on your way to another destination (bathroom, principal's office, nurse's office, or some other unenjoyable location) and it's a less-crowded journey; 99.5% of everyone else in the building is stuck behind a desk, and the rest of the people in the halls are there only to make sure you have a pass. What in the hell kinda fun is that? Shit, it was more fun trying to roam the halls without a hall pass and not get caught, just for the mini thrill factor. And when you could pull that off, you pretty much felt like a VIP.

There you have it. Day 30's entry. September is signed, sealed and soon to be delivered. VIP!


This entry is a bit of a celebration of sorts...celebrating the end of September's "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS. Congrats to all of those who finished, and most importantly, thanks to all of you who've had to put up with me and my bullshit for an entire month *Bigsmile*! If not for the support of the people who read us, what do we have? I'm very appreciative of all the encouragement I've received along the way this past month. Thank you...it means so much. *Blush*

Get your mellow groove on while we celebrate the end of this month's competition...good luck Bloggists! It was a race run well... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9myoXFk-O4U


*Bullet* My main goal of this was to achieve what it known to some in WDC as a "Blue Month". That's a month when all the days in your Blog Calendar are highlighted in blue. I haven't had a Blue Month in a few years, and it looks like I won't again, even though I'll have completed all thirty-day's worth of entries. Some slipped in just past midnight on WDC's servers, and then there's the whole "Day 28 issue"...I'm still a little bitter about that, but I'm not gonna ruin the party.

*Bullet* VIP Posse...let's kick it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rog8ou-ZepE&ob=av2e

*Bullet* Mad overtime this week at work, kids. In the era of tied-down budgets, that means about 3-4 hours. All approved also. I'mma take it and not look back...not my problem when people don't show up and we have nobody else to replace them with.

*Bullet* A great 30 days...again, congrats to challengers in "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS that made it to the end, and to all the followers who inspire us. Bless the judges, who have a lot of decisions to make by undertaking their role, not to mention a lot of reading to do. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKax7euEM5Q

That's it for this month, y'all. You've been a wonderful audience. Thanks for putting up with me. I'mma go play some Rockband in an empty house now and slowly wonder if I'll write tomorrow. We'll see. Thanks again, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!


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